Works (Ebbo) with Eggun

ebbo with eggun

Carrying out works with the Eggun to obtain their help in the face of setbacks in the earthly world is a highly efficient alternative as spiritual help, the results of which are usually quite beneficial in the lives of believers in the cult of Osha and Ifa, since, one of the The most important bases of this religious culture is the worship of the ancestors.

Why do works (Ebbo) or rituals with Eggun?

In the Yoruba religion, as well as in the Osha rule (known as santeria) and the Ifa rule, the deceased have a fundamental role, in fact, they are worshiped before the deities. This is because the spirits belonging to the ancestors are considered sacred, their spirituality continues to be honored even after their death and therefore, they end up becoming intermediaries between the living and the Orishas, ​​inhabiting in some way the earthly plane and the spiritual plane.

This ability to communicate with large-scale entities, accompanied by the strength conferred by the adoration of their followers, turns the Eggun into spirits capable of benefiting certain matters of their devotees, their intervention becoming very effective.

What is asked of Eggun (dead) through their works or rituals?

Requests of any nature are practically made to the Egguns, since no specific authority is attributed to them; however, this does not mean that their decision-making capacity is minimal. Rather, their capacity for action is quite broad and in the company of rituals, works and the sacrifice of the appropriate elements, they can resolve the conflicts that afflict the believer without any distinction.

You can read: What are eggun?

Play with Eggun for the money

work with eggun

This work is very timely when we are going through financial problems and we need to quickly bring money into our lives.

Necessary elements:

  • Beef.
  • A corn flour tamale.
  • Ebo paper or kraft paper.
  • Fish and smoked jutia.
  • Toasted corn.
  • Sweet bread.
  • Candies.
  • 2 small clay jars.
  • 9 kinds of alcoholic beverages.
  • Fresh water.

Execution of the ritual:

The interested party is taken to the mountain and a hole is opened. A cartridge is prepared with: fish and smoked jutia, roasted corn, candies and sweet bread. The person is cleaned with a piece of beef, with the flour bun and with the cartridge. Using the pagugu (stick of the dead) the Eggun are called, performing the usual songs and prayers. The meat, the bun and the cartridge are introduced into the hole, saying the following affirmation: «With the blessing of Olofin, Olorun, Olodumare, with the blessing of all the spiritualities that live on earth, just as I feed you , so this Eggun that disturbs me and slows me down will be planted here forever. Ashe to Iban Eshu." The hole is covered and the two candles are lit on top and the jar with all the drinks is placed. Then, he leaves the place holding the other jar full of water in his hand and as he walks away, he sprinkles a little water without looking back. Leaving the mount, he also leaves the empty jar there.

Works with Eggun for health

This work at the foot of Eggun is recommended for cases in which the person with health problems is in bed, and it is desired to request the intervention of the deceased to achieve healing.

Necessary elements:

  • A black chicken.
  • Ebo paper or kraft paper.
  • Fish and smoked jutia.
  • Corojo butter.
  • Cocoa butter
  • Husk
  • 9 cotton bolls.
  • 4 candles (candles) white.
  • Schnapps.
  • 9 mallets of grass: scare dead.
  • Flowers.
  • A basket or basket.

Execution of the ritual:

On the bed where the sick person is lying, sarayeyeo (cleaning) is performed with the chicken throughout the body, especially in the affected area. Next, under the sheets, the chicken is left to flutter. Meanwhile, a cartridge is prepared with the ebo paper, filled with the corn bun, smoked fish and hutia, corojo oil, cocoa butter, husk and the 9 cotton hoods. With this bag the sick person is also cleaned, and it is placed next to Eggun's tile. 4 candles are lit and Eggun is sung a gold by feeding him the black chicken. Then, the sick person's clothes and sheets are changed for white clothes and with the clothes he was wearing, the chicken is wrapped and placed in the basket, the cartridge is placed on top, the ends of the candles consumed and wrapped by complete with the sheet that was just removed. The ebo is removed from the room and the entire place and the patient are cleaned with the mallets of bitter broom. The ebo is taken to a well and given a path. On the way back, Eggun is served on the tile with flowers and liquor.

Ritual with Eggun for love

Ritual with Eggun for love

This work with Eggun for love consists of making a bath to activate the energies of attraction, passion and charm, sweetening the paths to captivate the loved one.

Necessary elements:

  • New clay pot.
  • Bay leaves.
  • Calm balm.
  • Cocoa butter
  • Honey from bees.
  • Violet water.
  • Water of roses.
  • Orange blossom water.
  • divine water.
  • Fresh water.

Execution of the ritual:

Take the clay pot and fill it with fresh water, then add enough bay leaves to it, and leave it resting until the next day next to the Eggun foundation you have. After that time, the two candles are lit calling the Eggun to give their blessing to the bath that is being prepared and to imbue our body with the necessary energy to attract the loved one. Add the calm balm, enough honey, grated cocoa butter, 9 drops of violet water, 9 drops of orange blossom water, and 9 drops of divine water. Then the following statement is made: «with the permission of Olofin, Olorun, Oloddumare and my ancestors, in their name I have to overcome the restless movements that produce instability and setbacks between (say the name of the loved one and his/her name) attracting sweetness, love, charm, desire and passion to our relationship thanks to the intervention of all of you. Ashe to Iban Eshu." A daily bath will be performed for 9 days, repeating the same statement.

Ebbo with Eggun to defeat enemies

This work at the foot of the Eggun to triumph over enemies is quite effective, especially when we want to turn around the traps and all the damage that our enemies have not caused until we manage to put the circumstances in our favor and triumph over adversity.

Necessary elements:

  • A glass cup.
  • Cow milk.
  • A black prince.
  • A white plate.
  • 2 candles (candles) white.
  • A green and white cloth.
  • Ebo paper or kraft paper.
  • Graphite pencil.

Execution of the ritual:

The glass full of milk is taken with the right hand and the black prince in the left hand, invoking the help of the Eggun for the destruction of the enemies. The black prince is put upside down inside the glass of milk, the name of the enemies written down on ebo paper is introduced, the plate is placed on the glass and it is turned very carefully so as not to spill. The two candles are lit and the glass is covered with the green and white cloth. It is left there for 9 days and then it is sent to the cemetery.

Work with Eggun to win the war

This work at the foot of the Eggun is very effective when we want to end once and for all the war we have with our opponents.

Necessary elements:

  • White rice.
  • Black beans.
  • Ebo paper or kraft paper.
  • Graphite pencil.
  • Birdseed.
  • 2 candles (candles) white.
  • Guinea peppers.

Execution of the ritual:

White rice and black beans are cooked. 4 cartridges are prepared that are filled with rice, beans, canary seed, pepper and the name of the enemies noted on the paper. She appears in front of the Egun lighting two candles. He is told what he wants to achieve with that work saying: "Just as the content of this ebo decomposes with each passing day, so the affairs of my enemies must decompose day by day, due to their wickedness and bad intention. towards me Ashe to Iban Eshu." He is left in front of Eggun until he decomposes and when he is rotten he is taken to the graveyard and buried.

Work (Ebbo) for dominion and mooring with the Eggun

Work (Ebbo) for dominion and mooring with the Eggun

This work of binding and domination with Eggun is particularly aimed at women who want to dominate their loved one.

Necessary elements:

  • 1 head of dried eel.
  • Chamomile seeds.
  • Orange blossom leaves.
  • 3 drops of menstruation.
  • Ebo paper or kraft paper.
  • Graphite pencil.
  • Schnapps.

Execution of the ritual:

The name of the loved one is written on the ebo paper and burned, reserving the ashes. Eel head, chamomile seeds and dried orange blossom leaves are reduced to powder. All the resulting powder is mixed with the ashes and placed on a white plate, the 3 drops of blood are added and it is dried in the sun. Once dry, the powder is refined much more and is presented in front of the Eggun lighting the two candles and telling them that the prepared powder is to sweeten and tame the loved one. Once the candles are consumed, enough liquor is blown on the Eggun, the dust is removed and with it you touch the person you want to sweeten, you can also blow it on the places where you sit, sleep and on your clothing.

Eggun bath for money

Eggun bath for money

This bath at the foot of the Eggun is intended to attract abundance and prosperity to the officiant's life, especially in situations where the roads are blocked and development is very slow.

Necessary elements:

  • Cotton sheets.
  • White flowers.
  • White basil.
  • Prodigious.
  • Cinnamon powder.
  • 2 candles (candles) white.
  • Fresh water.

Execution of the ritual:

In a large saucepan with water, rip the cotton leaves, basil, prodigious and the flowers, until all the juice is obtained. Cinnamon powder is added and it is presented in front of Eggun's foundation, lighting the two candles and telling him that this work is done to attract prosperity and money with his blessing. Once the candles are consumed, it is reserved in a glass bottle and used to give a bath for 4 days in a row.

Ebbo with Eggun to solve a problem

This work is recommended in cases where we find ourselves in conflictive situations, that we have been victims of defamation, gossip, entanglements, and injustice. The function of this ritual is to clarify confusing situations for the benefit of the officiant.

Necessary elements:

  • Holy Water.
  • Flowery water.
  • A glass cup.
  • Egg white.
  • A white candle (candle).

Execution of the ritual:

Fill the glass with holy water, add a few drops of flowery water, the egg white and place it next to the interested person's bed, parallel to the place where their head is placed. Before going to sleep, the candle will be lit next to the glass asking the Eggun: "that all the issues that concern us be clear before the eyes of others, and that the machinations of the enemy do not win." This work can be done for several days in a row until the desired result is achieved.

Work to destroy an enemy

The Eggun can be ruthless when it comes to the wars of their devotees. The following work is recommended for extreme situations in which the enemy's attack is inclement and you want to end the conflict completely and emphatically, since its effects are usually quite radical.

Necessary elements:

  • A white rooster.
  • Schnapps.
  • 2 candles (candles) white.
  • Cellar pepper.
  • Ebo paper or kraft paper.

Execution of the ritual:

The rooster is immolated to the Eggun performing the customary ceremony, informing him that he is being fed to request his help regarding the defeat of the enemies. Once the ceremony is over, the rooster's crest is cut off and placed inside a cartridge along with the names of the enemies and plenty of peppers. Once the candles are consumed, the rooster is given the way to the mountain and the cartridge is buried in a wild anthill.

Adimu to Eggun

This adimu a Eggun known as "Ajiaco" is a typical dish of Afro-Cuban food and is one of the favorite offerings of the deceased, with which you can simply entertain, thank or request the help of those spiritualities that accompany us. On the other hand, it is necessary to make it clear that when preparing dishes for the Eggun they should not be seasoned with salt, since it is a taboo.

Necessary elements:

  • 1 whole pork or pork head.
  • Beef.
  • Chicken meat.
  • Potatoes or potatoes
  • Sweet potato or sweet potato.
  • Ocumo or malanga.
  • Yucca.
  • Yam.
  • Carrot.
  • Black-eyed bean.
  • Coriander, chives and celery Spain.
  • Garlic.
  • Mud rubber.

Execution of the ritual:

In a large pot, boil all the vegetables chopped into pieces. When they begin to soften, add the pig's head, the pieces of beef, the chicken, the black-eyed beans and the chopped dressing (coriander, chives and Spanish celery). Let it cook until the meats are cooked and reach a soupy consistency. Once ready, let it rest a bit and serve in the clay pot, decorating the middle with the pig's head. She appears in front of Eggun, giving him an account of the reason why this adimu is being offered to her.

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