Prayer to the Blessed Souls of Purgatory

Prayer to the holy souls in purgatory

Praying for the blessed souls in purgatory is a practice deeply rooted in Christian tradition, more common than we usually imagine. These prayers not only offer comfort and relief to departed souls who are now on the spiritual plane, waiting to join the Lord, but they also allow us to establish a spiritual connection with them. Through these prayers, we can contribute to shortening his time of purification in purgatory, at the same time we ask for his intercession to receive help and guidance in solving our earthly problems.

Prayer to the Blessed Souls of Purgatory for Difficult Cases

In moments of extreme difficulty, when solutions seem unattainable, we can direct our prayers to the blessed souls of purgatory. These souls, in their purification process, are especially receptive to our prayers and can intercede with God to help us find the relief we so desperately need. The following prayer is a powerful prayer that seeks the help of blessed souls in complex and pressing situations.

«My God, I cry out for your blessing and mercy for the souls who are being purified and who wait patiently to reach your grace as soon as possible.

My prayer on this day is that your cause is not impossible, just as mine is not impossible, which although it does not enjoy the same gravity, since it is not eternal like the stay of souls in purgatory, it does afflict me and It is the reason for my suffering.

Oh blessed souls of purgatory! I offer a light for your redemption, humbly asking you that, just as I pray for you to be accepted in the presence of God the Heavenly Father, in the same way, you pray for the solution of the problems that afflict me, especially for (make request) .

I maintain my faith in my blessed souls in purgatory, because although they are in pain right now, they will soon be received into the kingdoms of the Lord, together with God and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the meantime, I ask that you pray in my name, just as I do for you. May I come out of my difficulties, just as you will come out of tribulation. I have no doubt that a prayer from you can help, no matter how difficult the vicissitudes I face.

Blessed souls waiting in purgatory, at your feet I leave my request to reach your help. I will return the favor by imploring your rest and your speedy entry into the kingdom of Heaven. Give them, Lord, eternal rest and illuminate for them perpetual light. May they rest in peace. Amen".

This prayer can be done for 9 consecutive days, lighting a white candle daily dedicated to the blessed souls in purgatory. At the end of the prayer, it is recommended to pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary.

Who are the holy souls in purgatory?

According to Christian doctrine, blessed souls are the souls that are in purgatory, a place of atonement for sins where they remain for an indefinite time. His stay in purgatory is necessary to purify himself before accessing divine grace. Although they do not consider themselves damned souls, they have not received the sacraments necessary to enter heaven. For this reason, Saint Peter, the guardian of the gates of heaven, does not allow them to enter until they have completed their penance.

How to ask the holy souls in purgatory for a favor?

It is estimated that our duty is to pray for all those souls who are awaiting union with God, in order to intercede in some way for their eternal rest. This has been manifested by various characters of Christianity, such as Saint Brigid or Saint Faustina, prayer is highly powerful for the redemption of the souls of the deceased.

The prayer for the souls in purgatory stimulates in them a deep feeling of gratitude, which inspires them to act as our intercessors, intensely begging God for his mercy to help us solve our problems. It is believed that his fervor is so great that it is very difficult for God to ignore his requests.

A very popular ritual to request a favor from the holy souls in purgatory it is to offer a prayer, the light of a candle, and a glass of water in his name; Some of his devotees tend to perform this service every Monday on a regular basis.

Is it bad to pray to souls?

There is nothing wrong with praying to the blessed souls in purgatory. In fact, this practice has always been recognized by various personalities of the Catholic Church due to its importance, it is estimated that we are all spiritually united and the prayer or the good that we do for a soul in need, can help another, that way both They can contribute to its purification.

In other religions and spiritual practices, the blessed souls are considered entities whose energy flows through the spiritual plane, and their actions are directed to goodness (otherwise they would be dark spiritualities) and that can be invoked through prayers or rituals to request in favor of their spiritual evolution and request their help in certain circumstances that are going through.

Prayer to the Blessed Souls to Make a Request

Requests to the blessed souls in purgatory must always be accompanied by a light. Offering a candle, preferably white, in their name not only helps us obtain their favors, but also contributes to their spiritual evolution.

«I invoke the blessed souls of purgatory.

I have no doubt that you are kind, wise and grateful.

In the name of Almighty God, I ask you to hear my prayer.

You, an example of tireless hope, who wander the world helping the unfortunate, just like you, who await your moment to be in the presence of the Creator.

Blessed souls of creation, I send you my concerns (make request) and I humbly ask you to intercede with your prayers so that a solution is reached. For the love of Jesus Christ, ask for good fortune for me, just as I will ask for you and your redemption.

May God cover us and protect us from all evil with his mantle of light, allow us to progress in any plane of existence in which we find ourselves, keep us in his heart, flood us with his love, and eradicate every problem or agony.

Do not forget, blessed souls of purgatory, to protect me from those who want to harm me. May their eyes not be able to see me, so that they cannot harm me. May your influence revitalize me at all times, so that my desire to fight does not fail and so I never give up, until I achieve my triumph on this earth, just as you do not give up while waiting to reach the heavenly land.

May God allow you eternal rest and grant you light and progress forever. Amen".

Prayer for the Blessed Souls in Purgatory

Praying for the souls that are in purgatory is an act of love and charity that helps in their purification process. Through this prayer, we ask the Eternal Father for his mercy, so that the souls of the deceased may be welcomed into his grace and find eternal peace.

«I cry out to you, Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, merciful Redeemer.

I take refuge in the great power of Christ that strengthens me.

To you, Eternal Father, I cry out that all your children who have departed to the land of truth may be received with open arms, that their sins may be forgiven, and that their souls may be healed in your immaculate redemption, especially the soul of ( say the name of the deceased for whom the prayer is offered).

Mary, Mother of mercy, your and our lawyer, intercedes once again for waiting souls. You recognize their goodness in them, and if there is any sin to forgive, let it be promptly absolved so that they can participate in holiness and live in your glory and that of God.

Christ lives and reigns alongside the Holy Spirit. God of mercy, listen to this sincere prayer that we make, your children, who are still on this earth, and who with humility cry out for the souls that still lie in purgatory, waiting with faith and hope to be able to experience the joy of being before your gaze. Receive them, Father of mercy, especially the soul of (say the name of the deceased for whom the prayer is offered), who has departed this world leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of family and friends.

Pray, Lord, for (say the name of the deceased for whom the prayer is offered), for us and for all the blessed souls of those deceased who are waiting to find peace in your lap. Allow them eternal rest. Make perpetual light shine for them and that they may achieve the peace of their souls. Amen, Jesus.

Prayer to Saint Gertrude for the Blessed Souls in Purgatory

Saint Gertrude of Helfta, a Cistercian Benedictine nun of German origin, is known as Gertrude the Great or Gertrude the Magnificent. Her life was marked by devotion to the salvation of souls and the search for union with God. Through her numerous writings and prayers, Saint Gertrude is invoked to intercede for the forgiveness of the sins of the blessed souls in purgatory, helping them achieve divine grace.

«I ask the blessing of God the Father. May his blessing be extended to all the saints and saints of the heavenly court, especially to Saint Gertrude, self-sacrificing devotee of faith.

May the blessing of God attend without delay to all the blessed souls who await the forgiveness of their sins in purgatory.

In the name of the most precious blood of your immaculate Son, Jesus, my God, I cry that the wait of the waiting souls will not be eternal, that their faults be recognized and expiated, for greater grace and mercy in his name.

Glorious Saint Gertrude, you who were considered great among the great, because great is your faith, do not forsake those of us who are in this world, exposed to weakness in the face of sin, fighting in the name of our conviction so that our conversion into God's faith allows us to distance ourselves from evil.

Oh Saint Gertrude! Nor do you forget those busy souls that in purgatory long to be in the kingdom of God, as you find yourself now. Always raise a prayer in their names, especially for the soul of (say the name of the deceased for whom the prayer is offered). That, during his time on this earth, he was a good person, a good father/mother, a good son/daughter, a good friend. If the Creator has to forgive him something, help him to do so soon and also advocate for the rest of the souls who find themselves in a similar situation.

I raise my prayer for all the blessed souls in purgatory, and for everyone who requires forgiveness of their sins, even for my own, so that God, thanks to Saint Gertrude, looks at us with eyes of mercy. Amen".

You can read: Prayer to San Luis Beltrán to heal and remove the evil eye

Prayer to the 13 Blessed Souls of Purgatory

Prayer to the 13 blessed souls in purgatory

The 13 blessed souls are known as the souls in pain who, after having committed sins during their earthly life, are in purgatory awaiting their purification. This atonement process is necessary so that they can access the heavenly kingdom with God. However, this path of purification is often painful and difficult for these souls, so they work fervently to accelerate their liberation. We, from the earthly plane, can also help them, raising our prayers to God in his name.

«Blessed God, God of goodness,

prostrate before you, we are your most devoted children, crying out for your blessing. This time not only for us, but also on behalf of the 13 blessed souls in purgatory.

In the name of the love they profess for you, my God, we entrust them with missions of kindness, so that they can demonstrate their willingness to achieve holiness.

His faith and charity have become infinite. Oh, 13 blessed souls, I ask you to listen to my request (make a request).

I have no doubt that my 13 blessed souls will also pray for my cause until it is resolved. In the same way, I will pray for you, so that you may be accepted into the house of the Lord.

Lord Jesus Christ, in your hands I entrust myself and the 13 blessed souls.

Protect us, protect us, take care of us and forgive us our sins, so that we can live the joy of grace and reconciliation in God. Amen".

You can read: Prayer to the Holy Death

Prayer to the Blessed Souls of Purgatory for Love

This prayer to the blessed souls of purgatory for love can be done accompanied by a white candle and a glass of water with sugar, seeking to soften and resolve couple conflicts.

«Bless you, souls of purgatory.

May Almighty God shower all his mercy on you.

Their wisdom and goodness are immense, and that is why they will soon be freed from purgatory and anointed with the purification of God.

I make a prayer that your pains and burdens may be relieved, that your faults, if any, may be forgiven.

I pray for you, blessed souls in purgatory, and I dare to ask you to do it for me too.

Just as peace and tranquility are lacking in your existence, chaos and sentimental instability abound in mine.

Conflicts, fights and misunderstandings have taken control of my relationship with (name of loved one). Therefore, anguish and fear reign in my heart.

With deep devotion, I raise my prayers imploring your help. Influence so that peace, calm and love reign. So that (name of the loved one) changes his or her negative thoughts and predisposition, thus achieving an understanding between us.

To you, blessed souls, I entrust my relationship so that you can strip it of hatred, resentment, entanglements, gossip, envy, witchcraft, spells, curses, and all evil snares.

Blessed souls of purgatory, I trust you with my cause, knowing that you will act with kindness and bring the best energies to benefit my request. In the meantime, I will continue to pray to our Lord to grant them eternal rest and their redemption. Amen".

Powerful Prayer to the Blessed Souls in Purgatory to Master

This prayer to the blessed souls in purgatory to dominate can be done with a half white and half red candle, so that one part prays for the blessed souls and the other part for the objective we wish to achieve.

«Blessed souls in purgatory, may the blessing of God be with you.

Beneficent spirits who guard me, accompany me at this moment.

I conjure, through this light, in this holy hour and in this holy moment, the five senses, feelings, thoughts and spirit of (name of the person you wish to dominate).

This light that I have conjured advocates for your needs, blessed souls of purgatory, and for mine. May eternal rest be made for you, and may control over (name of the person you wish to dominate) be made for me. May my ideas be yours, that what I want, he/she also wants (make a request).

You must come to my feet, (name of the person who wishes to dominate), dominated, repentant, supplicating, accommodating, doing my will, obeying my desires, by the power of this light and the intervention of the blessed souls of purgatory.

I trust you, blessed souls. May God bless you and protect you quickly in his heavenly kingdom. May the light shine for you, with the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to the Blessed Souls of Purgatory to Ask for Protection

Reciting this prayer to the blessed souls in purgatory every Sunday is a powerful way to begin the week under divine protection, ensuring protection against all evil. By entrusting our safety to the souls awaiting redemption, we receive their help and protection, allowing health, well-being and prosperity to flourish in our lives. Through this prayer, we seek the intercession of souls so that God covers us with his mercy and guides our steps with his divine light.

«Blessed souls of purgatory, you are always diligent.

To you I entrust the care of my person, my ways and my affairs.

I humbly beg you, souls of my devotion, to intercede to free me from all evil, adversity, risk, enemy or calamity.

I ask for your help and help, that my paths be covered by your goodness, allowing health, prosperity and love to be maintained in my life, in my home and in mine.

May God's blessing allow the purification of my mind, heart, body, soul and spirit, while purifying your blessed souls.

May the Virgin of Carmen advocate for the forgiveness of your sins, and in the name of the power of the Blood of Jesus may the mercy of God be poured out on you, so that you may live as soon as possible in His grace. Amen".

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