5 Works or Ebbo with Oshun for prosperity and defeat enemies

Oshun He is a very powerful deity, he is very versatile and we can ask him to help us in any circumstance. Because it is the sweetness and representation of love in Yoruba culture and religion, we often forget that in many stories Oshun is shown to us as a warrior and sorceress.
That is why we compiled 5 works with Oshun taken from the Sign of Ifa Oshe Paure.
Work with Oshun to win the war.
Necessary materials:
- White plate.
- Paper
- Corojo butter.
- 5 canisters.
- Green fruits.
- Yellow tape.
- Honey
- Sugar and cinnamon.
- Beer.
Procedure: On the pieces of paper the name of the enemies or of the people with whom we have a lawsuit is written, they are smeared with corojo butter and tied with ribbons and placed on top of the white plate, to which they are previously makes a cross with corojo butter.
In the center of the plate are placed 5 cinnamon sticks, a small gourd filled with sugar water,
Beer and honey. The plate with the ebbo is placed in front of Oshun and 2 candles are lit and he is asked to help win the war we have with our enemies.
The process of the candles is done for five consecutive days, then you have to go to leave the work on the bank of the river.
When you return home, a adimu to Oshun.
Play or ebbo with Oshun to defeat enemies
Oshun is an Orisha that represents femininity, however, her anger can be extremely dangerous. In fact, her children are extremely careful to provoke the annoyance of that deity, since, it is estimated that once she gets angry she is never content. On the other hand, she in many of her ways unfolds as a virtuous warrior. Such is the case of Oshun Ololoddi, where she presents herself as a warrior who cannot be defeated by her enemies under any circumstances. It is these characteristics that we must take advantage of when we intend to triumph over our adversaries, using works for the defeat of enemies with Oshun, such as the following.
Necessary materials:
- 1 dried coconut
- 1 capsule of quicksilver.
- 21 guinea peppers (I will tie).
- Salt in grains.
- Ebbo paper (kraft paper).
- Vinegar and oil.
- Coffee grounds.
- Cemetery land.
- yellow cloth
- 8 yellow candles.
- Canutillo herb.
In a dry coconut with 4 holes, quicksilver, grain salt, a piece of paper with the name of the enemy, oil and vinegar, coffee grounds, 21 ataré, graveyard soil, all this is lined with yellow cloth in front of Oshun lighting 2 candles.
This is done for three consecutive nights after 12 noon.
At the end, he must go to leave the ebo in the river and bathe in it with a canutillo. This is done to cleanse the astral so that there are no traces of any spell or witchcraft. This bath must be prepared beforehand by shredding the grass at the foot of Oshun and giving him an account of the cleaning that is going to be carried out. 2 candles are lit and placed on the sides of the bathroom. Once the candles have been consumed, the river can be stripped with it, asking Oshun to free it from any drag, witchcraft, spell, curse or pestilence that its enemies may have left on its astral.
It may interest you: What is witchcraft?
Oshun Incense
The incense at the foot of Oshun is a very useful work to strip physical spaces. It is usually used to balance the energies of the home due to the virtue that this deity possesses to benefit the development and family union. At the time of making this ebo it is necessary that all the ingredients are completely dry. Oshun must be given an account and knowledge of the reason why the work is being done and what is to be achieved (usually it is to improve health, eliminate negative energies or entities, maintain peace, union and love between the couple and other members of the family group, attract prosperity, among other things).
Another thing that we must take into account when lighting our incense, is that it must be taken to all corners of the house, in order to ensure that its smoke completely strips the entire space. If we observe that during the cleaning the smoke goes upwards, it means that the request we have made has been heard and will come true. If the smoke is directed to the left, it means that it will depend on the attitude of the members of the household so that the requests are fulfilled. If the smoke is directed to the right side, it means that to achieve the objectives, it will depend only on the actions carried out by the person who does the work.
Necessary materials:
- Dried orange peels.
- Cinnamon.
- Laurel.
- Sugar.
- Coal.
- Sandalwood.
- Incense.
- Parame grass.
Everything is placed on burning charcoal, walked around the house, and then placed in front of Oshun's tureen. This procedure can be repeated once a month, or whenever it is considered that the physical space of your home needs to be stripped to bring the energies that compose it into harmony.
You can read: Works with Oshun for love
To attract people with Oshun
Oshun is a divinity that has the most precious virtues in women. It is said that she masters to her liking the art of coquetry, beauty, sexuality, love, grace and feminine sensuality. Something like that, like the Goddess Aphrodite, but within the Yoruba pantheon. That is why it is said that Oshun is "beautiful among the beautiful". All these attributes make it very common for devotees and followers of Santeria to resort to her help when it comes to sentimental, love, or domination issues, since the power of this Orisha on that ground is well recognized.
Necessary materials:
- River water.
- 5 chicken eggs.
- Honey.
Ebbo paper or kraft paper.
Boiled water in the tureen, 5 boiled chicken eggs with river water, honey and put in front of it. Then, the full name of the person you want to dominate is written down 5 times, the papers are rolled up into a cylinder, filled with a lot of honey and inserted into each of the boiled eggs. Oshun is given an account and knowledge of the work that is being carried out and after 5 days he is given the path indicated by the Orisha.
Work with Oshun to get money
It is popularly said that Oshun is the owner of gold. She represents riches and opulence. Her crown and her jewelry are the most beautiful, full of exotic feathers and beautiful seashells. However, this was not always the case. Oshun in the course of her life also went through situations of hardship and misery. That is why she clearly knows the needs that may arise in the earthly world. Therefore, invoking Oshun through various works to obtain money or economic development is very useful, because in addition to having the power over the energy of the ire Owo (money luck) she also understands our requirements.
Necessary materials:
- Eko leaves.
- 4 corner land.
- 7 guinea peppers (I will tie).
- 2 white candles.
A powder is prepared at the foot of Oshun, with ekó leaves collected in the square, land of the 4 corners, 7 ataré. It is blown or mounted for heirloom. Its use will depend on what the Orisha indicates, but its preparation is very simple. All the ingredients are mixed in front of Oshun on a mortar, until they turn into powder. Then, the two candles are placed on the sides so that the prepared powder absorbs the energy of the fire. Once the candles are consumed, Oshun is informed again of what has been done to check if he has been satisfied and is asked how the powder will be used to attract prosperity and the desired money.
For debt money.
Oshun is an Orisha who fully responds to the requests of her children and followers, especially at times when they are worried about not getting a solution to their conflicts. That is why, in order to get the long-awaited money to pay off our debts, we can make the following head prayer, which in addition to activating the spiritualities of fortune and development, also helps to calm the anxiety produced by the worries that we have. invade when going through this type of circumstance.
Necessary materials:
- Coconut.
- 2 yellow chickens.
- 2 yellow roses.
- 2 white candles.
- Cocoa.
- Husk
- Honey.
- Cotton.
A head prayer (kobori) is made by feeding 2 chickens to Oshun from the head of the interested party, and the 2 yellow roses are placed on it and Oshun is asked to solve the circumstance that is going through. This rogation will be prepared just like all the others, the only difference being that the eyebale yen is included (the animals that are immolated are fed). This work must be directed by an Olorisha (santero) or a Babalawo.