Ojuani Ogunda: Meaning, Sayings, Tips and More

Ojuani Ogunda - Ojuani Dawan

ojuani ogunda it is one of the Ifa signs corresponding to the book of Owonrin and number 99 in the hierarchy of the Odu. Orunmila tells us that enjoying the love of God is one of the most important things in life. Love for man is not as important as love for Olodumare.

What is born in the odu of Ifa Ojuani Ogunda?

  • The secret of IGBA ODU (OLOFIN).
  • Scissors.
  • Crowning OSHUN on the heads of the children of OBA (OSHUN with GOLD for OBA)
  • That only Babalawos have the right to receive IGBA-ODU (OLOFIN)
  • Ojuani Ogunda talks about the two EGUNs of OLOFIN.
  • Brand debt with AZOJUANO.
  • You have to take care of the candle.
  • It is where the guilt of love for disobedience is paid.

What is the sign Ojuani Dawan talking about?

  • Talk about the pretty boy who looked out the window.
  • Talk about hiding something.
  • The virtue the person has in the hands.
  • Elegua gently caressed Oshun with her hands and she fell asleep.
  • He who does not look forward is left behind.

The sign Ojuani Ogunda points out:

  • There is bad talk of the Babalawos.
  • Beware of kneeling and animal bites.
  • It feeds the head.
  • There is lack of respect with the Saints.

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Recommendations of the Ojuani Dawan sign:

This Ifa sign speaks of difficulties in business and at home. Here the person is involved in a conflict that he cannot win, he must cut his losses.

This (Ojuani Dawan) is the strongest Ifá sign that exists after the 16 Mejis of Ifá. OJUANI OGUNDA can never be crushed to the ground. When the Awó has war, this Odu gives him victory, consecrating him on the board.

When this Odu comes out in divination, the one who is looking speaks ill of the Babalawos and does not consider or respect ORUNMILA.

Here the person has relatives in the field and before going to visit them, they have to do Ebó to get rid of a lawsuit.

This Ifá, when Osobo comes for a sick person, he is not saved.

The Ifá sign Ojuani Dawan predicts that there are debts with AZOJUANO (San Lázaro) and must pay it and in turn respect this Saint.

For this Odu, you have to beware of kneeling and animal bites.

When the godson and the godfather make Ebo, it will surely rain and they will not be able to get wet, because if they get wet they will lose.

When the Awó sees himself in Ojuani Ogunda, he will feed the head (KOBO-ORI) of his wife and she will feed him. Here the woman is ordered to dress in white for 10 days so that her enemies do not take her luck.

You have to be careful with tragedies that are going to happen to you on the street or with other people's tragedies in which you can be involved.

Here the person is working with Witchcraft (OGU), so you have to be careful where you eat, drink, they will not make you sick or poison.

Ojuani Dawan predicts that the person will have to change clothes frequently, so that their enemies do not recognize them on the street.

Sayings of the Odu of Ifa Ojuani Dawan (Ogunda):

  • You throw the stone and the people take the blame.
  • OLOFIN was lost by a woman.
  • Don't go to anyone's house, so you don't know about anyone.
  • If a child opens a boiling pot, he covers it again because of the heat
  • I paid the guilt of my love, for disobedience.
  • He who does not look forward stays behind.
  • Evil eyes that watch, secrets revealed.
Sayings Ojuani Ogunda

Ifa Code of Ethics of odu Ojuani Ogunda:

The Awó who does not look ahead, stays behind.

Ifa Ojuani Ogunda says:

May you not speak ill of the Babalawos and may you have respect for all of them. You have a brother in the field, be obedient because if you ignore it, death will continue in the family before the year.

If you want to win a lawsuit, you have to do Ebó; After you do it, don't get wet, it doesn't suit you, because it will rain that day. You get lucky for a woman. Wear white for ten days. They are working you with witchcraft, do not communicate your secrets to anyone, nor to the one you tell. In your house they are throwing, be careful with kneeling or being bitten by an animal.

Consult another person about your things or affairs that is your luck, and there is a secret that you have and you are the only person who knows it, do not embark. There is a Saint or a dead person who is going to discover something, that if it is not hidden they want to hide it. You have disrespect for the Saints. There is a danger of blood running. Feed your head, so that luck comes fresh. You have to change clothes frequently, so that your enemies do not recognize you.

Avoid arguments at home or at work, or with friends, so that luck does not go away or because of your discomfort you may suffer a heart attack or stroke. You have to be careful with the candle. You want to obtain what is impossible for you to obtain. You have to be careful with what you eat and drink, do it slowly, do not choke

Prayer of the Odu Ojuani Ogunda:


Suyere Oddun Ojuani Dawan:


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Ebbo of the Odu Ojuani Dawan:

Ebbo from Ojuani Ogunda for lawsuit.

1 rooster, two drums, 2 pigeons, a mouse, other ingredients, a lot of money.

The Godfather and the godson will not be able to get wet with rainwater because it surely rains that day and if they get wet with the rain, they will lose.

Works for Eshu.

A knife will be chalked with black and white thread, at the end 7 knots are made.

For EGUN of the Father.

He will be fed a banana, adding two coconuts, brandy, ashé, 9 olelé, 9 ekrú, 9 pieces of ekó.

The banana is then cooked, put on it and then taken wherever it says, asking it with OBI OMI TUTO (coconut). It should be asked if it is taken for a coconut plant.

Meaning of the oddun of Ifa Ojuani Ogunda:

Here the person has to remember the dreams.

Scissors were born in Ojuani Ogunda.

In your house there is a person in whom you have placed great trust and all your things are communicated to him, be careful with a failure with that person.

You should avoid arguments at home, at work or with your friends, so that luck does not go away, or because of that discomfort you may suffer a heart attack or stroke.

You have to feed his head, so that luck comes fresh.

Here wife and husband envy each other and even the family itself envy them.

The Odu Ojuani Ogunda predicts that before the year one of the family will die, be careful not to be yourself, make Ebó and thank OBATALA, CHOOSE, OGUN and the woman.

For this Odu, you have to be very careful with the candle.

The person with this Ifá must be careful with what he eats or drinks, he must do it slowly so that he will not drown.

In Ojuani Dawan you have to pay a lot of attention to Eshu-Elegba and put smoked jutía and fish, roasted corn and corojo butter.

Here, the man: you must be careful with women's problems because, although you think you are very strong and powerful, they can kill you by throwing something at your head, such as fat or other boiling liquid.

The diseases that afflict this Odu: Stomach problems, heart attack, tetanus, rage, stroke, drowning, poisoning, burns.

This is where the guilt of love is paid and it is for disobedience.

The man: will have to marry forced.

The woman: wants to hide an unwanted pregnancy.

There is Osha or a dead man who is going to discover something, that if it is not hidden they want to hide it.

Ifa in Ojuani Ogunda predicts that there is disrespect for the Saints. There is a danger that blood will flow.

This Ifá talks about the pretty boy who looked out of the window of a very beautiful house, now the window is covered with cloth and was previously uncovered. It speaks of hiding something, which is not wanted to be disclosed.

This sign says that the person's virtue is in his hands. Here ELEGBA subtly caressed OSHUN with her hands and she became numb, so ORUNMILA became envious of ELEGUA.

Here he who does not look forward will stay behind.

Before going out to the street, ELEGBA is given: smoked jutía and fish, toasted corn and corojo butter.

Here the spirit of the Father is fed a banana and two coconuts, brandy, 9 olelé, 9 ekrú and 9 pieces of ekó are put on it. The banana is then cooked, put on it and taken to wherever it says with coconut.

When this Ifá (Ojuani Ogunda) says INTORI ARUN, there are two things, money and illness.

This sign of Ifá predicts a good of money by the hand of the Saints.

For this Ifá, you cannot speak ill of the Babalawos, you have to respect them. Do not communicate your secrets, be careful with kneeling and being bitten in the sexual act. Death visits his home.

Here ELEGUA is put cheese with sweet guava.

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Pataki of the sign of Ifa Ojuani Dawan:

The boy with the cute face.

A man had a son, who was small and very pretty. The boy had the habit of leaning out of the balcony window of his house to look at the moon.

One night, the father went to the son and asked him: "What are you looking at the moon for?" And the boy said: - The Moon talks to me and has told me many times that my father wants to pour water on my hands and I am going to refuse.

The father went to where his wife was and told her everything, and she told him: That means that we are going to be servants, I think the best thing would be to throw him into the sea.

The father took the boy and from the balcony threw him into the sea. But at that time a sea bird was passing by and picked it up. And he walked with him for three days, until he came to a distant land. There they hunted the bird and when they opened it in front of the Obá, they saw that it had a very cute child in its beak bag.

Obá, who was Awó, said: I will take care of the child. And he took it as an adopted son. Obá did Ifá to the child at 7 years old and took out the Odu OJUANI OGUNDA. When that boy reached the age of 21, his adoptive father gave him money and said: -Go to other lands, so that he can learn more Ifa.

Meanwhile, the father and mother of that child had fallen into poverty and left for another land, where they opened a business. But they did not live calmly, because they always felt great remorse for what they had done to the son.

OJUANI OGUNDA arrived with his entourage to that land and went to stay at that establishment, which belonged to his real parents, who did not recognize him. As soon as the Awó got there, the father came to pour water on his hands so that he could wash them. OJUANI OGUNDA refused and the father shuddered. Then OJUANI OGUNDA, seeing the effect caused, asked him: Why did you shudder when I refused to let you pour water on my hands?

The father replied: -It is that now I remember that I had a son, who if he were alive would be your age, whom I threw into the sea because he was talking to the Moon and one day he told me that I would pour water on his hands that he would wash them and that he would refuse.

But what do I have to do with that? - answered the Awó. Nothing, you are the son of ORUNMILA and I am a poor merchant, replied the father.

OJUANI OGUNDA, when he returned to his land, he told him what had happened to Obá and he reminded him how he had come to that land and to remember that Ifá had told him that his power was in his hands. Then he realized that he was the true son of the merchant.

The merchant, when he found out, wanted his son to go live with him and his mother, but Obá told him: Ifá orders that they come to live at ORUNMILA's house and that they have to receive Ifá, so that they can be forgive the fault, since his son is Babalawo.

Ojuani Ogunda Ifa Traditional Nigerian


Orún ni wóón dájo Ilá
Ìtàdógún ni wóón nájà lÉrìn
Òsùmàrè níí mójú Olórun oba sàbá kòòrò kooro
A day fún eni èèyán fé
You Olórun obá ò fé
A day fún eni èèyán kò
You Olórun Obá fé
Wón ni ebo ni kí wón o se
Won't he
Eni ti Olórun bá fé ni n jayé
Àwon èèyán sì n bínú è
Báyòówù kí àwon èèyán se tú
Orí eléyìun or tèlé e
hey hey
Ní wá n jó n ní n yò
Ní n yin àwon Babaláwo
Àwon Babaláwo n yin Ifá
Ó ní béè làwon Babaláwo tòún wí
Orún ni wóón dájo Ilá
Ìtàdógún ni wóón nájà lÉrìn
Òsùmàrè níí mójú Olórun oba sàbá kòòrò kooro
A day fún eni èèyán fé
You Olórun obá ò fé
A day fún eni èèyán kò
You Olórun Obá fé
Béèyàn or bá féni
Kó jòkó or
Fífé Olórun ju Igba ènìyàn lo.

Ifá wants this person to be well. Life will please him, he will have peace of mind. Ifá advises you to make sacrifice so that your Orí will be your friend.

The 5 day cycle is the interval to harvest the Okra
The 17-day cycle is for the Èrìn market
The rainbow presents the eyes of God in a circular way
They prophesied Ifa for the One that People Worship
But whom God despises
They prophesied Ifá for which the People despise
But for the one that God loves
Both were advised to offer sacrifice
They did it
The one that God loves, would be enjoying life
But people would hate it
No matter what people do
The Orí of that person will be with him
Life pleased him
He was dancing and he was very happy
He praised his Babaláwos
Their Babaláwos praised Ifá
He said it was exactly as his Babaláwos had said
The 5 day cycle is the interval to harvest the Okra
The 17-day cycle is for the Èrìn market
The rainbow presents the eyes of God in a circular way
They prophesied Ifa for the One that People Worship
But whom God despises
They prophesied Ifá for the One that the People despise
But for the one that God loves
If someone refuses to love me
He will leave and they will sit somewhere
God's love transcends more than 200 human beings.

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