Irete Meyi (Ìretè Méjì): Analysis, Advice and Sayings

Irete Meyi (Ìretè Méjì) is Odu #14 of the Lordly Order of Ifá. This sign symbolizes both love and joy and crying and sadness, reflecting the duality of human emotions. The capricious and willful nature of people ruled by this sign can lead them to be both loved and hated.
Analysis and Interpretation of the Odu of Ifá Irete Meji
Irete Meji is known as "Love Personified." This sign reveals the importance of love, vanity and the constant struggle for power and self-affirmation. People ruled by this Odu have an intrinsic duality, combining love and hate, joy and sadness. The metaphor of having one foot on land and another in the sea symbolizes its connection with the mundane and the spiritual, reflecting a balance that must be maintained through sacrifice and devotion.
Economic Aspects
In the economic sphere, Irete Meyi warns about the accumulation of resources throughout life. Prosperity comes with constant sacrifices and sincere devotion to the Orishas, especially Oshun, who must be honored for business to prosper. He is an Odu that encourages wealth, but also warns about the pitfalls and setbacks that can arise due to vanity and pride. Maintaining humility and making the necessary sacrifices are key to ensuring economic stability.
"I have to be careful not to fall into the hole of prosperity." Ìretè Méjì warns us about the hidden dangers of economic success. Prosperity can bring with it complacency and carelessness, leading us to make reckless decisions. He reminds us that the real challenge is not only to achieve wealth, but to maintain vigilance and humility so as not to lose what has been gained.
Ìretè Méjì speaks of various health conditions, including boils, chickenpox, pestilent fevers, leprosy, syphilis, and problems of the skeletal system such as weakness (impotence). It is recommended to avoid drinking water until midnight and not eating guineas or peanuts. Making sacrifices and maintaining an adequate diet are essential to prevent these diseases. Ritual baths with omiero are essential to revitalize the body and maintain good health.
Religious Aspects
In the religious sphere, Baba Irete Meji highlights the importance of frequently sacrificing the Orishas, especially Oshun and Elegba, to maintain protection and spiritual balance. This Odu prescribes the use of a bronze and ivory crown adorned with parrot feathers, and the performance of specific sacrifices for Ifá. Devotion to the Orishas and making offerings are essential to overcome the tests and challenges that this sign presents.
"The sun can't beat the umbrella." Ìretè Méjì teaches us the importance of spiritual protection. Just as an umbrella protects from the sun, we must seek the protection of the Orishas and perform the appropriate rituals to face adversity. Faith and devotion act as a barrier that protects us from negative influences and allows us to maintain our spiritual balance.
Personal Relationships (Love)
In the area of personal relationships, Irete Meji indicates that the people ruled by this Odu have a dual character, combining love and hate. They are vain and proud people, which can generate conflicts in their relationships. It is important that they remain calm and understanding to avoid problems. The key to maintaining healthy relationships is humility and devotion to the Orishas. Women under this sign demand constant affection and attention.
"A comb cannot comb a bald man's hair, a razor cannot shave a bald man." Irete Meyi highlights the importance of compatibility in relationships. In love, not all people or all solutions are right for everyone. Just as a comb is useless for a bald person, certain attitudes do not fit every relationship. It is crucial to find someone who complements our needs and apply the appropriate solutions to achieve a harmonious coexistence.
General Description of the Ifa Sign Irete Meyi
What is born in the Odu of Ifá Irete Meji?
- That Iku respects chickens.
- Squaring the circle.
- What is the Odu of «Love Personified».
- Let Ikofafun put 3 ikines.
- The astral body (the spirit).
- That the Ifá priest cannot tear the seeds from the ikin bushes, except to build his okpele.
- The strength of the hands and teeth.
- Oya's scythe.
- That with this Odu, the son of Ogun is not made Ifá, because he will never progress.
- The secret of the Olofin crown.
- The consecration of Oya and Ogun.
- Iku's pact with Orunmila.
- The spirit of Oduduwa.
- Ducks, chickens, toties, pigs.
- Do ituto in life.
- The head of the bull for Olokun.
What does the Irete Meji sign talk about?
- They speak of the attacks, boils, chicken pox, pimples, pestilential fevers, bubonic plague, leprosy, syphilis, pleurisy, scurvy, leukemia, laxity (impotence), otitis, frequent loss of weight, prostration of the waist towards under.
- Here: ants are not killed.
- When you see this Ifá, you don't drink water until 12 at night.
- He has one foot on the land and the other in the sea.
- Deer is sacrificed to Orunmila.
- It is the Odu that is marked at the entrance of the house and a dove is sacrificed to him to drive away the danger that lies in wait for him.
- The shade of fruit trees speaks.
- The goat became Eshu's food.
- Man's uneasiness began for the struggle for material goods.
- The person is an artist by birth, aptitudes for creation.
- Osun is prepared up to the knee.
- The mayomberos carried the ox jar and loaded it with sacred materials and put a mirror on it to see the future.
The sign Irete Meji points out:
- The Odu reiterates the elimination of human beings by the sacrifice of animals.
- The Odu prescribes that the Awó learn the songs of Ifá to apply them.
- The Iyefá is made of ikines shell.
- Elegua crowned Olofin with a fairy, with 16 parrot feathers and 16 ivory handles.
- Ifá notifies the Awó 16 days before his death.
- It was where Ogun became gross and why Ogun's children do not interpret Ifá.
- The Ogue were from Ogun.
- Shango was born in Takua land and in other lands he was crowned king four times.
- He cannot hang up his clothes because he is late.
- Oya was captivated or enslaved by Ogun.
- Ogun lost power with Oya and lost Ogue.
- Women lost the power of Olofin and why they cannot have it.
- Oshun was a midwife.
- Oshun was a close friend of Nanu, sister and wife of Azojuano.
- Meat and chicken are given to Iku to keep her away.
- Oduduwa went to teach the Congos, but they did not learn.
- The Ifá crown brings luck to the ilé.
- The akan (crab) changes his house.
- Blankets are not worn over the body.
- The herbs are: herb la sangre, caí simón and farolito.
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Meaning of the Sign of Ifa Irete Meyi
Irete Meyi is an Odu that speaks of requests and deep thoughts. Women under the influence of him often demand affection and attention. This sign, known as "Love Personified", is a symbol of love and joy, but also of crying and sadness. It marks tears for suffering and reiterates the elimination of human beings through the sacrifice of animals. Luck is always within reach, although hanging, and the people ruled by this Odu will have a seat and wealth thanks to Yemayá.
Ruled by Ogun, who imposed his authority through force and fear, Ìretè Méjì is the sign of the Earth and dominates everything related to death. He is Saint Lazarus in person, in space, and his energy manifests in red, gray and blue. His day is Wednesday and his ruling planet is Kole Abe (Mercury), with quicksilver as his metal.
This Odu is known for being courageous, and requires his children to do Ebó to eliminate his enemies. Irete Meyi is in charge of resurrecting the dead, that's why he is called Eyemere, he laughs at death, insults it, and Iku can't do anything against him. The Awó of this sign has the ability to know what is happening, whether good or bad, and uses Oshosi and Azojuano as defense.
Irete Meyi describes the Earth as smooth and without abnormalities, but when exploring it, skeletons, corpses and excrement are discovered. This Odu receives on Earth everything discarded by life and lives on the seashore. It is considered a long-lived Odu, where Ogun and Osanyin respect each other, as do Olokun and Osanyin.
In Irete Meyi, you cannot walk without the protection of Ogun or Oshun if you want to be well. The Awó of this Odu wears a crown when he has Olofin and offers a rooster to Elegua, putting it in a basket. Despite being a sign of love and joy, those ruled by Irete Meyi are vain and full of greatness, believing themselves superior to others. Their words are usually full of satire and barbs, and although they do not believe in anyone, they believe that they deserve everything and are irreplaceable, which makes them suffer in their pride.
They like to live and dress well, trying to look better than anyone else and constantly praising themselves, they think they are wise. They are not capable of sacrificing themselves for anyone, only for themselves and to get what they want. If they feel wounded in their vanity, they can be dangerous, capable of killing while laughing and without regret. They do not back down from anything or anyone, they cry out of helplessness when they cannot develop what they want, they are willful and self-possessed, although somewhat capricious and unimpressionable, they are unfazed by anything or anyone. They cry for the lack of power and, when they are like this, they kill to become masters of themselves and everything around them. They love and hate at the same time, and they hate those they love most when they do not do their will, going through work and suffering due to their character that deceives anyone.
Baba Irete Meji is a rich Ifá, but full of many setbacks and traps.
Recommendations of the Irete Meyi sign
- Make urgent Paraldo when this Odu comes for a woman.
- 16 stones are consecrated to the son of Ogun, with each Odu Meji marked on them and lives within his Awafakan.
- Pray to the deity Igba Odu with sixteen halves of bread and cocoa for sixteen days.
- Use a cane prepared by an Ifá priest.
- Offer a drum to Oshun, sacrifice for this deity what Ifá says and wash your house with: purslane, scare away the dead and open the way.
- Sacrifice two white doves after preparing Osun up to the knee, and deposit it with Orunmila.
- Sacrifice goat to Eshu, chicken, deer and goat to Ifá, and a rabbit to the Elders of the Night to have children.
- Sacrifice goat to Ifá with Iyefá of Orunmila to avoid danger of death.
- Sacrifice goat to Eshu, 2 roosters to Shango and sheep to Egungun to emerge victorious in three tests.
- Sacrifice 2 chickens and a goat to Oya and a goat to Eshu to avoid problems with the law.
- Systematically peeling to grow hair.
- Serve the head frequently.
- Learn the Ifá chants to apply them.
- Make Ebó to achieve luck.
- Be patient, a woman will bring you luck.
- The husband has to be Awó de Orunmila.
- Sacrifice with a blanket and epó to erase the things of the past.
- Receive Saint Lazarus.
- Sacrifice Oshun so that business goes well.
- Frequently sacrifice your guardian angel.
- Study your profession in depth.
- Put a deer head on Orunmila's altar.
- If the woman has six children, sacrifice so as not to lose three.
- Plant an Ege tree and sacrifice a rooster to it.
- Sow the head of a boa.
- Sow the father ram.
- Find the stone from a river for your Eshu.
- Make specific sacrifices for health and prosperity.
Prohibitions of Odu Ìretè Méjì
- Ogun's son is not given Ifá.
- Do not kill ants.
- Do not take otí.
- You cannot use indigo or eat ekrú, adalú, guinea, ekó, corn stew, Johnson banana, chicken, sesame, peanut or millet.
- Do not walk without Ogun or Oshun.
- Do not wear torn or black clothing.
- Don't hang your clothes.
- Do not go to the square and public places.
- Do not use a blanket on your body.
- Sleight of hand is prohibited.
- Do not open gaps or cross them.
Sayings of the Odu of Ifa Irete Meyi:
- The judge who warns a lot, does not want to find guilty.
- The sun can't beat the umbrella.
- If the people saved me, they saved themselves; if they don't help me, they will be lost.
- A good gesture of kindness deserves another, while a bad gesture destroys mutual relationships.
- By planting three trees I will achieve my prosperity.
- The blood is resurrected.
- He who raised the dead and is among the living.
- Art shapes my life.
- The one who cheated death.
- I have to be careful not to fall into the hole of prosperity.
- Only smallpox can insult Iku without risking death.
- The one who moves his legs.
- The Earth insulted death and it forgave her because she is his sister.
- A comb cannot comb a bald man, a razor cannot shave a hairless man.
- Olodumare never gets sick and is never sad, we will never hear of his death, unless liars lie.
"The judge who warns a lot, does not want to find guilty." Ìretè Méjì teaches us about prudence and the intention to prevent evil rather than punish it. A judge who repeatedly warns is providing opportunities to correct behavior. His goal is not to punish, but to prevent mistakes from being made, thus promoting righteousness and justice in a preventive way.
Ifa Code of Ethics of the odu Irete Meji:
- Women do more for Orunmila than men themselves, that is why the Awó will not mistreat them.
Ifa Irete Meyi says:
When Irete Meyi manifests during the initiation at Igbodu, the initiate must plant three trees as follows:
- A rooster for the ege plant (isa in Benin).
- The head of a boa to sow ebe (alaho in Benin).
- The father ram to sow ukpogun kperegun.
Additionally, a stone taken from the bottom of a river must be used to prepare Eshu for the initiate. This is the secret by which Orunmila is able to make her children rich and prosperous.
When the Ifá sign Irete Meyi appears in divination, the person is advised to be careful of his servant, who might be planning to betray him or lie against him.
The person feels sad and wants to cry. She is a believer in her own way and sometimes she doesn't even believe in herself. She should not throw away anything from the Saint because it could end up affecting her sanity. Playing music in her house will help her achieve what she wants. When there are celebrations, it is advisable to scrub the house with Atiponlá and patatassimí.
He has had a tragedy with a fat person. In his house there is a very strong person who belongs to another religion, but Orunmila will put an end to that influence. There is someone in your family who is crazy, so they say you are crazy too. Keep your mental imaginings to yourself to avoid being labeled crazy and be more mature.
- It should not open gaps or cross them.
- The deer does not hear through its ears, but through its front legs. This is a virtue of yours, so you must take care of your legs and arms.
- It is advisable to do Santo within a year. Put a leg of deer (Agbani) to your Ifá. Ifá from Iyesá land is known as Eyelemere for being the one who goes down to the land of the Egun and returns to that of the living.
- Place a piece of deer antler in your Ikofafun and Awafakan.
- When Irete Meyi appears in Osobo, 16 akará must be offered to Olofin, praying to him for 16 days and sleeping with a white and green cap.
- The first one who made Saint was Oduduwa and Orunmila made him Ifá, that is why the first to cut hair and use a razor is the Awó with the suyere: Isurro Ebo Ori, Ashe Gba Di Kola.
- After the celebrations at home, scrub the ilé with purslane omiero and atiponlá.
- This sign brings good omens for traveling.
- The money should be kept in a bag with fish and roasted corn.
- Prepare three handkerchiefs: one white, one yellow, and one blue. Join them at the ends and give them to your Guardian Angel, using them from time to time.
- Women outside the house bring luck.
- If you are building a house, suspend construction for some time and offer a goat to Eshu.
- If a woman has six children, she must sacrifice because she may lose three. She uses palm oil, sponge, soap, comb, okra, ataré, jutía and smoked fish, roasted corn, rabbit for the Elders of the Night and a goat for Eshu.
Treaty of the Odu of Ifá Irete Meji
The Ifá priest knows or has a feeling that he is going to die sixteen days before, a time in which he must make preparations for a long trip. It is essential to frequently sacrifice your guardian angel to maintain spiritual protection.
In Irete Meji, you cannot wear torn or black clothing. He must take care of his wife and daughter, because due to lack of attention and concern they could drift away. There are also doubts about the paternity of your child, so it is advisable to make a sacrifice to money to clarify the situation.
To visit relatives in other lands, it is necessary to sacrifice a white ram to Shango and consult first. Avoid thinking that you deserve everything, as this attitude can cause problems. Young women tend to make you a laughing stock, and you should be aware of this.
It is essential to carry out your consecrations within Ifism to reduce your debt of gratitude to Humanity. For business to go well, Oshun must be sacrificed. Furthermore, he should not carry weapons on him to avoid tragedies.
Spend more time studying Ifá and less time studying Egungun. Place a deer head on the altar of Orunmila and receive Saint Lazarus. The guineas knew that Orunmila was going down the wrong path, following the deer, and they warned him, but he did not listen. The deer (Agbani), who was Orunmila's wife, had a lover.
Irete Meji is considered the magma of the Earth, composed of rocks under the Earth's crust with temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius. He is an Odu of tests, since Olodumare tested the wisdom of all the Saints through him.
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Prayer of Odu Baba Ìretè Méjì:
Suyere (Song):
Ebbo (Works) of the Odu Irete Meyi Ifá
- Ingredients: 5 Oshun herbs for Omiero (Buttercup, Paradise, Sassafras, Imo Oshun), blood from a yellow pullet, 8 different kinds of drinks.
- Process: The blood of the pullet is added to the Omiero, with which the person is cleansed. The chicken is passed through the fire and taken to the river. Upon returning, the person bathes. Given the danger, the Awó must perform Paraldo with a cock directly.
Ebbo Secret of the Irete Meyi Sign
- Ingredients: 3 peony seeds, 3 bottles of brandy, 3 bottles of honey, 3 spears, 3 small stones, 1 rooster, 2 yellow hens, 3 ekó, 3 candles, jutía and smoked fish, yellow, red and white cloth, 2 coconuts, a lot of money.
- Secret: 1 güirito with three-cornered earth, river sand, 5 small river stones. Chicken blood is given and placed behind the door. This secret was distributed by Orunmila to all her children.
Work for the Awó:
- Process: A rooster is offered to Elegbara, placed in a basket. Elegbara crowned Olofin with a beautiful crown of 16 parrot feathers and 16 ivory medals. The Awó wears this crown when he has Olofin.
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Irete Meyi Ifa Traditional
Ajílósóó Awo èbá ònà
A day fún enú se méjì enu ènìyàn
Wón ní enu tíón bá fi yìn ín
Wón ò níí fi bu u
Ebo ni ko se
ó gbébo nbè
Ó rubo
boo ba lowo
Won a ní pèlé or Olówo
Béeyàn ò sì lówó
Won a ní pèlé or ìwo Òtòsì
Ifá pèlé òkan ló yá
Ó ti ya ju pèlé òkan lo
Pèlé Olówó ló ti ya
Ló ju pèlé ìwo Òtòsì
Njé kin layé moo se?
Ègàn layé móo se
In Irete Meji, Ifá says that it will silence the mouths of those people who make fun of this person. It is in your presence that it will.
Ajílósòó is the priest of the way
He was the one who made divination for the Double Talker, the man's mouth
The mouth they would use in praise
The same mouth should not be used to abuse it
For which he was advised to offer sacrifice
He performed the sacrifice
If you are rich
They would call him the rich man
But if on the contrary you are poor
They would greet you 'Hello poor man'
Ifá, the one who greets is fine,
Is better than another
Hello, the rich man is alright, the poor man
Yet what was that thing that man has perfected?
Teasing is what man has perfected
Pataki of the sign of Ifa Irete Meyi:
Orunmila's Song of Salvation
One day, Orunmila went out to the field to hunt deer. Upon reaching the mountain, without noticing her, she put her feet in a well and fell into it. Seeing that it was impossible to get out of it, she began to sing. At that time, three men were passing by and heard her singing. As they approached, they saw Orunmila in the well, but upon noticing that he had no food or animals to offer, they decided to leave him there and left.
Shortly after, three women, Oshun, Oya and Yemaya, heard Orunmila's song and came to see. Recognizing him, they decided to help him. Each one took off her blanket and tied them together, but they did not reach the necessary length. Then, they took off their skirts and added them to the blankets. Together, they managed to get Orunmila out of the well.
Grateful, Orunmila asked each one why they were crying. Oshun responded that she was crying because all of her children died at birth. Orunmila assured her that from that moment on, all of her children would live. Oya said that she was crying because she could not have children, to which Orunmila responded that she would give birth. Yemaya explained that she never got pregnant, and Orunmila promised her that she would achieve it.
The next day, the three women went to Orunmila's house and lived with him. Soon, they all became pregnant. Orunmila and Oshun's daughter, named Poroye, grew up learning the song that Orunmila had sung at the well. Every day, Oshun sang him that song so he would remember it.
One year, Poroye was selected to be euthanized. While imprisoned, she wouldn't stop singing that song. Orunmila, upon hearing her, was surprised and addressed the girl, asking her who her mother was. Ella Poroye responded that she was Oshun's daughter. Orunmila remembered her intervention with Oshun and understood that Poroye was her daughter.
Looking for a way to save it, Orunmila gathered all the Saints and proposed that each one choose their favorite animal to eat from now on. Obatala chose the goat and decided to eat together with Oya. Yemaya chose the duck and mutton (abo) to eat together with Shango. Each Saint chose his favorite animal to eat from then on.
In this way, Orunmila managed to save his daughter and the killing of Christians stopped.
Explanation: The patakie "Orunmila's Song of Salvation" teaches us the importance of compassion, gratitude and collaboration. Orunmila, grateful for the women's help, granted them significant blessings. Furthermore, his ingenuity and wisdom made it possible to change a cruel practice, saving not only his daughter, but many others. This story reminds us that selfless help and solidarity can transform difficult situations into opportunities for salvation and positive change.
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