Letter of the Year United States 2022 (Ogunda Biode)

Letter of the Year United States 2022

As is tradition, every January 01 a divination is performed with Ifa in order to obtain the letter of the year for the United States of the year 2022. This ritual was performed by the Yoruba USA Cultural Association The Odu that governs the next 12 months is Ogunda Biode (Ogunda Ogbe).

Signs that rule the United States in 2022

  • Ogunda Biode.
  • Ofun nagbe.
  • Otrupon bekonwa (Ogbe).

Divination Prophecy:

  • Osogbo Arun intori anugbo (Disobedience disease)
  • Onire (Defends): Oshun.

Oshun, Orisha who rules the year 2022

This year in the US, Oshun and Oggun are the orishas who support, they are the main entities that we must attend and entertain so that our year is productive but above all, keep the disease (Arun) away from our homes.


Letter flag of the year 2022 usa

Offend Oshun recommended by Orunmila in the Letter of the Year

Prepare 5 balls with corn flour, they must have 1 wooden stake or an arrowhead inside. A wicker basket with a coconut, two candles and honey are placed in a cradle.

Note: this work is carried out in order to defeat the enemies, because oshun gave him food similar to the enemy army when they were attacking his lands, so it was that he could defeat them. This is reflected in the Oddun Ogunda Ogbe.

Everything you need to know about Oshun

Ebbo to avoid disease:

This ritual must be performed by an Awo ni Orunmila (Babalawo).

  • 1 rooster.
  • 2 chickens.
  • 3 bean buns.
  • 3 arrows.
  • Land of a castle or colonial fortress.
  • House or Church in ruin.
  • 2 articulated dolls (man and woman).
  • Land of a hospital.
  • Pork Meat.
  • Rest of the necessary ingredients in the board ebbo.
  • Saints or Orishas who rule in 2022:
  • Oshun
  • Ogun
  • flag
  • Green and yellow is divided transversely.

Predictions of the Letter of the year USA 2022

Ifa foresees success in new projects, Ogunda biode speaks of good fortune and imminent luck for people who are starting new companies. At general levels, prosperity is coming as long as the necessary sacrifices are made and we learn to control our character and the way in which we address others. Arrogance leads to conflict, conflict leads to loss. Second lip.

Osobo Arun intori anugbo, Orunmila tells us that disease is stalking us, that disobedience will put us at risk. We understand that Ifa refers to the current situation with the pandemic or contagious diseases, to which the necessary attention is not being paid and the recommendations to avoid the spread are not being respected. It is time to become aware and improve prevention methods and take better care of ourselves.

These signs show treason, where you can come to trust people who are not to be trusted. We must close the circles of trust, distance ourselves a little from friends and focus more on the family.

The signs that govern the letter of the year, mostly speak of war, enemies and conflict situations generated by improperly expressing ourselves, for which we owe the treaty to others.

When Ogunda Biode comes out as the letter of the year it predicts:

  • Increase in the crime rate.
  • Dismissal and political conflicts.
  • Lack of medicines.
  • Breaks of love relationships (must be done ebbo).
  • Domestic violence

Social aspect:

In the social aspect, the letter of the year for the United States recommends avoiding getting involved in gossip situations, we must try to keep the raisin inside our home. 2022 is a complicated year for love relationships, Ifa predicts separations of couples, this caused by situations of infidelity or polygamy. Children must be kept away from parental problems.

The key is upset
The door is annoying The key and the door must not be annoying each other
The same money we use to buy the door
It is the one we use to buy the key
They made divination of Iafa for Ori, the son of Olokun
They made divination of Ifa for Ewi, the son of Olosa
They made divination of Ifa for manna manna, the son of Inawuri
They made divination for Ogunda biode, the son of Epo
I'm begging the people with the fan
Ogundabede, the son of Epo
I am pleading with the people with the fan.

Ifa says: You have to make sacrifices so as not to have fights with the environment. Neither should you despise or speak ill of people. Ifa will give you honor and dignity. You should always be using a fan.

Medicine: The Efun and Osun are painted on the fan, the sign of Ogunda bede (Ogunda Ogbe) is marked. Each one is mixed with the water and begins on the right with efun (husk) and on the left with Osun (red wood from Angola). After the fan has been painted, the sign of Ogunda Ogbe is marked on the board with iyere osun (divination powder). You pray and then you do the efun and osun that are painted on the fan which you will be using to breathe in.

Religious aspect in the US:

Ogunda Biode as the ruling sign of the letter of the year, tells us about the Orisha Oshun as a catalyst of good fortune, it is essential to worship her and make offerings asking this deity to radiate us with positive energy and thus be able to achieve our goals.

It is also important to make the sacrifice to the cult of eggun, specifically to the recently deceased, its energy is favorable for our people.

Work: It is placed at Elegua a gourd with eku, eja, awado. This is done during 6 consecutive Fridays, on the last day everything is taken to the plaza, the powder is taken from the gourd and it is spread along the way until arriving home.

Debts must be paid to the saints.

Tips of the letter of the year in The Economic:

To improve the economy, Elegua is given three balls of mashed yams, fish, jutia, toasted corn, beef, and a corn tamale. It is left for three days, then everything is wrapped in banana leaves and taken to the plaza. Note: This must be done for three consecutive weeks.

Igi gogoro mon gunni loju Okeere lati loo They guessed for Orire (good fortune)
Agbira's "emeso"
, They told him to make sacrifice and he did
Good fortune is for Agbira
Look at Agbira and look at Oriire. All blessings come for Agbira
Look at Agbira and look at Oriire.

Ifa says: There are blessings of money. You will go through many tribulations, even if you are in business, you will not succeed until the time comes. Even Ifa says that something makes a person sad; but later she will be happy because that is what will bring her money.

Ifa Recommendations for 2022 (United States)

Ifa Recommendations for 2022 (United States)

Ogunda biode is an odu of disobedience and stubbornness, for which we emphasize that people must follow the recommendations of the letter of the year to the letter and not forget to promote the pre-written sacrifices.

  • Place offerings of shrimp with corojo butter to your awofakan or Ikofafun (Hand of Orula).
  • Make a party for the Ibeyis, if you do not have them, it is recommended to receive them.
  • Those people who are oriented to settle their Guardian Angel, that they fulfill it.
    Do ceremonies at the door of the house with Elegua and Oggún.
  • Union, we must break down the barriers of pride, channeling meetings and trying to improve relations with our environment.
  • Do not eat wrapped foods, such as croquettes or meatballs.
  • Do not eat pork.

History of Ogunda Biode (Ogbe), sign that governs the letter of the year 2022 for the United States

It happened once that there was a gang of thieves whose leader was Ogunda Biode, and after carrying out an assault, they had a habit of hiding in the mountains, but this new misdeed that the gang committed, Ogunda Biode after distributing the loot as it was his custom told his companions to water themselves down the mountain.

He took a pass that he was seeing for the first time and that he did not know and what his surprise would be when looking up he noticed that there was a light as great as that of a reflector that was getting smaller and bigger.

Wanting to find out what that mystery was, he got closer and closer until he reached where there was a group of men gathered who were Awoses and were doing Ifá.

What would be his surprise if those Awoses took him prisoner and made him Ifa. Being born in this way to do Ifá in a reserved place, where no one can see anything, that is, the Igbodun ceremony. The light so powerful that it attracted attention was (Igba-Odu).

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