Otrupon Ojuani (Otrupon Ñao)

Otrupon Ojuani

Otrupon Ojuani (Otrupon Ñao) is odu number 187 in the genealogical order of Ifá. This sign teaches us that adaptation and the search for innovative solutions are essential to overcome adversity. Cooperation and mutual aid can transform a desperate situation into an opportunity for growth and prosperity.

General Description of the Odu Otrupon Ojuani

Names or Aliases:

  • Otrupon Ojuani
  • Otrupon Juani.
  • Otrupon Nao.
  • Otrupon Owonrin.
  • Òtúrúpòn Òwónrín.
  • Otrupon Ifa Lufon.

What is born in the odu of Ifá Otrupon Ojuani?

  • Do not embarrass me, I kill or commit suicide.
  • Who enjoys what another suffers.
  • That the dead man is standing at the door.
  • Give akukó in the shilekun to Elegba for the odu.
  • The Eshu Elegua Ayan Kolo Kolo and Layibori.
  • Mark the left hand with osun (espanta Iku).
  • The materialization of the egun; You add banana fufu.
  • Konibori, spirit of the river, to give birth or not to give birth.
  • That everything that is made of Osha and Ifá carries ishu.
  • The separation of the marriage for the inverted.
  • That the Awó does not give obi without opá animals.
  • In Otrupon Ojuani was born: that the coconut was the first saint, but he lied.
  • Go to the garbage, look for otá and garbage and give it unite.
  • The angry dog ​​killer.

What does the Otrupon Ojuani sign talk about?

  • The loot that comes to Otrupon Ñao.
  • That Iku swears that people die of old age (forced).
  • Protect your reputation.
  • Pour the leftovers from the food in a container or corner.
  • Eat from everywhere and don't give your thing.
  • The disfigurement of women.
  • Oba's sterility.
  • Otrupon Ñao Lodafun Eshu ati Bogbo Egun.
  • Settle Oba.
  • Osha must be established for its defense; the guardian angel wars for you.
  • That the mother saves him from the trap, justice and death.
  • Oba had children with Shango.

Otrupon Ñao points out:

  • The person is imprisoned or is.
  • The ship crashed into the reefs.
  • Orula discovers the egun at a banquet.
  • The coin, the wife and the children are interested in Otrupon Ñao (he is in prison).
  • The ship was sinking and the parrot rejoiced.
  • The mother makes ebo for the party-loving, annoying son.
  • Orunmila determines that the ishu carries the blood that lengthens life.
  • Orunmila wins the war against the Mayomberos.
  • He does not want to show off the wrinkles of life in old age.
  • This is Iku and the land of hunger.
  • The house is lost (due to the sinking ship).
  • Orunmila was saved thanks to Elegua.

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Analysis and Advice of the Odu Otrupon Ojuani (Òtúrúpòn Òwónrí)

Otrupon Ojuani is a sign that highlights the importance of reputation, self-control and empathy. People governed by this Odu must be careful with the way they interact with others, since enjoying the suffering of others can lead to serious consequences. This sign speaks of materialization of the Eggun (ancestral spirits), and the need to perform specific rituals to maintain spiritual harmony.

Òtúrúpòn Òwónrí: Help and cooperation are essential to receive support in times of need. Solidarity and recognition of others strengthen relationships and community.

Economic Aspects

In Otrupon Ojuani, Ifá warns about the importance of protecting resources and avoiding waste. People under this sign must be attentive to the influence of negative spirits and protect themselves appropriately to avoid material losses. Separating a marriage due to financial problems can be a risk, and sacrifices are recommended to ensure financial stability. It is advisable to give goat to Eshu and perform specific ebo (sacrifices) to avoid financial ruin.

Health and Wellness

This sign warns of several health problems, including headaches, parasites in the vagina, belly ailments, discharge, heart attacks, blood pressure, leg problems and anemia. It is essential to perform spiritual cleansing and take care of physical health through rituals and specific care. Women under this Odu may face fertility problems, and it is recommended to wash an Odu-Ará with omiero de curujey and make sacrifices to Oshun and Konibiré to improve fertility.

Religious Aspects

Otrupon Ojuani emphasizes the importance of obedience and respect towards elders and spiritual practices. The intervention of the Eggun and the need to properly propitiate the Orishas are crucial. Strict rituals must be followed, such as marking the left hand with Osun to ward off Iku (death) and performing paraldos to cleanse negative energies. The Awó should not throw obi without opa animals and must take care not to break coconuts, since the obi was the first saint and should be treated with respect.

Divine protection and justice can intervene in our lives to balance injustices. It is essential to remain vigilant and not be careless to avoid catastrophic results.

Personal Relationships (Love)

In this Odu, Ifá highlights the importance of empathy and awareness in personal relationships. Female disfigurement and infertility can negatively affect relationships. It is recommended to perform rituals to improve fertility and avoid disobedience that can lead to serious conflicts. Separation of marriage due to financial problems or inappropriate behavior is a risk, and communication and mutual respect must be worked on.

Sayings of the Odu of Ifa Otrupon Ojuani:

  • Enjoy the misfortune of others.
  • Something that is coming will gladden your hearts.
  • You need to protect your reputation.
  • Eshu will not get ahead of your loot.
  • Evil crime haunts every human being.
  • The embarrassment brings facts of blood and death.

«Evil crime torments every human being» Otrupon Ñao teaches us that bad actions leave a deep mark on the conscience. Those who commit evil acts carry the weight of guilt and remorse, affecting their inner peace and emotional well-being.

Ifa Code of Ethics of the odu Otrupon Juani:

  • The leftovers from the Awó table go into the curb on the sidewalk.

Meaning of the sign of Ifa Otrupon Ojuani:

The egun materialize in the living during banquets and parties. Orula and Elegua discovered it, so no empty seats or plates should be left on the tables.

There is a shortage of everything due to sent spirits, witchcraft or damage, which can lead to losing the house. In the Odu Otrupon Ñao, the Mayomberos throw Ogú and egun at him.

The person was sick since childhood. Someone who died a holy deed wanted to stay with you, and spends his life disturbed by the egun.

He doesn't want to grow old or show the wrinkles of life. The woman, who was lucid, is no longer lucid.

In Otrupon Ojuani, he goes to the trash, picks up an otá, washes himself, gives him unyen and places himself next to Elegba (his enemies rely on garbage and worthless things to sink him).

Ignoring advice and warnings can lead to serious consequences, but the intervention of a loved one can save us from imminent dangers. Empathy and awareness of one's own vulnerability are crucial to avoiding personal disasters.

Violent behavior and lack of self-control can cause irreparable and destructive acts. Introspection and consultation with one's own feelings are essential to avoid harmful behaviors.


  • Pick up leftover food and take it to the corner to increase your luck.
  • Eat very well to face the adversities of Iku and life.
  • Mark the left hand with an osún to prevent Iku from chasing them, the same is done to the goat when it is marked with three stripes on the forehead.
  • Make Paraldo with osadié (chicken) to scare away materialized egun.
  • Cleanse your body with three eyelé chicks.
  • Pour the leftovers from the dishes into the corners of the container.
  • Give Obatalá an agogo with a machete-shaped handle and give him 4 pigeons.
  • If he gets sick, clean the body with three eyelé chicks and put red ribbon on his left hand so that Iku believes that his blood is good and strong.
  • When throwing the plate of water at the door, say: "Ire omo Orula, ashe lowo Otrupon Ñao Ifá ni kaferéfun egun ara onu."
  • Bring garbage and an otá, wash the otá, give it unyen and live next to your Elegba.
  • Be obedient and respect spiritual practices to avoid problems and unconsummated fortune.
  • Take the wife to the health care center as soon as she goes into labor to avoid misfortune and grief.


  • The Awó should not throw obi without animal opa.
  • The Awó does not break coconuts.
  • Do not leave empty seats or plates on the tables.
  • The Awó should not cross the sea if he does not carry ekú, eyá, awadó, oñí, and throws it into the sea.
  • Do not put extra plates when serving the table.
  • Do not get up from the table and then sit down again.
  • Don't eat green bananas, it's for egun.
  • You should never disobey Ifá instructions.
  • Do not marry a woman just for her beauty.
  • Avoid participating in any type of foolishness.
  • Don't make jokes about other people.
  • Avoid being excessively curious.
  • Do not wear second-hand dresses.
  • Do not wear red.
  • Avoid the use of amulets.
  • Refrain from being an officiating priest in any ritual.

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Ifa Otrupon Ojuani says:

He is going through constant difficulties, always has something on his plate and is upset. They have placed a curse on him that reached him, he even took money from the souls. He should not attend dinners or celebrations until he makes ebo, since they could kill him or arrest him.

It could be the cause of a death; make mass for the dead. Take care of your blood (anemia), legs and stomach. Put a machete on Obatalá. The dead take possession of him and make him tremble. He has a nickname. He doesn't like to work or help anyone, and that's why he loses his luck.

For Otrupon Ñao, he must stop, since Iku chases him and the dead materialize. He puts flowers and food for Egun so that they do not harm him. Justice is behind you, and there was cheating in your marriage by a woman who visited his house.

Prayer of the Odu Baba Otrupon Juani:


Ebbo (works) of the Otrupon Ojuani Sign

Work by Otrupon Ñao to leave Inlewa (prison)

Ekú, eyá and ataré are crushed, and placed in an Igba keké (small) with an eñí addié. This eñí must be placed by the addié on any given Friday. It is prayed before the Saint to accept it, on Fridays marked by the Saint. It is then taken to the prison door and placed face down.

When an Awó sees a small child, he can go to Ará Onú. He cannot be neglected, because Koboniré can take him away. Make ebo quickly. Elegba is given akukó at the door with leftovers and Paraldo is boldly made.

A parasite that lives in a woman's vagina hinders and kills a man's sperm.

For parasites in Obiní, vaginal baths with green coconut shell and baking soda are recommended.

Ebo of Òtúrúpòn Òwónrín for prosperity

Ifá assures you that you will be blessed with prosperity and peace of mind. He tells him to dedicate himself to Ifá and greet him every morning. Furthermore, he advises him to offer ebo with two doves, two chickens, two guinea fowl, two roosters and money to receive these blessings.

Oturupon is rare to find as a verse of Ifá,
and Ifá students don't know anything about that.
The elders remained there.
The message of Ifá for the inhabitants of the land of Adatan
It was that they greet Ifá to be blessed with all the Ire of life.
They were also advised to offer ebo.
They complied and declared:
«I have greeted Ifá.
Ifá, I have greeted you.
I have been blessed with peace of mind.
Ifá, I have greeted you."

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Pataki of the sign of Ifa Otrupon Ojuani:

Oba's Sterility

When Oba and Shango got married, they couldn't have children. Worried, Oba consulted Orunmila, who made her a bear and discovered that an Egun called Konibire, who lived in a nearby stream, was the cause of her infertility.

Orunmila instructed him to make a prayer with an ounko, ekuekueye, an adié, an akukó, an odu-ará, curujey and ewé teté ború (white bleo). Oba gathered the elements and Orunmila performed the prayer. Then, they took the ounko to Oshun on the river, the ekuekueye to Konibire, and the odu-ará used it at home to prepare an infusion that he drank and bathed with for nine days.

Thanks to these rituals, Oba was able to overcome the influence of Konibire and finally had children with Shango.

Explanation: This Patakie teaches us that perseverance and faith in spiritual rituals can overcome any adversity. Oba, following Orunmila's instructions, managed to overcome his infertility problem and have children. Dedication and trust in spiritual guidance are key to overcoming challenges.

Otrupon Ojuani Ifá Traditional Nigerian

Verse of the Odu Òtúrúpòn Òwónrín

Ifá speaks well. This person must offer a sacrifice to prevent a certain disease. It is a type of disease that affects half of the body, or genital areas. He is an energetic person but genital disease can make him weak.

Àlópò ìtàkùn níí múgií dìtí
He consulted Akin early in life
Who was advised to make sacrifice for his vigor
Since your burst of vitality will last you into old age
It was Akin who was worried
'May my vitality not turn into laziness',
They advised him to make sacrifice
Akin made the sacrifice
The vitality was back to him
He began to dance and rejoice
He was praising his Babaláwo
His Babaláwo was praising Ifá
He said it was exactly as his Babaláwo had said
Àlópò ìtàkùn níí múgií dìtí
He consulted Akin early in life
Who would turn a lazy man from an energetic person?
The illness
The disease would turn an energetic person into a lazy person
The illness.

Eshu of the Oddun Otrupon Juani: Ayan Kolo Kolo

This Elegua lives on the hill and is known for its destructive nature. It resides outside the house and is made of dough. It is decorated with four rows of snails, each with 18 snails. On his blade he carries beads of Elegua and Orunmila.

It is planted in a pot and its load includes:

  • Gold, silver, copper, lead
  • Iyefá
  • Leri de aparo, gunugu, cao
  • An ikordie
  • Leri of akukó, ayapá
  • Guira root, Iroko, and china
  • 7 bibijaguas
  • Ekú, eyá, epó, awadó
  • 3 I will tie
  • 3 eweriyeye
  • Leri of Adam, puffin
  • Land of bibijaguero, of a hill and four corners
  • Ewe atiponlá, ewe tete, prodigious
  • Palo domador, San Manuel, palo jicotea
  • Eru, obi, kolá, osún, aira, obi motiwao

This set of elements reinforces its power and symbolizes its connection with various forces of nature.

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