Prayer the Magnificent
The Magnificent Prayer, also known as the canticle of Mary, is a very special prayer within the Catholic Church, whose inspiration comes from the Gospel of Luke: 1,26-55, where the visit of the Virgin during her pregnancy to her cousin Saint Elizabeth is described . The meaning of this prayer is related to the importance of the coming of the Messiah to the world, and its use has been maintained for a long time, in fact, the Vatican still recites "La Magnificat" in Latin.
Prayer the magnificent Original (Lyrics)
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God, my savior;
because he has seen the humiliation of his slave.
From now on all generations will congratulate me,
because the Mighty One has done great things for me:
his name is holy,
and his mercy reaches his faithful from generation to generation.
He performs feats with his arm:
scatter the proud of heart,
He casts down the mighty from their thrones and lifts up the lowly,
He fills the hungry with good things and sends the rich away empty.
Help Israel, his servant, remembering mercy as promised to our fathers in favor of Abraham and his descendants forever.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, now and forever, forever and ever. Amen."
The Magnificent in Latin
"Magnificat soul mea Dominum,
Et exultávit spiritus méus in Déo salutari méo.
Quia respéxit humilitátem ancíllæ súæ,
ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dícent ómnes generatiónes.
Quia fécit mihi mágna qui pótens est:
et sanctum nomen ejus
Et misericordia éjus a progénie in progénies timéntibus éum.
Fécit poténtiam in brachio suo:
dispésit superbos ménte córdis súi.
Powerful deposits of headquarters,
et humble exaltavit.
Esuriéntes implévit bónis:
et dívites dímísit inánes.
Suscépit Israel púerum súum,
remember your misericórdiæ súæ.
Sicut locútus est ad patres nostros,
Abraham et semini éjus in saécula.
Glória Pátri et Fílio et Spiritu Sancto,
Sicut érat in principle, et nunc, et semper,
et in saécula sæculórum. Amen".
What does the prayer of the Magnificent mean?
The Magnificent Prayer is understood as a song of joy where the Virgin Mary, filled with the Holy Spirit, demonstrates her purest feelings. An expression of her faith and trust in God, in her divine plan and in her word. Thanks to her fervor, she was sure that everything that lay ahead would be something wonderful as she experienced the fullness of grace.
The same Virgin wrapped in rejoicing is the one who pronounces "The Magnificent" revealing the good news of the coming of the Lord. In this way, she celebrates that she is pregnant, but, in addition, she celebrates that she will not bring any child into the world, but rather, it is about the promised Son of God, about whom she has spoken so much.
This is what "The Magnificent" means, it is the joy of Mary for having been fortunate and blessed with the gaze of God the Father, chosen among all women to bring in her womb the Son of God, he is the hope that will free the world of sin and will teach men the true meaning of the kingdom of God. That is to say, it indicates the beginning of salvation, since it predicts the arrival of the Savior.
Therefore, she is a witness and proof of how miraculous and powerful God is, being pregnant by his will and by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. Because she was the mother of Christ, she would become the mother of all Christians.
This prayer is also called "the Magnificat prayer." The importance of this song in the Catholic Church lies in the fact that it shows how the spirit of human beings should be and the feelings that should be cultivated or avoided to please God, while exalting the greatness of the Creator.
Most of the time the passages that refer to this song are found in the Old Testament. It should be noted that through this prayer it could be considered that Mary is the first to reveal the beatitudes that later, Jesus himself would preach in the Sermon on the Mount.
Where are you from?
This canticle, first of all, is of divine origin, it was inspired by God the Father, and influenced in the Most Holy Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. It can be found specifically in the Gospel book According to Saint Luke 1: 26, 55.
This writing details the gratitude that Mary expresses to Almighty God, recognizing his greatness. Also, it is shown that through faith we can fully live God's designs, although at times we do not fully understand them. Either way, his plans are always for our good, and our salvation is his greatest concern.
What is the Magnificent prayer for?
The original objective of this prayer was to proclaim the greatness of God, because he gave the grace to Mary that her womb could gestate and give birth to the savior of the world. Subsequently, many uses have been attributed to it. Most devotees usually use it in the following situations:
- To show gratitude to God later for having freed us from adverse situations, when we got out of difficult times, or we have been blessed by some miracle.
- It is an excellent tool that gives us personal protection, as well as protection for the people we pray for. It can be used on behalf of family, friends, loved ones, and even to protect our material assets.
- It is considered an important prayer capable of sealing our environment preventing the entry of demonic entities, low vibration spirits and all negative energy that wants to harm us.
- The Magnificent Prayer can be used to strengthen our faith, find comfort, implore miracles and blessings emanating from the Almighty.
- To connect with the grace of God in the moments when it is most needed.
- It is also prayed to implore the necessary strength in our body or our spirit to face difficult and painful situations such as: illnesses, imminent dangers and serious conflicts.
Is the Magnificent prayer effective?
There are many testimonies of how miraculous this prayer can be, its devotees usually attribute a large number of powers to it, for which it is estimated that it is highly effective. In fact, his energetic power is such that many affirm that just by reciting this powerful song, he feels inside him how his faith is comforted.
Its effectiveness is due to the fact that each of the words that are written in the Magnificent has the force of the grace of the Virgin Mary, propitiating an optimal approach to God, and even an approach to ourselves, to our own essence, that which is charged with the divine influence product of creation.
In every sense, this song is a balm for the body and spirit of human beings. It offers that relief that the desperate need, no matter how great our vicissitude is. Precisely, it is to this type of prayers that each devotee should turn, because by clinging to faith and gratitude to God for allowing our salvation through his Son, we accept that God the Father is the only one capable of working on our destiny. .
Thus, this exaltation inherited from the deep faith and goodness of Mary, thanks to her ability to see the truth of God, stimulates us to attract her work in our existence, and consequently, miracles arise in our lives, because surely it is that the Father only wants the best for us.
In addition, everyone who prays with fervor, devotion and submission, is sure that he will obtain the answers he requests, and that the miracles of God Our Lord will soon manifest in our lives.
You can read: Prayer to Divine Providence
When is it advisable to pray this prayer?
The answer on When can I pray the Magnificent prayer? It lies in our hearts. There is no specific moment, nor an appropriate hour, the only thing that matters is that when you perform this prayer you deeply believe in its power and are open to union with God.
On the other hand, this canticle is also used during the prayer of vespers, within the famous Liturgy of the Hours, which consists of the public and official prayer of the Church, made up of different prayers and "hours" that correspond to the different times of the day. In this practice the psalms have a main place.
Under this liturgy, the prayer of the Magnificent, as explained above, corresponds to vespers, therefore, it would be prayed in the afternoon, at the time the sun sets and just when the workday ends. Therefore, it implies a thanksgiving for the day that ends, and invites inner recollection.
Finally, the way to pray this prayer is very diverse, it can even be done in any language or in its original language, which is Latin.
The Gospel According to Saint Luke 1: 26,55 the Announcement of the birth of Jesus
26 After six months, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee,
27 to visit a young virgin engaged to marry a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin was called Mary.
28 The angel approached her and said:
—I greet you, you who have received the favor of God! The Lord is with you.
29 At these words, Maria was disturbed, and wondered what this greeting could mean.
30 —Don't be afraid, Maria; God has granted you favor from him,” the angel told him.
31 You will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.
32 He will be a great man, and they will call him Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,
33 and he will reign over the people of Jacob forever. His reign will have no end.
34 "How can this happen," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?"
35 —The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy child to be born will be called the Son of God.
36 Also your relative Elizabeth is going to have a son in her old age; in fact, the one who said that she was sterile is already in the sixth month of pregnancy.
37 Because for God nothing is impossible.
38 "Here you have the servant of the Lord," Maria answered. Let him do to me as you have told me. With this, the angel left her.
Mary visits Elizabeth
39 A few days later, Mary set out on her journey and hurried to a town in the mountainous region of Judea.
40 Upon arrival, he entered Zacarías' house and greeted Elisabet.
41 As soon as Elisabet heard Mary's greeting, the child jumped in her womb. Then Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit,
42 he exclaimed:
"Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!"
43 But how is this, that the mother of my Lord comes to see me?
44 I tell you that as soon as the voice of your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb jumped for joy.
45 Blessed are you who have believed, because what the Lord has told you will be fulfilled!
Mary's song
46 Then Mary said: My soul glorifies the Lord,
47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 because he has deigned to notice his humble servant. From now on all generations will call me happy,
49 because the Mighty One has done great things for me. Holy is his name!
50 From generation to generation his mercy extends to those who fear him.
51 He did feats with his arm; he disrupted the intrigues of the proud.
52 He has put down the mighty from their thrones, while he has exalted the lowly.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty-handed.
54-55 He came to the aid of his servant Israel and, fulfilling his promise to our fathers, showed his mercy to Abraham and his descendants forever.
Prayer the Magnificent to print
Having this prayer at hand, in our wallet, or reserved in some special place to make use of it when we need it, is always a very useful tool, therefore, below, we offer you the prayer to the Magnificent to print.
Prayer the magnificent for protection
These types of prayers are inspired by the special veneration and faith with which Mary accepts the plans of the Divine Architect, God, and how she welcomes his immense power and wisdom, filling herself with his protection.
«Oh Magnificent and Immaculate Virgin Mary! Mother of God and mother of all of us who, sheltered under the salvation of the Son, find ourselves protected thanks to our faith.
To you, Immaculate Mother, I entrust you to pray for all of us, keeping us away from all the evil that wanders the paths of this world.
You, recipient of the highest virtues, faithful daughter of God Our Lord, I implore your attention and your protection, because your grace is so excellent that you take care of all the children of the Father.
Beloved Mother Mary, before you I implore you to turn your gaze to where I am, because despite being a humble servant, also a sinner, my heart is full of faith and love towards the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as well as towards you too.
Protect me, Most Chaste Mother, and then deliver me from all evil, so that my opponents do not manage to harm me in words, deeds, or even in thought.
Help me to have the strength not to fall into temptations, because my desire is to please the Lord and achieve the salvation of my soul through the redemption of my sins.
Away then, oh my Magnificent, all the snares that the devil and his spirits could plan against me, so that I can be freed from any torment, suffering, agony, despair, anxiety, trap, disease or evil.
Blessed Virgin, pleading, I raise my humble prayer to your feet, extending to you a fervent prayer, because I am confident that in your hands lies the power to ward off all the evil that persecutes me, because your prayers are well received in the kingdom of heaven. Mister.
Protect me, my mother, fill me with strength, encouragement and energy, to continue fighting for my ideals, to take care of my loved ones, whom I entrust to you so that you can protect them with your miraculous and maternal mantle.
Do not allow misfortune to wreak havoc in our lives, on the contrary, illuminate our paths so that we can fully carry out all that God has written for us in our destiny, just as you carried out and in the best way. what was appointed to you by his divine will.
To your infinite goodness Glorious Virgin Mary, I commend all who suffer, the afflicted, the sick, those who suffer in the face of adversity and in need. As well as, I also entrust to you all those who harbor evil and resentment in their hearts, embrace them with your warm arms full of love, so that they find the path to forgiveness, and to the great power of God.
In your hands full of infinite mercy I put all my trust, my faith, my love and my hope. Magnificent Mother, blessed are you and forever and ever you will be, may the glory of the Creator keep you, and the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be with all of us today and always, amen.