Prayer to the 7 African Powers

Prayer to the 7 African powers

The Prayer to the Seven African Powers enjoys incalculable power, because it not only invokes a deity, but 7 of them, considerably increasing its energetic force. It is for this reason that the devotees of these spiritualities, whose cult has spread widely in America, do not hesitate to use it when they need to solve their setbacks and face the vicissitudes.

The energetic combination of the Orishas: Elegua, Oggun, Obatala, Orunmila, Oshun, Yemaya and Shango, makes a perfect balance capable of attracting, through a single prayer, the opening of the paths, protection, health, wisdom , love, spiritual strength and triumph in the face of adversity.
Therefore, the following prayer to the Seven African Powers can be performed throughout the day, anywhere, and best of all, it can also be used as many times as necessary, being certain that the deities Your requests will materialize.

«With the Blessing of God and the saints.

With the blessing of the 7 Powers.

In this moment and in this now I raise my prayer to the spiritual world, imploring with the deepest faith and humility that they heed my call.

7 African powers. 7 black spirits, ancestral African princes whose forces rest in nature, I ask for your merciful intervention for my shelter and protection.

I beg you to listen to my prayers so that my needs may be met in the name of God, who in his wisdom entrusted you with the noble task of helping the beings that we find ourselves incarnated on this earthly plane of existence.

7 African powers in your hands I entrust the protection of my affairs, I am sure that upon hearing my request they will restore peace to my spirit, the luck and blessings that have moved away from my astral and will remove from my path all the stones that wish to harm me , thus preventing them from coming back to haunt me.

So, here I am, crying out to the 7 black princes, one by one I invoke them so that their presence fills me with the purity of their spirituality.

Give me the opening, glorious Elegua. May my paths be fresh and my steps appropriate. May my decisions be the right ones to open the doors of good fortune and prosperity. May my feet not step on traps nor can my opponents reach me, because your help will never fail me.

Join me in Obatala blessings. Refresh my thoughts so that the ability to understand what is most appropriate and timely for my life reigns in my mind. Impregnate my heart, my home, my workspace and all the places where I find myself with peace. Cover me with your white mantle filling me with health and your infinite love.

Listen to me mighty Oggun, tireless warrior, be my protective shield, forged with the indestructible iron of your armor. Do not allow the stalking of my opponents to harm me, that anyone who wishes me harm does not see their materialized intentions and that if anyone dares to attempt against me, both physically and spiritually, run into the strength of their great spirit that accompanies me

Listen to me father Orunmila, you who have accumulated wisdom from the beginning of existence, allow me to connect with your ability to understand what is most convenient for me, do not let me take false steps, protect me from making mistakes that can take me away from the correct connection with my destiny, in order to achieve the triumph that I have come to seek in this incarnation.  

Protect me glorious Oshún, wrap me in your honey of love, sweetness, charm, and sympathy. Allow me to always have a good conversation so that my negotiations are positive, that my journey bears good fruit, my entrepreneurship is fresh and my plans are kept on the right track to get straight to success.

Don't forsake me mother Yemaya, may your arms always wrap me and your guide never fail me. May your love, mother of the world, reach me wherever I am. Allow all the blessings and fortunes housed at the bottom of the sea to reach me, so that lack never stays in my life, in my house, or in anyone who does me good.

Intercede for me Chango, powerful king of the shining crown. May your energy fluid stay in my soul, my skin and even in my bones, filling me with strength, courage, bravery and all the qualities that characterize you. Do not allow injustice to prevail against me and under no circumstances let me know defeat.

I have called the seven powers, and my request has been heard, please grant me what I have begged you from the heart (make a request).

I praise the 7 powers, spirits of nature that always protect me. Thank you today and always for filling me with your attention. Thank God for ever and ever.


Why pray to the seven African powers?

The 7 African powers are very ancient spiritualities, it is estimated that they have been present since the creation of the universe. Some also call them the 7 black princes. For this reason, they have been identified or related to 7 main Orishas of the Yoruba pantheon: Elegua, Oggun, Obatala, Orunmila, Oshun, Yemaya and Shango. The spiritual power of these deities is so immense, that by order of God (Olodumare) they were entrusted with the mission of protecting and helping men in various situations that they go through on their way through the earthly world, also resting their energy, in different nature elements.

prayers to the seven african powers

That spiritual authority converts the seven powers into a group of deities that concentrates an even greater energetic force, for which reason, praying to him or invoking his presence to obtain his help is usually very favorable for the positive development of our affairs.

What is asked of the 7 African powers?

Due to the varied nature of the spiritualities that make up this group, they are able to intervene in almost any matter, they are usually asked to:

  • Achieve spiritual development and mediumship.
  • Protection against enemies.
  • Get the love you want.
  • Soften, tame, or sweeten the attitudes and behaviors of others.
  • Bring peace, harmony, and calm to people's thoughts and lives.
  • Stimulate the wisdom to act correctly in various situations.
  • Protect yourself from enemies, confrontations, injustices and wars, both physical and spiritual.

Short prayer to the seven African powers

«May the blessing of Almighty God reign forever in my life, accompanied by the blessing of my 7 African powers. May your shelter always be with me, taking care of my four sides, north, south, east and west. May the forces of nature and the 4 elements be activated in my favor, so that in the company of the seven powers I may forever enjoy good health, well-being, peace, love and prosperity. Amen".

You can read: The 7 African Powers: Who they are, What they are for, History and more

Prayer to ask for the protection of the 7 African powers

Prayer to the seven African powers

This prayer can be accompanied with a candle (candle) 7 colors, a glass of water and 7 red roses (black princes) on behalf of the 7 African powers.

«I praise the 7 African powers, spirits enlightened by God. You who together protect the helpless, those who suffer, those who cry, the poor and needy. I entrust myself to you today, because my concerns are so many that I do not know how to get out of so much tribulation.

But my faith is so great that I am sure that with just one call his energy will go to where I am sad and distressed. Witness then all my problems, because you will undoubtedly find a solution, just as you do with all your devotees, because you rejoice in the happiness of those who have faith in your spirit.

Seven blessed powers, united are invincible, advocate for us, the simple creatures in search of enlightenment. Be my protection forever, in you I place my trust and my needs, with your influence all my worries and sorrows go away, because I am sure of the existence of your many miracles, of your works full of goodness and mercy, and of everything in which they have acted.

Protect me 7 powers I ask you, do not stop being my good shelter, that from your hands impregnated with power granted from the heavenly throne blessings sprout to my life and my ways. That in your company I do not lack good health, true love, prosperity and stability that money provides.

Full of humility and faith I come before you seven African powers to implore your effective help (make request). May his light never fail me, especially in the dark night, so that I can happily achieve all my dreams and desires. Amen".

Prayer to the 7 powers for money and business prosperity

Prayer to the 7 powers for money and prosperity

This prayer can be accompanied with a ritual that will be carried out within your business, in which a candle (candle) of the 7 powers is lit, accompanied by a pumpkin from which ribbons of the colors hang: white, red, blue, green, yellow, black, and brown, offered to those spiritualities. When the candle is finished, the prepared pumpkin will be placed in a corner of the place, on a white plate, and it will be left there as long as it remains fresh.   

“In the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I request permission and license to invoke the 7 African powers through spiritual means. Spirits of high lights who are in the grace of the Creator, I implore your intercession so that the forces of nature conspire in my favor.

7 African powers, come to me bringing peace to my spirit, balancing my energies and cleaning my vibrations, so that I can access all that prosperity and material abundance that corresponds to me, because I have not come to this earth to suffer hardship or misery, therefore, my path must be aligned with the success of all my undertakings (make a request).

Glorious seven African deities, at your feet I implore for my prosperity, that every business in which I participate bears fruit of success, filling my life with abundance, as well as in the lives of my employees, clients and collaborators. May the blessing of development clothe me and stay from now and forever. Amen and so be it, so be it, amen.”

You can read: Prayer to Shango for Prosperity

Prayer to the seven African powers for love

Prayer to the seven African powers for love

«I invoke the 7 African powers, so that they allow me to activate the energies of the universe, and in this way my cause can be served.

I come to you out of deep concern. I implore the 7 powers to help me return to my life the love that right now seems to have been lost.

Help me 7 powers, I beg you that that person I love so much come back to me soon. I know that only your divine and heavenly intervention will be able to clean up so many setbacks, misunderstandings, lack of communication, bad energies, spiritual interventions, gossip, envy and third parties who insisted on destroying what it cost us to build with so much effort and love.

You who inhabit all of nature, placing a pinch of your own energy in each one of the Lord's creatures, please use your transforming power to modify all negative memories for the ability to remember all the positive things that we experience.

To you 7 African saints, I entrust this important mission for me, that (say the name of the loved one) return to me thanks to his extensive and infinite power. May the regret of having walked away be born from your heart, and come back repentant, wanting to repair what we once had.

May (say the name of the loved one) come back as soon as possible, giving me back that love that I have lacked so much, and that being together we make a perfect, balanced union, with a home full of peace, an ideal family, full of endless love. In your hands I deliver my request, so be it. Amen".

Prayer for health

“I take shelter under the blessing of Almighty God. I shelter under the blessing of the 7 African powers. I activate the energies of Heaven, Sea and Earth. And I cover myself with the sacred cloak of the 7 black princes.

7 African powers I turn to you with great faith requesting your merciful assistance, as I am saddened and tormented by the health problems that overwhelm me today.

I am sure that its power is infinite, and its ability to heal from the inside out. Activate then from my soul the power of spiritual healing so that it is reflected in the physical healing of this evil that afflicts me (make request).

You blessed spirits, noble protectors, take a look at what my spirit, my body, my mind and heart guards, prostrate before you, full of faith and humility, I decree health over this body. I discard the pain, and I prepare it correctly to be subjected to the medicine of man to which it has to react in the best way, until I achieve my complete recovery, because you have to support it that way.

My prayer will not be despised, because it is full of deep faith, my confidence is unshakeable. At this very hour and at this very moment, the healthy fluid of the seven African powers flows through my body, ridding it of all evil, tumors, sores, wounds, physical and spiritual illnesses. Health lies in me, health lives in me and in the name of God second after second I declare myself healthier and healthier. Amen".

Invocation to the 7 African powers to tame the loved one

«I invoke the 7 African powers. 7 are the spirits that accompany me. 7 are the times that I call them and with 7 knots is that I tie (name of the person to dominate).

By the forces of the 7 African spirits that (name of the person to dominate) cannot live in peace, will not be able to eat, drink, sleep or work, will not have clear thinking, unless it is in my name (say your name).

Disturbed must be (name of the person to dominate) by the power of the 7 African powers until he comes to my feet, overflowing with love, asking forgiveness for having distanced himself, his carnal interest and desire will only be towards me, and Calm will only come to him when he can have me.

7 times I call you and tie you (name of the person to dominate).

7 times I call you and tie you (name of the person to dominate) by the power of the 7 African powers, and this bond that unites you to me nothing and no one has to untie. So be it, so it is and always will be. Amen".

Prayer of the 7 African powers to defeat enemies

This prayer can be used with a simple ritual in which a 7-power candle (candle) is offered, a glass of water and a stamp of the 7 African powers is placed. Once the candle is consumed, the stamp will be kept in your wallet as a receipt.

"Blessed 7 African powers, 7 times their power is increased by working together to protect God's creatures.

Great is the power that the Almighty has granted you, that is why today I request your help. I humbly beg you to free me from all the evil that can harm me, make me victorious in the face of adversity, do not allow the machinations of my enemies to be carried out, protect me from envy, false friends, betrayals, traps and the lies.

May the mercy of the 7 African powers protect me like an impenetrable armor that repels any physical attack and any spiritual envoy, spell, incantation, witchcraft, curse or evil spirit.

The blessings and protections of the seven African powers protect me, so I can be calm and always enjoy peace. I am sure that every time I ask for their help and assistance they come to cover me with their towering and powerful arms. That is why I have to triumph over my opponents, evil will not stay in me, neither in my house, nor in my work, nor in any place where I live, because the light is in me thanks to the 7 African powers. Amen".

Prayer to the Seven Powers to ask for spiritual protection

This prayer can be used to cleanse people who have been victims of witchcraft, sorcery or the evil eye. It is recommended to be done using a white candle (candle), a glass of fresh water, and a chicken egg with which the person will be cleaned from head to toe and then introduced into the glass of water, covered with a white plate and it will be turned over, in order to catch the bad energies with those elements. The candle is lit and after 7 days the contents of the glass are thrown in the trash.

Prayer to the Seven Powers to ask for spiritual protection

“Adored seven African powers, your blessing today and always I ask. Protect me as always so that no harm can touch me and make me victorious over all the evil that reigns both in heaven and on earth. May my hands be invested with your goodness for the spiritual mission that I have come to entrust to you.

Be you 7 African powers, those who purify the soul, spirit, body and mind of this creature of God that bears the name (say the name of the person who is cleansed). Deliver her from the enemy known or unknown, earthly or spiritual. Kick out all bad vibes, dark spirit, sent or picked up. Cover him with his holy mantle so that by his grace and mercy he may be saved from all danger.

7 African powers, you who have power, let me use it to remove all the evil that you have imposed on this servant of the Creator. Witchcraft has been revoked, spells have been destroyed, ties and separations have since expired, the evil eye has perished. There is no dark work that the light of the great African powers cannot overcome. I ask you to be our shelter and protection forever, because good always wins over evil. Amen".

More prayers of the Orishas:

4 comments on “Prayer to the 7 African powers”

  1. At last my intuition has brought me to where I belong. Great work done here, be blessed very much the owners of this website. Now through the 7 African Powers my life is going to change through this discovery. Let me find love, prosperity and Faith in the right way. Thank you again.

  2. It is a shame that you do not allow online learning, both for students and teachers of our religion. Remember that learning and knowledge are distributed in the Ocha. If you can do something about it, we will be eternally grateful. Oche Tura.

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