Prayer to San Ramón Nonato
The prayer to San Ramón Nonato is very powerful due to the great disposition that the spirituality of that saint has always had for the help of others. Usually, his prayers are used to request his intervention to protect pregnant women, unborn children from dangers, or to get out of unfair and difficult situations. His miracles are known in many parts of the world, so he enjoys a large number of devotees and followers.
«Oh Glorious Saint Ramón Nonato. Symbol of charity, hope, love of God and love of neighbor. Protection of those who suffer, of the poor and the needy.
Today, as always, I find myself at your feet pleading for you to intercede before God Our Lord for my cause, since I urgently require your help to be able to solve my needs. I am sure that you have to come to my aid, because it has always been your greatest happiness to help all the desperate.
Saint Ramón Nonato, brother, devotee and example of faith, you are the evidence that shows that the teachings of Jesus become the grace of pure beings like you. For defending and putting into practice the word of God you were the victim of a cruel martyrdom, but that did not break your fervor towards God. Not even the padlock they placed on your mouth turned off your prayers and your devotion to Saint Ramón, because your prayer comes directly from the heart.
With pure and sincere prayers, here is this follower of yours crying out for your attention to solve the adversities that I have had to face. With all certainty I trust that, if you take my prayers before the Creator, I will obtain his merciful intervention that will make me free from my opponents and from everyone who stands up with false testimonies about me.
Beloved Saint Ramón Nonato, do not allow my enemies to succeed with their machinations against me, keep away from my life all those people who can attack me with defamation, intrigues, lies, gossip, or falsehood; and from all bad action, bad intention, betrayal and any kind of evil.
San Ramón Nonato, blessed and selfless protector of the most needy. Do not allow my dear saint, to suffer physical, mental or spiritual captivity during this life. Protect me from the unjust and adverse situations that I can not get rid of.
Oh Saint Ramon Nonato! Grateful are all of us who have enjoyed your favors. We are the sample of the joy of your divine goodness. That is why with remarkable humility we do not tire of invoking your power filled with the grace of the Lord.
Saint Ramón Nonato, you who were received in the kingdom of heaven for your sacrificial faith. You were a martyr in the hands of the infidels, however, the vicissitudes did not make you lose your strength. It is that strength that I ask of you dear saint. I implore you to help me out of this tribulation (make request).
Oh dear San Ramón Nonato! You who are in the kingdom of heaven and enjoy the grace of God, attend my prayers for your mercy and present them to the creator so that he can be blessed with his compassion. Thanks in advance for your miraculous help, full of faith I wait patiently until my problems are solved by your glorious intervention. May peace be with you San Ramón Nonato. So be it, so it is, so it will be. Amen".
(Pray three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glories)
Who is Saint Ramon Nonato?
Ramón Nonato was born into a noble family in a town near Barcelona, called Portell, which belonged to the ancient Crown of Aragon in Spain, in the year 1200 AD. He was a Mercedarian Catholic priest. He bears the name of San Ramón "Nonato" because he was taken from the womb of his deceased mother by the Viscount of Cardona, who using the cesarean section technique saved his life, bringing him into the world. The epithet "nonnatus" in Latin means: not born.
He was canonized by Pope Alexander VII in 1657, and his feast day is established on August 31. Due to his extensive cult, there are many cities and sanctuaries with his name around the world, in places such as: Spain, Peru, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay, El Salvador, Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Chile, Venezuela, United States , among others. San Ramón Nonato is known as a very prodigious saint.
What is asked of San Ramón Nonato?
The followers of San Ramón Nonato usually ask for his intervention to solve situations related to:
- The protection of children before and after birth.
- Bringing pregnancies to a happy term and having favorable deliveries.
- Get out of unfair situations and get rid of false testimonies, defamation and unfounded accusations.
- Heal ailments and health conditions, especially in cases where you suffer from fever.
- To protect midwives, obstetricians and all professionals who work during the birth process.
- Obtain freedom when you have been imprisoned in unjust circumstances.
You can read: Prayer to Santa Clara
Prayer to San Ramón Nonato to shut up mouths
«The blessing of Almighty God, the blessing of the Miraculous Saint Ramón Nonato, saint of my devotion, merciful guide and spiritual companion of all of us who suffer because of the insults and defamation.
You, San Ramón Nonato, blessed by God for your noble acts towards your neighbor, full of sacrifices and deep faith. You who were silent so that you could not preach the word, even when what you had to say was a message of love and brotherhood. You, San Ramón Nonato, then put that lock on the mouth of those who do deserve it. In the mouth of the unjust, of the infamous who want to harm me.
Beloved San Ramón Nonato, in your power I protect myself, covering myself with your protection, so that what I have to say (mention the name of the person/s who wants to be silent) cannot harm me, delay me, cause me losses, conflicts or dirty my reputation.
San Ramón Nonato, block with your blessed energy all the harmful plans of my opponents, do not allow them to act against me, appease their ill will, just as the Moors desisted from practicing more torture upon understanding that your conviction was pure and genuine and that at the price that was necessary you would follow the path of Jesus the Redeemer.
Listen to me San Ramón Nonato, may this humble prayer that I offer in your name serve to silence the mouths of the foolish, the malicious, the false and liars. I trust in you so that peace settles in my life, managing to stay away from all those who stalk me and wish to harm me.
Saint Ramón Nonato, thank you for the great mercy with which you listen to all those in need, I beg you to attend to my request as you have always done. May the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be with us today and always, amen.
Prayer to San Ramón Nonato against evil tongues
«Oh merciful San Ramón Nonato! Blessed son of God, impeccable follower of Jesus Christ and enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
In your journey through this Earth you were subjected to the cruelest treatment, exposed in every corner to break your faith, but your spirit is so pure that you endured the martyrdom that was imposed on you without wavering.
I beg you then, my kind saint, to lend me your diligent intervention before the Creator, to have divine protection against evil tongues that, inspired by the inequities of the souls of the wicked, want to attack my person and my reputation.
Work on my affairs dear San Ramón Nonato, do not forsake me today or ever. Merciful God, Father of mercy, at your feet I send my request from the hand of your exalted son San Ramón Nonato, so that by listening to my prayers from his heart he can enjoy your infinite generosity. Amen".
You can read: Prayer to the Holy Child of Atocha
Prayer to San Ramón Nonato for difficult cases
«Admired Saint Ramón Nonato. You are a flash of nobility and conviction. Fervent example of love for God, representative of the teachings of Jesus and truly pious.
Beloved Mercedario, who intervenes in difficult causes. You advocate for the needy who suffers, for those who suffer and for those who cannot solve their vicissitudes by their own means. Your help does not discriminate, since you learned firsthand what misery and despair are.
That is why, blessed are you San Ramón. You assist all the lost and tormented men who wander the world, you are the shelter of the maidens, support of the married, shield of the attacked and slandered, food of the poor and good sowing of the farmers, safe harbor for the homeless, emancipation of captives, health of the sick, and help against all ills.
In the passages of your life I am inspired to foster within me the values and principles with which we must act on this Earth, and which were clearly taught from the deepest love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Following in his footsteps, you were not afraid to face torture, confinement, and the most painful mistreatment, coming out stronger after each one of them.
You, my dear San Ramón Nonato, who never abandoned your mission aimed at helping others and charged with a long pilgrimage. You, flag against injustice, defender of slaves and those most in need. You converted those who thirsted for faith.
You baptized many servants who wandered aimlessly in the name of God, so those who had power came to fear your greatness and the wisdom of your words, because your teaching power could set them free.
Today, amazed at so many acts of love and faith that represent you, I come before you to implore your miraculous help, I offer you on my hands to my naked heart and full of the deepest faith. I thank you from the beginning for listening to my prayers, because I am sure that each of my words have been received at your feet, since you are always ready to help the needy.
Help me, I ask you, Saint Ramón Nonato, for the greater glory of your worthy spirit, that through your magnificent intervention I can get out of the adversities that torment me. Deliver me then, from so much calamity (make request).
Blessed San Ramón Nonato, once my prayers have been heard, my cause has been left in your hands. My soul rejoices with the peace and tranquility emanating from your spirit and waits patiently for the solution to my difficulties to materialize. Advocate on my behalf before God the Father, so that he grants me his understanding, benevolence and protection against any attack that my enemies might dare to carry out.
Do not allow him to be a victim of defamation, gossip, entanglements, falsehoods, injustices, captivity and false testimonies. Be you, San Ramón Nonato, my protective shield and my flag of victory in the face of difficulties and over my opponents.
Thank God for allowing us to enjoy such a kind Blessed, who comes to the shelter of the troubled. We ask you, Lord, that I may enjoy the magnificence of your grace forever and ever, so that I may continue to assist the creatures of your creation.
Amen and so be it.
(Pray three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glories)
Prayer to San Ramón Nonato for pregnant women

«San Ramón Nonato, prodigious since your birth. God the Father destined your arrival on this Earth for the help of your brothers in faith, your mission being so deep that from your mother's womb you were born against all odds.
Before you, humble and pleading, I prostrate as all your devotees do. Confident, we believe with total faith how miraculous you are and the willingness to help others that you have always had.
Listen to me San Ramón Nonato, heed this prayer that comes loaded with great love and concern. I come before you, noble patron of pregnant women, to entrust to your care (name of the person for whom the prayer is made) and the creature that is gestating in his womb.
Saint of my devotion, efficient you are without a doubt, before the necessary protection for pregnant women. You, who were proof of how prodigious the miracle of life can be. In the same way in which you came to this Earth to contribute and leave your mark on the existence of others, in the same way, bring to this world that being who eagerly awaits his family, while he forms healthily in the womb of (name of the person for whom the prayer is made).
San Ramón Nonato bless that child and her mother (name of the person for whom the prayer is made), fill them with health, so that her pregnancy reaches a good term, and for as long as it corresponds for a good gestation. Be her midwife, blessed Saint Ramón Nonato, assist her during childbirth, so that on the day of her birth full of joy in your name we celebrate the good news of having a new member of our family, who will come to this world to live under the precepts of God, reaching the objectives that were given to him as a life mission.
We are grateful and we will be forever for your charitable help, all of us who trust ourselves to your protection. May God's blessing protect us now and always.
Prayer of Saint Ramón Nonato against defamation
«I invoke the kind intercession of San Ramón Nonato, martyr brother, friend of faith, brave Mercedarian, synonymous with sacrifice and goodness.
With a padlock your lips were sealed without any justice, because the only thing you longed for was to share the word of God Our Lord, with those who were ready to listen to the call of conversion.
However, your merciful actions spoke for themselves, and with your sacrifice you saved those who were unjustly imprisoned for their faith. Today, I cry out for your help, Saint Ramón Nonato, so that, just as you were unjustly silenced, now the unjust may be silenced.
Keep in mind my prayer Saint Ramón Nonato, so that through your magnificent intervention I can free myself from all the harmful consequences caused by the bad comments, the malicious conversations and any defamation that has been made against me.
Do not allow San Ramón Nonato that evil triumph over me. In your mediation I trust. May your influence help me to bring tranquility, calm, conflict resolution and a way out of the difficulties caused by the evil interests of those who oppose my path.
Heavenly God, we are grateful for allowing us to count on the help of a holy benefactor like Saint Ramón Nonato, a sign of your immense mercy and of the deep love that you can manifest through your most devoted children.
Exalt his spirit for your greater honor, my Lord, so that he can serve you as he has always done with his actions for humanity. Allow us to get out of our adversities soon, always counting on the company of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
History of Saint Ramon Nonato
The story of San Ramón Nonato tells that he became a member of the religious order of the Mercedarios, founded by San Pedro Nolasco, whose main function was dedicated to the rescue of Catholic captives who had been imprisoned by the Moors in North Africa.
To carry out the noble work of the Mercedarians, it was necessary to have money to rescue the captives, however, it is said that on many occasions San Ramón went to the rescue of the prisoners without having sufficient financial means, relying only on the help of divine providence, even offering himself as a hostage for the freedom of some prisoners who were in extreme danger.
It should be noted that his selfless behavior greatly annoyed the infidels, who, in retaliation for his deep faith, subjected him to extremely cruel treatment, reaching the point where, in danger of death, the leader of the Muslims stopped those actions for fear that San Ramón would lose his life and would not be able to recover the amount of money represented by the prisoners he had released in exchange for keeping him in captivity.
When San Ramón managed to be released, he continued with his evangelist work, encouraging Christians to maintain their faith and managing to convert and baptize some Mohammedans. This angered the governor who ordered him to be killed and impaled. But, due to the economic interests that fell on San Ramón, in order not to lose the value of his ransom, his punishment was replaced by flogging.
In any case, he remained firm in his faith and maintained his charitable and sacrificial actions, which, with the passage of time, continued to be the reason for more torture against him. It is said that once the governor found out that he did not desist in sharing his faith and inspiring the conversion of others, he instructed that San Ramón be flogged in all the corners of the city and that his lips be pierced with a hot iron. I live to put a padlock on his mouth, whose key he kept himself and only gave to the jailer at mealtimes.
The martyrdom of San Ramón was quite torturous until, after eight months, San Pedro Nolasco was able to send some Mercedarians to negotiate his ransom, with the order that he return to Spain, which he complied with much regret, since he preferred to stay in Spain. Africa providing aid to slaves.
By 1239, he was made a cardinal by Gregory IX, however, that honor was totally ignored by Saint Ramon, maintaining his humble customs. Later, his presence before the Pope in Rome was requested, on the way and arriving in Cardona, in the vicinity of Barcelona, he was attacked with a strong fever that worsened to the point of death. He was barely thirty-six years old when he died on August 31, 1240.