Ogunda Fun (Ofun)

Ogunda Fun, is Sign number 151 in the hierarchical order of Ifá, highlights the crucial need to perform ebbo to neutralize the adverse effects of both natural curses and those imposed by our adversaries. This Odu emphasizes the importance of spiritual protection and preventive measures to safeguard our well-being from the negative forces that surround us.
General description of the Odu of Ifa Ogunda Ofun
It warns about the fragility of life and the need for religious care. Ogunda Fun characterizes an environment of conflict and destruction, where hypocrisy and the desire for malicious imitation predominate.
Names or Nicknames
- Ogunda Ofun.
- Ogunda Fun.
- Ogunda Mafun.
What is born in the odu of Ifa Ogunda Fun?
- Here: It says that everything that the earth gives to it has to come back.
- It was where heaven did not want to do Ebo.
- Pigs are not killed, they are used in ceremony as a change of life.
- The person is cursed.
- What you think gets done.
- The person as he wants, he also hates.
What does the sign of Ifa Ogunda Fun talk about?
- The Egun Babalawos speak.
- It speaks of mass that is due to deceased relatives.
- In this Ifá you are always at war.
- The person can go blind.
The sign Ogunda Fun (3-10) indicates:
- The transformation of the person speaks.
- It was where the always alive defeated the enemies of Obatalá.
- They treat the person with hypocrisy.
Analysis and Interpretation of the Ogunda Fun Sign
Ogunda Fun talks about the essentiality of what comes from the earth and must return to it, emphasizing the importance of natural cycles and sustainability in our lives. This Odu highlights the relevance of sacrifices and offerings (Ebó) as means to maintain balance and harmony with the universe.
Economic Aspects
In the economic sphere, Ogunda Fun suggests caution against waste and negligence. The prohibition of killing pigs, except in specific ceremonies, symbolizes the importance of valuing and respecting our resources, promoting a change of life towards sustainability and consciousness.
This sign warns about curses and the consequences of past actions, emphasizing the need for purification and spiritual protection to avoid illness and disease. Spiritual cleansing practices, such as washing the head with brandy, symbolize the elimination of negative influences and the renewal of the self.
Religious Aspects
Ogunda Fun is deep in its connection to ancestors and spirituality. Communicating with the Egun Babalawos and performing masses for deceased relatives reinforce the importance of honoring and maintaining the connection with the spiritual world, ensuring its guidance and protection in our lives.
Personal relationships
In the field of love, Ogunda Fun warns about the volatility of feelings and the need for caution in marital relationships. The constant transformation of people and their emotions calls for reflection on fidelity, respect and commitment. The warning about hypocrisy and blackmail highlights the importance of sincerity and transparency in our interactions.
Ogunda Fun teaches us about the transformation and impermanence of life. He urges us to live consciously, respecting the land, our traditions and those around us. He underscores the importance of spiritual purification and honesty in our relationships, reminding us that our actions and words have a profound impact on the spiritual and material world. In this Odu, Ifá calls us to reflect on our lives, encouraging us to seek harmony, respect natural cycles and live with integrity.
Learn more about Orunmila and Ifa, the Yoruba oracle of wisdom, exploring his role and teachings in the Yoruba religion.
- Perform Ebó: To maintain balance and harmony with the universe, it is crucial to make specific offerings and sacrifices dictated by this Odu.
- Respect the Earth: Everything that comes from the earth must be valued and eventually returned to it, underlining the importance of sustainability.
- Honor the Ancestors: Performing masses for deceased relatives and communicating with the Egun Babalawos are essential to ensure their guidance and protection.
- Maintain Spiritual Purity: Regular purification, such as washing the head with brandy, is suggested to eliminate negative influences.
- Care in Personal Relationships: One must proceed with caution in love, respecting the volatility of feelings and the constant transformation of people.
- Vigilance against Hypocrisy: Be alert to falsehoods and blackmail, maintaining sincerity and transparency in all interactions.
What are the prohibitions of Ogunda Ofun?
- Do Not Kill Pigs: Except in specific ceremonies that require its use as an offering for a change of life.
- Avoid Eating Shellfish: This food is prohibited under Ogunda Fun, as a measure of respect for the prescriptions of this Odu.
- Abstain from Drink and Drugs: Intoxication can lead to inappropriate disclosures and increase the risk of falling into curses.
- Do not reveal secrets: Especially when intoxicated, as this can lead to dire consequences.
- Caution with Marriage: Those under Ogunda Fun must be aware of the possible mistakes and challenges in the relationship.
- Avoid Black Clothing and Take Care of Explosions: As precautionary measures against negative influences and physical dangers.
These recommendations and prohibitions derived from Ogunda Fun offer a framework for living a balanced and harmonious life, respecting the laws of the universe and the teachings of Ifá.
Sayings of the Sign of Ifa Ogunda Fun:
- Each one is as Obatala did, but he becomes as he makes himself.
- The serpent does not measure its shadow, like that of the rainbow.
- In the town of the blind the one-eyed is King.
- What the land gives to the land comes back.
- Pride and boasting are the bane of man.
- The general goes to war, but the hunchback does not lose sight of him.
- You have to know how to love, and then hate.
«You have to know how to love, and then hate«, invites us to reflect on the importance of understanding and deeply experiencing affection before being able to knowingly reject something or someone. This saying suggests that only through true understanding and appreciation of something can we discern its flaws and, if necessary, move away from it. It is a reminder that informed detachment is as meaningful as genuine affection.
Odu Ogunda Ofun Ifa Code of Ethics:
- Have a good beginning to have a good end, what starts badly ends badly.
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Ifa Ogunda Ofun says:
Try to approach your issues more slowly and be more reserved when speaking. If you have recently dreamed about your mother or another deceased family member, consider it a sign to act on their behalf and do not call them unnecessarily; They are already working in your favor. It will be beneficial to hold a mass for the deceased, especially if he is grieving, thus fulfilling Oshún's wishes.
As for the projects you have in mind, it is crucial to see them through to completion, as thoughts are meant to become actions. If you have been suffering from headaches, a prayer may be necessary to ease your mind and refresh your spirit.
You should exercise caution with certain actions you are considering, as they may not be in your favor. The use of omiero may be advisable to counteract envy or conflicts suggested by powders spread against you, thus avoiding legal complications. It is essential that you pay attention to Eshu-Elegba, Oshún and Ogún in this process.
Do not dismiss recent dreams, since paying attention to their messages can be key to preventing adversity. If you feel inclined to cry or find yourself disagreeing with someone, you may be facing curses. Washing your head with omiero can help clear negative energies.
Finally, stay alert for the possibility of an explosion that could cause burns to you or a loved one. It is important to discern what Ogún expects of you to avoid such danger, ensuring your well-being and that of your family.
Meaning of the Sign of Ifa Ogunda Fun:
Everything that the earth gives must return to it. Ogunda Fun, a sign marked by the curse, requires that the Awó perform a Ko-Bori (feeding of the head) immediately upon identifying this Ifá in a person, to protect themselves from the curse that could affect them.
In this Ifá, it is necessary to offer two white chickens and, depending on the state of the person's father, a ram to him if he has died, or to the grandfather if he is alive, interceding for the lives of all. For the bearer of this sign, it is essential to have Orí in their Ifá, and to refrain from killing pigs except in specific ceremonies aimed at spiritual change.
A doll is prepared with the consultant's used clothes (ashó araé), and the person must wash their head with brandy (otí). The woman under this sign must be cautious about marriage, avoiding mistakes that could be fatal. Ogunda Fun reveals a pattern of love and repulsion, where even after conflicts, the husband seeks reconciliation, despite his crudeness and lack of understanding.
This Ifá demands attention to female health, especially regarding ovarian cysts and the possibility of pregnancy. It is discouraged for women to work outside the home, following the instructions of Orúnmila and Oshún. The divinatory and mental potential is highlighted, urging the person to receive the warriors and develop spiritually.
This Ifá also suggests that a woman can have three husbands simultaneously and highlights the importance of especially protecting children, who can show divine signs from an early age, through specific rituals to ensure their well-being and avoid tragedies.
Finally, Ogunda Fun implies the obligation to repay spiritual debts to the ancestors, underlining the permanent interconnection between the earthly and the spiritual, and the constant need for balance and caution in all spheres of life.
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Oddun Ogunda Fun Tips (3-10):
When this Ifá Sign is revealed in a sick person, an Ebbo is performed with a goat. The head is offered in the ceremony, danced around and then buried to protect the sick person from death.
In the case of a pregnant woman, an Ebó is performed with two black chickens. After birth, Awafakan or Ikofafun must be given to the boy or girl, since he or she is considered a child of Ifá. If she is a girl, she will become Apetebí of Orúnmila.
This sign belongs to the Ifá of the ever-living, the plant that saved Obatalá from his enemies. Therefore, the main herb of this Ifá is the ever-living or prodigious one (ewe dun dun).
For any Inshe-Osanyin that prepares under this Ifá, it must be included prodigious to guarantee its effectiveness, and pray the Ogunda Fun sign. It is recommended to proceed calmly in all actions and be reserved when speaking, as indiscretion can be harmful. It is crucial to materialize thoughts, since what is conceived must be realized.
This Ifá Odu warns about being careful about the possibility of dust being thrown down your back, and the importance of remembering and paying attention to dreams, which can be revealing. Caution is due to the person's perception of pride and ostentation.
It is necessary to protect against explosions. Wearing a crucifix involves avoiding wearing black clothing, especially in bed.
Ogunda Fun warns about the risk of blindness, urging people to carry out the necessary spiritual works to avoid it. This Ifá blesses Oshún, Obatalá and Ogún.
The Awó of Ogunda Fun must perform a purification ritual (Ko-Borí) with dog vomit (AYA) to overcome difficulties.
Whoever this Odu corresponds to must have their head washed with omiero and water collected in May, which settles in the roots of the Ceiba, symbolizing purification and rebirth.
This Ifá emphasizes transformation, indicating that people can change their attitude and behavior depending on the circumstances. Adaptability and control of character are essential to ensure success in life.
The Babalawo of Ogunda Fun must grow an evergreen plant in his home and show respect for pigs, dogs and his loved ones, promoting an environment of mutual respect and care.
A warning is given about marriage with daughters of Oshún, since violence in discussions can have serious consequences.
Finally, the importance of receiving Oshosi, offering sacrifices and maintaining deep respect for Shango is emphasized, strengthening spiritual connection and protection.
Prayer of the sign Ogunda Fun Ifa:
Ashikuelu Orunmila. ORUBO.
Suyere Oddun Ogunda Ofun:
Ebbo from Odu Ogunda Fun:
Work by Ogunda Ofun for the dead that disturb:
Place five glasses half filled with water. To three of them, add: perfume in one, alcohol in another, and brandy in the third. Place a plate with an egg painted half white and the other half black. Draw Ogunda-Fun on the floor and light a candle. Perform the Mojuba, pray the Odu saying: “Here are the ingredients”, talk to the Egun, offer him a coconut (obi omi tutu) and ask what to do with the egg. This work takes place in the bathroom of the house.
When a goat is offered to Eshu under the sign Ogunda Mafun:
The Awó of this Odu, when giving a goat to Eshu Elegua, presents the head of the animal, dances in his honor and then removes it to bury it, thus ensuring health and avoiding death.
Pataki of the Ifa sign Ogunda Fun: The always alive
On earth, the evergreen was considered a very fragile plant, since it died when trampled.
One day, he appeared before Obatalá to request power, to which Obatalá responded: "From today, you will live forever."
However, Obatalá had a neighbor who was his enemy and constantly harassed him.
In gratitude, the ever-living woman went to the neighbor's house to ask him to leave Obatalá alone. This angered her neighbor, who brutally beat her and threw her into the mud, telling her: "Now go and let Obatalá heal you."
Upon returning home, the neighbor found that an immense ever-living vine had completely covered it. In a fit of rage, he took a machete, cut her and exposed her to the sun.
To his surprise, the next day, he saw that a mountain of evergreens blocked the path. Even more enraged, he uprooted the plant and threw it into the river, hoping it would rot. However, the next day, the evergreen had covered the entire river, preventing anything else from being seen.
Obatalá's enemy, trying to cross the river now covered by the plant, sank in the mud. The more he struggled to get out, the deeper he sank, until he finally drowned.
In this way, the ever-living one managed to defeat Obatalá's enemy.
Explanation: This story teaches us about resilience and the ability to overcome adversity. Although the ever-living was seen as weak, her inner strength and determination allowed her to overcome obstacles and she emerged stronger than ever. She reminds us that we should not underestimate the power of perseverance and that often those who challenge us can become the source of our greatest strength. Revenge and hostility, on the other hand, can lead to self-destruction, as happened to Obatalá's enemy.
Ogunda Fun - Traditional Nigerian Ifa.
Lékèélékèé kere letí opón
Òrúnmìlà yòyòòyò nibè
A day fún Òòsà Nlá Òsèèrèmògbò
Níjo tí n fomi ojú sògbérè ire gbogbo
Wón ní ó rbo
Ayé àwon give him báyìí?
Wón ní ó rbo
Wón ní yóó gbayì
Wón ní ò níí laíláí tea
Lékèélékèé bá rubo
Òòsà bá fi àse lé e lara
Lékèélékèé kere letí opón
Òrúnmìlà yòyòòyò nibè
A day fún Òòsà Nlá Òsèèrèmògbò
Níjo tí n fomi ojú sògbérè ire gbogbo
Lékèélékéé ta lémi
Làbàlàbà ta lémi
Ifá pé iré or tòó owó eléyìun.
Ifá tells you that everything about this person will be fine. He must be a devotee of Òòsà funfun. The good things in life would come to him.
Lékèélékèé kere letí opón
Òrúnmìlà yòyòòyò nibè
He made divination for Òòsà Nlá Òsèèrèmògbò
The day I was crying because I had no good things in life
They advised him to make sacrifice
Would my life improve?
They advised him to sacrifice
They told him that he would be renamed
He would never be ashamed
Lékèélékèé made the sacrifice
Òòsà then put Àse in him
Lékèélékèé kere letí opón
Òrúnmìlà yòyòòyò nibè
He made divination for Òòsà Nlá Òsèèrèmògbò
The day I was crying because I had no good things in life
Lékèélékèé, put your mark on me
Làbàlàbà, put your mark on me
Ifá says that good fortunes will reach where this person is.
Gratitude to those who dedicate part of their time to explain the Odin signs of IFA to the Awos. Health and long life with blessings