Obara Dila (6-7): Interpretation and Analysis of the Odu of Ifa

Obara dila sign of ifa

Obara Dila or Òbàrà Òdí (6-7), is the 110th sign in the Lordly Order of Ifá, reveals to us why Shangó and Yemayá eat together. This sign underlines the importance of keeping personal secrets protected and hidden. Ifá advises that the person involved make sacrifices to safeguard their secrets. He is recommended to offer a sacrifice using a piece of clothing; Furthermore, it is crucial that he not distance himself from her family, since they will be the ones who guard his most intimate secrets.

Analysis and Interpretation of the Odu Òbàrà Òdí

Obara Dila suggests a life marked by rapid transitions between states of being, indicating that personal balance is crucial. This Odu teaches that adaptability and caution are essential to navigate the abrupt changes that may arise. Here the importance of not losing one's essence and values ​​in the face of adversity or temptations is emphasized, as demonstrated by the story of Shangó who, despite his challenges, manages to maintain his dignity by giving his crown to Yemajá, symbolizing the transfer of responsibility and power.

Economic Aspects

In economic terms, Obara Dila warns of potential volatility. The reference to prostitution and the trade of the human body suggests that we must be careful about transactions that compromise our deepest values. This sign advises strengthening integrity in business and avoiding quick or dishonest solutions to ensure sustainable and respectable growth.

"The mouse does not kill the cat" Òbàrà Dí tells us about the importance of recognizing our limitations and positions in the economic field. In business, as in life, understanding our capabilities and the challenges we may realistically face allows us to avoid damaging confrontations and seek more appropriate strategies for success.


This Odu highlights particular health concerns, such as impotence and gastrointestinal problems, which can arise from inadequate stress management or leading an unbalanced lifestyle. The recommendation to take care of the circulatory system and lower limbs points to the need to pay attention to how our physical actions and decisions can affect our general well-being.

Religious Aspects

Religiously, Òbàrà Òdí is loaded with symbolism and ritual requirements. The presence of figures such as Shangó and Yemajá underlines the importance of devotion and respect towards the Orishas. It is mentioned that it is crucial to receive Obá-Kolaba and Eni-Osha-Abuken, indicating that certain rituals and offerings may be necessary to maintain spiritual harmony and protect against negative influences, such as the "evil wind" mentioned in the text.

Personal Relationships (Love)

From a personal relationship standpoint, this Odu suggests that challenges in intimate relationships may reflect unresolved internal conflicts. The reference to powerlessness and control dynamics within relationships warns of the danger of losing mutual respect and equality. This Odu teaches that honesty and loyalty are essential to building stable and lasting loving relationships, and that it is vital to avoid behaviors that can lead to emotional or spiritual disintegration.

«Two things that are not continuous will hardly be able to catch fire» suggests that in love, closeness and constancy are essential. Relationships that lack ongoing interaction and regular communication struggle to develop and maintain deep passion and emotional connection.

Odu General Description Òbàrà Òdí

Names or Aliases:

  • Òbàrà Òdí.
  • Obara Di.
  • Obara Dila.
  • Obara silly Odi.
  • 6-7.

What is born in the oddun of Ifá Obara Dila?

  • The Ebó of the year.
  • Prostitution.
  • That the genital organs were placed between the legs.
  • Modest hair in humans.
  • Let Shangó and Yemayá eat together.
  • Kiye (the killer).
  • Eni Osha Abuken.

What does the Obara Dila sign talk about?

  • Here: The evil wind rules. Shango took it out.
  • It was where Olofin ate goat (Eure).
  • Talk about a woman with many buttocks and a gold tooth.
  • Talk about a girl who can be lost.
  • Shango gave his crown to Yemaya.
  • The woman trades with her body and the man is impotent.
  • You should not try to know everything.
  • Fresh fish is a secret for the Iré (Ejá-tutu).
  • Shango was an invalid.
  • People are bought to bring down others.
  • This Odu brought the light of day.
  • Obá Kolaba and Eni-Osha-Abuken must be received.

Obara Di points out:

  • He does not ride a horse.
  • He does not remove his hat to say hello.
  • They left Elegba holding the house.
  • The diseases are: Impotence, stomach gas, problems in the lower limbs due to trauma, circulatory system, gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  • Save Yemayá.
  • This is Orun and the mud, who made the person dirty.

Recommendations in the Odu Obara Di

  • Perform Ebó of the year as a form of annual cleaning and renewal.
  • Take special care in relationships, ensuring that they do not become unbalanced due to excessive demands from the partner.
  • Make offerings and rituals to specific deities such as Shangó, Yemajá and Eshu to ensure protection and blessings.
  • Perform special sacrifices when this Odu appears in IGBODU, including the use of a snail collected in the bush and other symbolic elements.
  • Serve Eshu with offerings such as a goat, a mirror, and follow divine instructions to enhance personal competence and success in challenges.
  • Be alert for theft and take steps to protect personal property.
  • Take care of your health with specific remedies such as French Macaw herb infusion for stomach problems.
  • Maintain devotion and appropriate spiritual practices to preserve personal and spiritual integrity.
  • Seriously consider warnings about personal behavior and its impacts on love and family life, such as fidelity and commitment to your partner.

Prohibitions of the Obara Dila sign

  • Do not ride a horse.
  • Do not take off your hat to greet.
  • Do not try to know everything, especially in contexts where the information can be counterproductive or harmful.
  • Do not reveal personal projects or plans, to avoid them being sabotaged by enemies.
  • Do not lead a promiscuous or carefree life, especially for men, as it could lead to significant relationship and health problems, such as impotence.
  • Do not attend gatherings or parties during specified periods, such as the 16 days indicated after a particular divination.
  • Do not try to bear the entire weight of domestic or financial responsibilities without help, to avoid emotional and physical exhaustion.
  • Do not engage in acts of buying wills to bring down others, as it can lead to negative karmic or legal consequences.

It may interest you: All about the Oddun of Ifa Odi Bara

Sayings of Odu Obara Dila:

  • The dog has four legs and takes only one path.
  • The mouse does not kill the cat.
  • Two things that are not continuous, can hardly catch fire.
  • Evil becomes good.

The saying "The dog has four legs and takes only one path» illustrates the importance of decision and dedication. Despite having multiple options available, wisdom lies in choosing a path and following it with commitment and determination, avoiding dispersion and indecision.

Ifa ethical code of the odu Obara Dila:

  • The Awó becomes Ebbó with the letter of the year.

Ifá says: Obara Dila

When the Odu emerges «Òbàrà Òdí» For a man, it is crucial that he abandon romantic distractions and focus on the stability of his home. Its disintegration could lead to the loss of his virile strength, as happened to Shango due to his carelessness and debauchery, resulting in impotence.

In this Ifá, fresh fish is revealed as a secret to achieve Iré and to get rid of enemies. You must take a whole fresh fish, spread it with corojo butter and offer it to the corresponding Saint for the time indicated. Later, with three cent coins, the fish will be taken to the corner or to the jungle.

When Obara Dila appears in Igbodu, a special sacrifice is required to be made that includes a snail collected in the bush, a chameleon, the herbs tete-nifa, odondon, ero, irorowo, as well as a goat, a guinea, white cloth and husk. This offering ensures a long life for the practitioner. If this Odu emerges in an ordinary record, it is imperative to serve Eshu with a goat and seek guidance from Orúnmila to face possible difficulties.

In an ordinary record, it is advised that the person acquire his own Ifá and pay tribute to Eshu-Elegba with a goat to prosper in life.

This Odu also warns about the risk of theft. It is essential to know well those who enter the home to prevent theft and avoid being unfairly accused of crimes committed by others. You must be alert to possible legal problems.

Tips when it appears in divination:

When the Odu Òbàrà Dí appears in divination, a variety of specific advice is offered, each tailored to the particular life circumstances of the consulting person:

  1. Perseverance and Reward: The person is encouraged to maintain their efforts and not give up, as they are assured that they will receive a reward for their perseverance.
  2. Rituals with Cluecas Chickens: If there is a broody hen in the person's house and it has odd eggs or newly hatched chickens, the chickens must be sacrificed on the head of the hen and then offered to Egun. This ritual act has a deep meaning and connects the individual with spiritual energies.
  3. Moderation in Knowledge: The person is advised to avoid excessive curiosity. If the Odu appears and Orúnmila grants her blessing (Irè), the person is asked what they wish to eat, suggesting a direct consultation about their immediate needs.
  4. Precautions at Home: It is crucial to be careful with activities that involve heights inside the house, as there is a risk of serious falls. Furthermore, due to the presence of gossip and possible misunderstandings, it is recommended to maintain discretion about personal projects and other important matters to avoid the negative influence of enemies.
  5. Tips for Jealous Men: Men who receive this divination and tend to be jealous are advised to moderate their jealousy to avoid negative consequences in their relationships. This Odu predicts that the man will have three children with his wife, emphasizing the importance of family stability.
  6. Protection of the Relationship: For a young man who is in a loving relationship, the Odu recommends performing an Ebó to protect and strengthen the union with his girlfriend, especially if there is envy and possible antagonism from third parties. It is emphasized that his partner is very attractive and kind, which can attract the envy of others, who might try to interfere in the relationship.

Meaning of the Obara Dila sign (6-7)

The Odu Obara Dila 6-7 focuses on the importance of maintaining our independence and integrity, warning that personal relationships can become destabilized due to the excessive demands of a partner.

In this sign, the influence of the bad wind is recognized, from which Shango, with his power, freed the Earth. Likewise, a significant sacrifice is mentioned where Olofin consumed a goat (Ewure).

This Ifá also addresses symbolic figures such as a woman with many buttocks and a gold tooth, and a young woman whose loss can be prevented with proper guidance. In an act of transcendence, Shangó gave his crown to Yemayá, symbolizing a moment of sharing and unity.

The Odu celebrates the birth of the “Ebó of the Year”, an event that reintroduced light to the world. Following the flood, Eni Osha Abuken, who carried the weight of humanity on his shoulders, left human beings and took refuge in the Yagruma forest. After the sun stopped illuminating the Earth, and with humanity on the verge of extinction, Eni Osha Abuken restored the light, eliminating the obstacle represented by the Yagruma bush.

Obara Dila predicts that negative aspects in a person's life can be quickly eliminated by removing oneself from harmful influences.

Furthermore, this sign suggests that women may be forced to trade their bodies and points to impotence in men as a consequence of spiritual or moral imbalances. Curiously, it is highlighted that it is not appropriate to remove your hat to greet, a gesture that could have deeper connotations in this context.

In more routine divination practices, it is advisable to offer a goat and a mirror to Eshu to ensure success in competitions and prepare for possible challenges to authority.

Finally, this Odu warns about the risk of theft and the importance of knowing well those who enter our home to avoid not only material losses, but also unfair accusations and legal problems.

Ifa Obara Odi Oddun Prayer:


Suyere Obara Say:

MAMBA OSIRE OFO BA FOWAO (osobos mentioned)

Ebbo of Obara Dila: To neutralize enemies.

To make this Ebbo, you will need a fresh, whole fish. Spread the fish with corojo butter. Write the names of your enemies on a piece of paper and place it on the fish. Next, cut the fish in half, making sure to divide the paper with the names on it as well. Send the head of the fish into the river and the tail into the sea, symbolizing the dissipation of the negative influence of your enemies in different directions.

When this Odu, Obara Di, appears and Orúnmila grants the Iré, it is customary to ask him what he wishes to eat as part of the ceremony.

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Patakies (stories) of the Obara Dila sign:

Relocation of the Genitals

Divination was performed for the genitals (the penis and vulva), which were originally located on the foreheads of animals and plants, where they barely served their purpose. One day, during his annual Ifá festival, a priest named Mikiligui was visited by the vulva (Obo in Yoruba and Uhe in Benin), who was heading to the market but decided to stop at his house to receive divination. Mikiligui informed him that he could prosper if he performed a suitable sacrifice, which included a black goat, a hen, kola nut, water and white yams, an ax and a machete.

Obo went to the market and got all the necessary materials, which were sent to Eshu. After consuming the edible parts, Eshu asked Obo what he desired, and she expressed her wish for honor and prosperity. Eshu, the only one with the power to modify or mutilate God's creations, began his work. He used the ax to cut down a tree and block the path that children used to take to reach Earth from the sky. Then, he made a radical change: he removed the genitals of two people from their foreheads and relocated them between the legs of the man and the woman, using pieces of skin from the sacrificed goat to cover the parts, thus creating human modesty hair.

Finally, Eshu decreed that from then on, all beings created by God must have their genitals relocated and that any desire for procreation must be directed not to God, but to Obo. Furthermore, he established that whoever went to Obo had to pay a debt, originating from the sacrifice she made, thus representing the cost of caring for the wife during the marriage.

Explanation: This patakie teaches that significant changes often require sacrifice and adaptation to new realities. Just as Obo had to offer sacrifices to gain honor and prosperity, in life we ​​must often be willing to make sacrifices to achieve our greatest goals. Furthermore, the story highlights the need to adapt to new structures and conditions, demonstrating that sometimes it is necessary to completely reconfigure our lives and roles to thrive in a changing world.

What is not advertised is not sold

The Duck and the Paw were arguing about the superiority of their eggs, proclaiming that they were the most consistent and nutritious. Nearby, a Rooster heard the conversation and decided to share it with the Hen. Intrigued, she suggested visiting a nearby Awó to consult. The Awó performed a divination (Osode) and saw a specific Odu, advising them to bring many eggs to make an Ebó.

Following the Awó's instructions, the Hen and her chicks went to the bush and began to sing together. A farmer who was passing by heard the commotion, discovered the eggs and, since he was heading to the market, decided to take them with him. The eggs caught the attention of people in the square, and they were all sold.

The Duck, confident in the quality of his eggs, waited for people to come looking for his eggs. However, since he had made no effort to advertise them, no one showed interest in his merchandise or the eggs.

Explanation: This patakie highlights the importance of promoting and making our products or talents known. It is not enough to have a quality product; If people don't know it exists, it's like it doesn't exist. This narrative teaches us that, like the Hen and her chicks, we must be proactive in communicating our values ​​and offerings to the world to ensure recognition and success.

Obara Di Ifa Traditional Nigerian


Òbàrà or bodí
Ìdí ò mó le
E jé kanhinkanhin ilée yín or ta yín díe
Today I will Odíderé
Omo a fosù gbogbo sòwò èjè
Wón ní kó rbo
kó fidí è mole
kò gboràn
Wón bá pè e léyìn odi
Pírí ló Sídìí
Ló bá korí yes Ilé Ifè
ó kúó nilé è
Ióó lòóra isu
Or from Ilé Ifè
Ko ba isu mo
Kànhìnkànhìn ló kù
Àwon ti ta isu tán nlé Ifè
'Kànhìnkànhìn to kú nlè nùu'
Nílé hasta ti kúò
Won ti kó isu dé ibe
Kó toó padà dé ilé
Àwon náà ti tà tán
Wón làwon ò wí fún or
Pé kóo fara bale
Ifá lóun wí fun o
Pé o móo bi òun I will read
Kóo toó le móo yún àjò
Ibi toun bá ní kóo móo lo
Kó mò pé àkókò è lóto
Ló bá padàá le
Ló bá bèrè sií fìdí mólé
Òbàrà or bodí
Ìdí ò mó le
E jé kanhinkanhin ilée yín or ta yín díe
Today I will Odíderé
Omo a fosù gbogbo sòwò èjè
Yóó mòmò dome
Òwo èjè kan
Òwò èjè kan
Táa se lósu yìí
Yóó mòmò dome
Omo ní or mòmò dà.

Ifá advises that this person should stay at home. Ifá says that he wishes to plan a trip, but Ifá advises him that he must first confirm with him (Ifá) when he decides to go, so that it does not give rise to a wave of missing persons. The trip will make your good fortune miss you. To prevent the case that you seek fortunes in a place, which you will not find there, before returning home, the good fortunes will have left your home; that is why you must offer sacrifice.

Òbàrà does not cover her buttocks
Your buttocks don't stay at home
Let the ants in your house bite you
They prophesied Ifá for Odíderé
The one who trades in blood every month
He was advised to offer sacrifice
And stay at home
He ignored the warning
He was called from abroad
Without hesitation, he went
He addressed Ilé Ifè
He left home alone
He tried to go and buy yams
When he arrived at Ilé Ifè
He didn't get no yams to buy
There was only dried yam
They said "We have sold all our yams"
"Only the stem and the leaves remain as a sponge"
The house that he left alone
Sellers brought yams for sale
Before he returned home
They had also sold their merchandise
And that's where they reminded him of the warning
"You did not have patience"
Ifá said "I warned him"
"Always consult me"
"Before going on a trip anywhere"
"When I approve your going"
"You will know when you will travel to the place"
When he got home
There if he decided to stay at home
Òbàrà does not cover her buttocks
Your buttocks don't stay at home
Let the ants in your house bite you
They prophesied Ifá for Odíderé
The one who trades in blood every month
Will turn into a baby
The "Blood Trade"
Certainly the blood trade
What we did this month
Will turn into a baby
It will certainly turn into a baby.

If you want to learn more about the Orishas you can read:

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