Otrupon Iwori

otrupon iwori

Names or Aliases of the Otrupon Iwori Sign:

  • Otrupon Wori.
  • Otrupon Adakino.
  • Otrupon Dakino.
  • Oturupon Adawene.
  • Otrupon Adakiño.

What is born in the odu of Ifa Otrupon Iwori?

  • Turn upside down to explain this Ifá and a silver coin in your mouth.
  • In atefá, Ifá is put on the ground, brandy is poured and omí.
  • In atefá there are 2 addié to Ifá and OYA in shilekun.
  • In normal view, the okpele is dragged by maiden and given 0.50
  • In Osode receive IKOFAFUN or AWOFAKAN fast.
  • Lowo Ifá Tundé with 19 ikines.
  • That cold weather kills OTRUPON ADAKINO.
  • That OLOFIN threw OTRUPON ADAKINO out of Heaven.
  • In Ifá de AWOFAKAN or IKOFAFUN, give addié meyi dun dun to the Ifá of the Godfather.
  • Give two addies to ORUNMILA kneeling (fast).
  • In atefá the Awó must receive ODUDUWA if he does not have it.
  • Give a hen to ORULA for the river, another to OYA cemetery

What is the Otrupon Iwori sign talking about?

  • That this Ifá steals 10 years of life from the Godfather.
  • Assemble the first garment ordered by OLOFIN.
  • Dying from poor execution of the sacrifice.
  • The YOGA land, formed with a jar and 4 yams.
  • That OTRUPON ADAKINO restores the vital power of the dead.
  • The whale was killed with spears.
  • That ALADE ORUN is the treasurer of OLOFIN.
  • That ADAKINO is the guardian of OLOFIN's treasures.
  • The jar with yams inside as a garment.
  • Throw silver weight on the ground to give EGGUN coconut.
  • The Odu that represents the stomach in the human being, all its interior.
  • Put the EBO silver coin in this Ifá.
  • Put a silver coin in the Awó ADAKINO's mouth upon death.
  • Awó EYO OBANI EYO, name of ORULA in the Odu.
  • Sudden death and OYA's pride.
  • Receive urgent ODDUN to the Awó of this Odu.

The Otrupon Adakino sign points out:

  • The oath of bones for the warlock garment.
  • In 9 days a big person dies suddenly and the whole town will talk about it.
  • It indicates a short life decreed by OLOFIN.
  • Abo is given to the inherited pledge.
  • This is the rider who did not do EBO and died.
  • ANEWEKO is mounted.
  • OTRUPO ADAWEÑO was an impostor and pretended to be ORULA.
  • It is given to the Alawo that is born euréy addié meyi dun dun on his head, in a hollow, with a board.
  • ORULA gave AWOFAKAN to the bandits.
  • ORULA decrees to have AWOFAKAN to enter the Igbodun.
  • Great luck comes to you, but move when it arrives, as IKU is coming after.
  • ORULA is kidnapped.
  • ORULA gave INSHE OSAIN to the bandits to avoid Ashelú, Onilú and Akualayé.
  • ESHU scammed the bandits and ORULA followed him.
  • ORULA is denied.
  • ESHU brought wealth to ORULA.

Otrupon Iwori brand:

  • OBANLA's daughter bore OLOFIN his Omo OTRUPON ADAWEÑE. You have to have OBANLA in this Odu.
  • OLOFIN decreed that IKU would always stand behind ADAWEÑE and his family.
  • Make the Scythe with Moruro and charge.
  • ADAKINO has to swear in ORUN and do Ifá.
  • OYA cursed the land of ADAKINO.
  • OYA eat goat and banana to save.
  • OLOFIN had 16 Obiní and they did not give birth.
  • OYA tells ORULA that people have to die.
  • Corn was attacked for not making a sacrifice.
  • The Eweses are: Algarrobo, Pita shell and Cayayá.

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Meaning of the sign of Ifa Otrupon Iwori:

They do not believe in ORULA, nor in their Godfather, they are self-sufficient and they believe that they know everything, that is why they even lose their lives. They think they know all the secrets of Ifá and they do not know that ORULA is the only one who saves or destroys it. Death always haunts them and includes their children.

The Awó Otrupon Iwori is put a silver peso coin in his mouth to be able to go to Ará Onú, since OTRUPON ADAKINO was thrown out of Heaven and to enter he has to buy a ticket.

You must keep a garment inherited or that will remain for the person, give Abo and make EBO with the lerí, and put 9 ribbons with 9 bells on a moruro stick the size of the person. The Abo is given to EGGUN or pledge of 7 rays.

SHANGO, OSAIN and ORUNMILA prostrate with arms, revive the EGGUNS and OLOFIN fuses them with the Spirit to work religion.

Take care of living in secluded houses, do not assault and kill you, in addition to going to prison.

In case of justice, assemble Inshé OSAIN with sandbox seeds, justice stick, win battle, dominator, open the way, 7 powers, break war, tame handsome, yarey, owl eyes, eyebale and lerí de jicotea, jujú de etú. Eat ayakuá keke, akuaro and osiadié.

For the EBO of this Ifá to reach Heaven, you have to put a silver coin inside it.

By Otrupon Wori Adié meyi should be given to OYA for health.

The mouth must be fixed, as the Odu represents the stomach.

People have to die suddenly and there is no time to save him, he must make Paraldo with addié black and a rag doll and other ingredients.

ORUN is called and EGGUN is given 9 fish and 9 pigeons are given.

Gifts of handkerchiefs, flowers, perfumes are not accepted, you can go crazy for sorcery.

The Ifa sign Otrupon Iwori speaks of death as a result of a failure or error in the execution of the sacrifice.

When ORUNMILA asks for addié al Awó, he cleans himself with them, starting with the lerí downwards, then he will give the two addié kneeling and does not stop until the ceremony is finished (with this he is already on the ground, the rider who falls).

In order not to steal years of life from the Godfather, great ceremonies must be performed at OYA.

In this Ifá, the Awó must have a scythe of the same size and the handle and the handle are filled with: lerí de addié from OYA, lerí de euré from ORUNMILA, star apple leaves, palo don't die, obi, eru, kolá , osun, obi motiwao and is lined with ileké of different colors; eat with ORUNMILA.

In 7 days he learns of the death of someone who went out in a group.

Oddun Otrupon Iwori Recommendations:

Otrupon Iwori speaks of the land of the yogas, which was formed by a jar and 4 hairy yams.

You have to leave where you live or work, because the whale was killed with spears, someone is looking for him to kill him. For this, ANEWEKO is prepared: it is a secret of the sign, which is a doll that wears the clothes of the person concerned, it is loaded with Inso from all parts of its ará, fingernails and toenails, eru, obi, kolá , osun, airá, obi motiwao; This is requested and he eats with OYA abebo addié okán, 1 egg is put on him and a table.

This Ifá makes trouble and nothing is assured.

If he goes to bedside, addié dun dun is given to the hand that is working, it is cleaned right away and nothing is assured, he washes before with omiero on the floor and there he is given; the addié goes to the nigbe, the one who wears this washes their hands when they return with omiero.

In Atefá Otrupon Iwori, an omiero is ordered with star apple and yagruma, in the patio a deep hole is opened and a board is placed on it, the Alawó that is born is placed on it and an euré is given on its head and addié meyi dun dun. Then the omiero is thrown over it, looking for the way that everything falls into the hole and then it is covered. Afterwards, everyone becomes Kofiborí with ewé dundun (always alive).

In Atefá, the Alawó is made EBO with a lerí of Agbo or Abo, to which a nail is nailed, it is placed on caimito leaves in the joro joro and covered with leaves of the same kind, a board is placed and it is done the same as when the goat is hit in the hole.

Secret of the Odu. Al Alawó in Atefá, apart from the ceremonies indicated, must give 2 addié to OYA, with the Alawó face down (on the ground they can no longer punish him).

Sayings of the Odu of Ifa Otrupon Iwori:

  • If they don't obey, one goes after the other.
  • There is one who does not return.
  • They repress you for lack of zeal in your profession.
  • The mistake costs the life.

Ifa Code of Ethics of the odu Otrupon Adakino:

The Awó that Osha establishes will do so before doing Ifá.

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Says Ifa Otrupon Iwori:

Great luck comes to him, but he must move from where he lives, if he cannot die. Beware of a trap and a tragedy where blood will flow. Where you intervene, everything falls apart. Take all the measures at a party, outing, or the like, lest you return.

The stuffy business is discovered. Do not go to see the sick or to wakes. Avoid justice because you will fall prisoner and lose objects
of value. Give thanks to ELEGBA and ORULA. Don't cry so much. Apply wisdom and patience to overcome all difficulties and destroy obstacles in life. Avoid robberies and robberies, as well as misdeeds.

Prayer of the Odu Baba Otrupon Adakino:


Ebbo of the Otrupon Iwori Sign:

Paraldo Otrupon Adakiño.

Addié dun dun, malaguidí made of rag, aberikunló, poplar, paradise, basil, guanine, cotton, fun fun fun dish smeared with epoxy, let everyone clean up. The coconut, after being used, goes to the river, cemetery or at the foot of the coconut tree. Everything is buried.


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Pataki of the sign of Ifa Otrupon Iwori:

The 19 Ikines

ORUNMILA lived with his 20 children, who were warriors, who were called MOGUE LOWO TUNDE and one day they decided to go out for life and their father made Osode for him and OTRUPON WORI IFA ADAKINO saw him and told them: They have to do EBO so that may all return safely. Be careful, that within you there is one that will not return.

They laughed at their father ORUNMILA and ignored him, leaving for the war without praying.

Thus a long period of time passed and the children of ORUNMILA were assistants to all those who requested their service, both for good and bad and at the end of the war they returned and went to the home of their BABA TOBI ORUNMILA and told him: BABA, we're back and we've all come. They had lost a brother in the war and brought him tied to the horse, so that it seemed that he was alive. It turns out that ORUNMILA that day had seen OTRUPON ADAKINO and was lying face down, giving oborí eledá with euré and abeboaddié with his Ifá. Then, without looking, he said to them: I see you have arrived, but one is missing.

The brothers replied: BABA, we are complete, how can one be missing? Come on, tell us. Then ORUNMILA said to them: Let's see, get off the horses. And everyone got off except the one who was dead and ORUNMILA's word is always true.

LOWO IFA TUNDE was 20 and stayed with 19. This is the secret of the hand of Ifá in the struggle for existence, so it does not matter to a good person as to a bad one. Only 19 ikines are given to him, not 20 are given and that is why this Ifá is called by his name and surname.

OTRUPON WORI IFA ADAKINO MOKO DI BOKU IKINES LOWO IFA TUNDE The Awó of this Ifá is put a peso coin and made of silver in his mouth to be able to go to Ará Onú, since OTRUPON ADAKINO was thrown out of Heaven and to to enter you have to buy the ticket.

Otrupon Iwori Ifa Traditional Nigerian


To day fún Ògún
Èyí tí n be láàrin Òsììrì
Tí n be láàrin otá sángílítí
Ebo n won ni or se
Wón ní kí Ògún or rubo
Wón yes n gbógun tìí
Wón ni Ìbon ni or ba segun
Won ò se méjì mó
Ìbon ni ón gbé kò won lójú
Ayé ye Ogún
Ìbón bá Ògún according to
Ó ní béè làwon Babaláwo tòún wí
To day fún Ògún
Èyí tí n be láàrin Òsììrì
Tí n be láàrin otá sángílítí
Ebo n won ni or se
Ògún gbébo nbè
Ó rubo
Enu tí ìbón fí n fohùn
Ní fí n seggun
Mo mòmò rubo Òtúrupònlàwì.

Ifá wants this person to be well. He must be persistent in his speeches so that he is not overtaken by his enemies. He must also be sincere because it is his very mouth that he will use to win. He must have good
lexicon. Ifá says that he will not allow him to see any war that will arrest them.

They were the ones who consulted Ògún
Who was in the midst of his sworn enemies
He was in the midst of enemies
They advised him to make sacrifice
They advised Ògún to perform sacrifice
Anyone who waged wars against the Weapon (pistol, rifle, cannon) was declaring war on Ògún
They said that it is the Weapon that would win for Ògún
They did nothing else
They clashed with the gun
Life pleased Ògún
The Weapon helped Ògún win
He said it was exactly as his Babaláwos had said
They were the ones who consulted Ògún
Who was in the midst of his sworn enemies
He was in the midst of enemies
They advised him to make sacrifice
Ògún heard about the sacrifice
He did it
The mouth speaks through the gun
It is through the same mouth that he beat them
I have made the sacrifice of Òtúrupònlàwì.

Eshu of the Oddun Otrupon Adakino

Elegba Eshu Ayankolo

This ELEGBA lives on the hill. It is destructive. Live outside the home. It is made of dough. It is lined with 4 rows of snails, which are 18 each. On the blade there are ELEGBA and ORULA accounts.

It is sown in a pot.

Cargo: Gold, silver, copper, lead, Iyefá, lerí de aparo, de gunugún, de cao, an ikordié, lerí de akukó, ayapá, guira root, iroko, China root, 7 bibijaguas, ekó, eyá, epó, awadó, 3 ataré, 3 Iweriyeye, lerí de adan, puffin, land of bibijagua, a hill and 4 roads, ewé atiponlá, ewé tete, prodigiosa, dominating stick, San Manuel stick, jicotea stick, ero, obi , kolá, osun, obi motiwao, airá.

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