Prayer to Saint Helen of the Cross

Prayer to Saint Helen of the Cross

Prayer to Saint Helen of the Cross It is a very effective invocation, since it activates the energy of that powerful saint who is very efficient for the protection of our most precious physical, spiritual and sentimental assets. Her devotees have full confidence that, by pronouncing her prayers, her call encourages her to go out to meet those who pray to her with faith, helping those most in need without hesitation.

What is asked of Saint Helena?

Devotees of Saint Helena usually request her help in the following situations:

  • She is known as the patron saint of difficult cases, therefore, prayers are made to her to intercede in the most complicated causes that we go through and in which we cannot find a way out by our own means.
  • He intervenes favorably to preserve the union of marriages, and his help is requested in situations of couple conflicts or divorces.
  • She is an excellent protector of her followers and all the helpless.
  • Helps to repel and dissipate bad energies and low vibrations.

How to pray prayers to Santa Elena de la Cruz?

The first recommendation to make the prayer to Saint Helena in the most effective way is that, the more complex the situation, the better it will be to repeat the prayer for several days, usually at least for 9 days in a row.

This does not mean that the Saint will not listen to our prayers if they are made only once, but if we do it consecutively we can make our prayer much more intense and raise its energy. This is related above all to the request made to the saint.

For example, if we want to protect our spaces, our house, home, family or marriage, the prayer of protection to Saint Helena can be prayed daily, in this way, through our devotion we obtain her protection.

Prayer to Saint Helen of the Cross

Prayer to Saint Helena

"Oh dear Saint Helena! You who for your immense faith went to the mount of Calvary until you got the three nails and when you found them you brought them. You gave yourself to your son Constantine; you threw the other into the sea for the health of the sailors, leaving only one in your blessed hands for having touched the nails with which they nailed our Lord. Today I would not dare to ask you for that nail, but, if I beg you to lend it to me for a moment, to nail it in the heart of (name of the loved one) digging to the place where his calm and peace are found, so that , next to those feelings I find myself, and thus I become his calm and his happiness.

Spirit of light, you who illuminate the darkness of souls, I implore you to illuminate the heart of (name of loved one) to remember me at all times and in all places, that you want to share everything with me and by my side to be, that I do not submit to abandonment, neither by his will, nor by the will of others.

Saint who knows the sadness of separation, I ask you not to allow (name of the loved one) to have rest or rest, until he comes to my side to give, and that union, love and stability are established between we, being a faithful, affectionate and loving lover, like a meek lamb, may he remain by my side and may no one stop him, well, right now I call him by the power of Saint Helena (name of the loved one) I tell you: come, come , come, that she will be the only one to whom you have to respond.

By Saint Elena I conjure you, in body, soul and spirit, you must be mine (name of the loved one) come to me because I call you, I magnetize you, and I dominate you, because three times I repeat:

There will be no chair where you can sit, no bed where you can lie down, no thought of calm you will find, until surrendered to my feet by my side you come to stay.

You will not find a chair where you can sit, nor a bed where you can rest, nor an idea of ​​peace you will hit, until you come to stay, surrendered to my feet by my side.

There is no room where you can sit, no bed where you can lie down, no feeling of happiness you will find until surrendered to my feet by my side you come to stay.

This is how it has been sealed and agreed, so be it, so it will be. Amen".

Short prayer of Saint Helena

"Oh dear Saint Helena! I implore you, because you are an example of faith and devotion, you know what sorrows hurt, what anguish torments the heart, but you also know what strength is and fight with fervor. You who did not rest while looking for the cross of Christ, I implore you to fill me with the same patience that characterizes you to be able to face the setbacks that I have in my life, protect me with your protection, and intercede on my behalf before Christ Our Lord, to May I find peace, forgiveness and eternal life by your side. Amen"

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Prayer to Saint Elena of the Cross for marriage

«Oh Saint Helena of the Cross! You who are so diligent in matters of love, take care of the hearts of lovers who suffer from not being able to have their loved one by their side. To you, with all my strength I implore you to help me preserve my marriage, for which I have fought so much and in which I have built so much.

That is why I come to you, glorious Saint Helena, because you enjoy God's blessing, and you are heard in the kingdom of Heaven. I implore you to intercede before merciful Jesus, from whom you enjoy special grace for having obtained the place where the most holy Cross of salvation with which he redeemed all men was found.

For the deep faith you had in the highest mysteries of the passion and death of God the Son, and for his precious Blood that was shed for the remedy of our souls. Holy Elena of the Blessed Cross, I invoke you through my prayer, hear me, attend me, look at me, and protect me.

Pleading before you, Saint Helena, Christian at heart, protector and advocate of your devotees and of the believers of the word of the Lord, we pray for those of us who suffer from sentimental problems, since, when going through these painful circumstances, we do not find ourselves full of pain and despair. .

O Saint Helena! I beg you to take care of this situation that overwhelms me and overwhelms me (make a request), because at your feet I trust that I will be able to recover the desire to live, since so much agony has robbed me of even sleep.

That is why I pray to Almighty God, so that the mediation of Saint Helena before the kingdom of Heaven is truly effective, and in this way I can achieve full happiness, union and love within married life.

O pious Saint Helena! Before you we appear the humble, the devoted and those who believe in God's mercy, because desperate are our pleas, but compassionate is your protection, that's why you don't let our hearts break with abandonment or lack of love.

I cling to your goodness Saint Helena, hoping that your compassionate hand will touch my home, my soul and that of my spouse (name of loved one) bringing with you the relief and the remedy to so many difficulties that we are going through right now inside. of our marital relationship.

Blessed Saint Helena, at your feet I leave my prayer, waiting for my pleas to materialize, and hoping that, just as you helped so many people on Earth, you help me from Heaven. I entrust the care of my home and my loved one to you. Amen".

 Pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.

Prayer to Santa Elene de la Cruz to ask for protection.

«Glorious Saint Helena, beloved, admired, and sublime devotee of Christ. You were blessed by God to bring into the world the man who would become the great promoter of the Catholic religion. Well, within the Roman empire she proclaimed faith in the Son of God, being blessed once again with the happiness of obtaining the most holy wood of the Cross where Jesus suffered, but she also saved all men.

Through you, pious Saint Helena, I implore to be able to attain the strength inspired by the faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ that characterizes you so much. Well, an example of faith and love is what you are Saint Helena, that's why you were recognized as Augusta by your son, and loved in such a way that, taken into account, your advice was taken into account for the benefit of all Christians.

Bring us closer then, in the best possible way to Christ the Redeemer, so that sealed with his pure blood we may be protected from all the evil that lurks in this world, that injustice, betrayal, premature death, disease, revolution, conflicts , and setbacks cannot harm or harm us in any way, because we are protected before your protective gaze and that of Almighty God.

Blessed Saint Helena, I commend you with special fervor the protection of my family, my friends, my loved ones in general, and all my benefactors, because everyone who does me good must also be present in my prayers at all times. .

O Saint Helena! You who endured so many years of abandonment and filled with divine inspiration took refuge in purity and in prayer you separated yourself from worldly life, in the same way I beg you to separate me from all my enemies, from my opponents, opponents, envious, hypocrites and traitors, so that covered by your love nothing bad touches me.

Magnificent Saint Helena, with the mere fact of invoking you I feel the full confidence that you have surrounded me and mine with your divine light of protection. Well, your mother's embrace takes care of all believers of the truth of the Father. That is why with joy and happiness I proclaim that I will be free from bondage, illness, and evil of any nature, because with you I walk today and always Santa Elena. Thank you today and every day of my life. Amen".

Prayer for love to Santa Elena de la Cruz

"Oh Saint Helena! You who, enlightened by the grace of God, reached the mount of Calvary, and with great wisdom you brought three nails and you only kept one of them, in the name of my devotion to you, of this deep love that I feel for (name of being beloved), and from the immense strength that you undoubtedly have, I beg you to lend it to me for a moment to nail the request of my prayer in the heart of (name of the loved one), and that from there it can never leave .

Powerful Saint Helena, before you I prostrate to beg your intervention in the face of my heart's sorrow, do not let me suffer abandonment, agony or despair, then bring (name of the loved one) back to me, and if by my side he has not to return immediately, do not be calm, nor rest until you can find me.

Glorious Saint Helena, I beg you that, just as you raised three temples in the name of the Lord, so you raise and strengthen the love between (name of the loved one) and me (say his name), that our relationship be strengthened and stabilized in such a way that we go to the temple and in marriage we unite in peace, love and happiness.

Loving Santa Elena, it is love that I beg before you, because my intentions towards (name of the loved one) are sincere, full of good feelings, with aspirations to form a healthy union, where respect, fidelity, loyalty and love reign. communication. That is why I implore you to intervene so that (name of the loved one) removes from his mind all negative thoughts towards me, both his own and those unfounded by gossip and slander from people who want to separate us.

May it be your will Saint Helena, the one that overcomes evil and imposes love in the face of this cause that urges me and despairs me. She has been sealed and nailed within the heart of (name of loved one) by your divine intercession. So be it, so it is, and so it shall be. Amen".

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Prayer to Saint Helena to drive away lovers

«Glorious Santa Elena, compassionate and kind you always were, have been, and will be forever. Pleading for that goodness, here I am at your feet, because seeking your consolation is the only hope I have left in the face of the desolation that overwhelms me.

I earnestly ask Saint Helena to advocate for me within the causes that you protect, so that you help me reverse this suffering and sorrow that has invaded my home, my heart and my entire life. Only my faith in you lifts me up, because the hopes of my hands are gone, blow me with your divine breath so that influenced by your energy I can have the strength to fight and the patience to wait for all this vicissitude to pass.

Dear Santa Elena, I also entrust to you the reason for my greatest anguish, which is the separation and the sentimental conflicts I have with (name of loved one). Keep away from us all these problems that we are going through, help me so that we can reconcile our differences and defeat all the reasons that have harmed our union, above all keep away from our lives the third parties who try to come between us.

That (name of the lover) does not succeed in destroying my relationship with (name of the loved one) I ask you Santa Elena, revoke her bad intention, because with ignoble motives she has interfered in a previously stable relationship, breaking the peace, the happiness, tranquility and love.

Glorious Saint Helena, please allow harmony between (name of loved one) and me to return to our lives, help me, I beg you. In your hands I deliver my cause and my anguish and with the blessing of God I will wait for my prayers to materialize thanks to your merciful intervention. God keep you in his grace today and always dear Santa Elena. Amen".

Who is Saint Helen of the Cross?

Who is Saint Helen of the Cross?

To begin, we must understand that only the name of Saint Helena announces the importance of her mission on Earth, since Elena means: "shining torch", and there is no doubt that she would shine in the history of the Catholic faith, becoming a saint. of the kingdom of Heaven due to his outstanding actions.

His birth is calculated for the year 270 BC in the city of Bithynia, near the south of Russia, in the vicinity of the Black Sea. It is said that it stood out for its special beauty, a quality that impacted General Constantius Chlorus, who was a renowned leader of the Roman army, joining the two in marriage, from which a son named Constantine was born, which would considerably mark the history of Christians.

Elena stood out in the first place for being the mother of the emperor who granted emancipation to Christians, after having suffered persecution for their beliefs for 3 centuries. Furthermore, she is credited with having found the Holy Cross of Christ in Jerusalem, but how did she manage to get so far? Let's see…

The story goes that after a time of being married to Constantius, Maximilian, who was the emperor of Rome at the time, offered her husband a position as a highly trusted collaborator, but to agree to it he had to repudiate his wife Elena and marry the emperor's daughter.

Constantius agreed to Maximilian's request, leaving Elena for 14 years. She, dejected by this decision, dedicated herself to a holy life and concentrated on chastity. Constantius ended up becoming emperor after Maximilian's death, and later, Constantine would take over as his father's successor.

His leadership has very outstanding moments such as the victory obtained against the enemies on the Milvian bridge in Rome, where it is related that Constantine had dreams where he saw the cross of Christ, who announced that thanks to his sign he would win his battles. This premonition and the overwhelming triumph, plus the inspiration offered by his mother, were some of the reasons why he decided to decree that the Catholic religion would have full freedom in the Roman Empire from the year 313.

Truly, Constantine felt a deep love for his mother Elena, whom he named Augusta or empress, giving her powers so that she could carry out the works she wanted and dispose of the money of the empire as she wanted.

Elena, who had known the word of God and converted to Christianity, decided to go to Jerusalem where, in the company of a number of workers, she dedicated herself to excavating in the place where Mount Calvary was located, finding the cross on which they had crucified to Jesus Christ, it is for this reason that in her images she is always represented with a cross in her hand.

Beyond the story of how Elena became the mother of the emperor, the actions that made her reach the throne of God are related to her deep faith in Christ, with her efforts to find his Cross, with which she even managed to great miracles.

In addition, Santa Elena was characterized as a very simple woman, who related to the most needy and helped everyone she could through the money she could get thanks to her son, with an extremely pious behavior, and a fervent devotion to God, in fact, it is said that he spent many hours in the temple praying. Among her works in the Holy Land, the construction of three temples stands out: one of them on Calvary; another on the Mount of Olives; and the last, in Bethlehem.

In short, the life of Saint Helena was centered on holiness, on good deeds towards the poorest, and on work in favor of religion, in the same way, she watches over from Heaven for those who need her help.

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