Okana Fun (Okana Ofun)

Okana Ofun, odu number 136 in the lordly order of Ifá, predicts the end of troubles and tribulations. The client will experience a new relationship or an increase in the intensity of the current relationship. It is recommended to make sacrifices to be able to have children and to become someone honorable and respected.
General Description of the Okana Ofun Sign:
What is born in the Odu of Ifá Okana Fun?
- La Guabina (EJA-GOLD).
- The head prayer with Guabina.
- That when INLE is received, ABATA must also be received.
- The disagreement.
- Kobori brand with Guabina (EJA-ORO).
- We must receive Inle and Abata.
- The person, by not caring, gets lost.
- Okana Fun is an Ifá of persecution.
- You have to do Paraldo.
- The person has in his spiritual picture an Indian Egun that protects him.
- Talk about inverted person.
What does the Okana Fun sign talk about?
- Mark disobedience with the Saint.
- Speaks of the Wind, Griyelú, Batuto, Inle Abata, ORUNMILA, SHANGO, YEMAYA, ESHU.
- Here, people talk badly about SHANGO and YEMAYA.
- The Moon is called IKUN, and prayer is made to it to obtain power.
- The rabbits ignored OBATALA and went blind and got lost.
- Marks marital separation. You have to do Ebó to avoid tragedy.
- You have to do Santo.
The Okana Ofun sign points out:
- To beat the enemies, you have to give SHANGO a ram.
- The money is said to be in the house and cannot be taken.
- The rabbit speaks.
- The beggar is fed.
- The woman is the mother of the Saint.
- The diseases are: vision problems due to trauma, acute or secondary infection, glaucoma, myopia, night blindness, blood pressure, diabetes, skin rashes, impotence.
- You have to refresh the Kakuanaldo (Obe).
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Analysis and Interpretation of the Odu Okana Ofun
Okana Ofun points to a period of significant transformation where endings give way to new beginnings. The presence of the protective Indian Eggun symbolizes the ancestral guide that watches over the consultant, ensuring their protection against adversity. The insistence on head prayer with Guabina underlines the importance of mental clarity and spiritual healing to face challenges. This Odu warns against persecution and disobedience, but also promises the end of problems if the correct path is followed and the established sacrifices and taboos are respected.
Economic Aspects
In the economic sphere, Okana fun suggests the possibility of overcoming financial difficulties by observing specific rituals and paying attention to spiritual signs. The mention that "the money is in the house and cannot be taken" symbolizes the opportunities for prosperity that are nearby but require appropriate action to be taken advantage of. It is recommended to refresh the Kakuanaldo and perform specific ebos to unlock these paths of prosperity.
This sign marks special attention to visual health, warning about diseases such as glaucoma, myopia and night blindness, as well as problems derived from diabetes and blood pressure. Head praying with Guabina and taking special care to avoid trauma or blows to the eyes are essential practices to preserve visual health. Additionally, the need to take care of general health is emphasized to avoid impotence and other conditions affected by lifestyle and metabolic health.
Religious Aspects
Religiously, Okana Ofun emphasizes the importance of obedience to the Orishas and making correct sacrifices to maintain balance and spiritual protection.. Disobedience and nonconformity are pointed out as causes of discomfort and separation from divine grace. The performance of ebos, the service to the protective divinities, and receive Inle and Abata They are essential practices to align the destiny of the consultant with the blessings of the Orishas.
Personal Relationships (Love)
In the loving plane, Okana Ofun warns about pride and stubbornness as possible causes of irreparable separations. The need to perform ebó to avoid tragedies in the relationship indicates the importance of humility, sacrifice and communication in maintaining marital harmony. This Ifa sign also suggests that a person's love destiny can change favorably through meaningful encounters driven by destiny, as long as openness and willingness to follow spiritual guides are maintained.
- Head Rogation with Guabina (EJA-GOLD): Essential for mental and spiritual clarity.
- Receive INLE-ABATA: Along with the INLE initiation, ABATA must also be received to ensure spiritual balance.
- Perform Ko-bori with Guabina (EJA-GOLD): To strengthen the inner being and spiritual connection.
- Make Paraldo: Fundamental to free yourself from persecutions and negative energies.
- Spiritual Mass to the Egun Protector: Thank and reinforce the protection of the Indian Egun that cares for and protects.
- Refresh the Kakuanaldo (Obe): Use beef, 2 pigeons, prodigious herb, cocoa butter, cascarilla, majagua herb, obi kolá to maintain spiritual freshness.
- Ebó-Misi (Spiritual Bath): With cotton leaves, prodigiosa, majagua for purification.
- Sacrifices to the Orishas: Give a ram to Shangó to defeat enemies and make specific offerings to other Orishas as circumstances require.
- Avoid Marital Separation: Perform Ebó to prevent tragedies and maintain unity.
- Take care of Visual and General Health: Pay special attention to eye diseases and conditions such as diabetes and blood pressure.
- Attention to Relationships: This Odu warns about the danger of pride and the need to maintain humility and understanding in relationships to avoid separation.
- Do not eat rabbit: This act is prohibited under this Odu to avoid spiritual conflicts.
- Avoid Carelessness: Negligence can lead to loss and deviation from the right path.
- Do not Disobey the Saints: Disobedience can cause spiritual separation and problems in the life of the consultant.
- Reject Pride and Arrogance: These attitudes can lead to irreparable conflicts, especially in relationships.
Sayings of the Odu of Ifa Okana Fun:
- Jack of all trades, master of none.
- Feed the beggar when he cannot afford to pay.
- If you don't look at your house, you can't look at the others.
- Although it is not in the world that my mother's blessing reaches me.
The saying «If you don't look at your house, you can't look at the others» emphasizes the importance of self-management before attempting to influence or judge others. It suggests that one must first ensure order and harmony in one's own environment and life, as a foundation for extending help or criticism outward.
Odu Okana Ofun Ifa Code of Ethics:
- The Awó does not use weapons.
Says Ifa Okana Fun:
When this sign of Ifa appears in an ordinary record, the person will be warned that he must make sacrifice, and have a party and invite his neighbors, so that he and his family are not victims of unexpected events.
When Okana Fun appears in an ordinary record, the person will be told to make sacrifice with a pig and a dove for eternal prosperity.
When this Ifá appears in IGBODU, he must make the sacrifice mentioned in the descent to the land of Okana Fun, without delay to avoid being killed by a woman. You are destined to get rich through someone else's wealth. The special sacrifice is made with a black goat, red, white and black cloth and the heads of a parrot and an eagle.
In IGBODU, the person is warned that he must serve the divinity of the town where he lives and that he must receive GOLD with a dog. In an ordinary registration, the person must give a rooster to Ogun and a goat to Eshu to avoid getting lost.
Meaning of the Sign of Ifa Okana Fun
For the Ifá sign Okana Ofun, it is necessary to refresh the Kakuanaldo (Obe) with beef, two pigeons, prodigious herb, cocoa butter, cascarilla, majagua herb and obi kolá.
In addition, an Ebó Misi (Bath) is performed with cotton, prodigiosa and majagua leaves. Subsequently, a spiritual mass dedicated to the Egun who requests it must be carried out.
This Ifá sign is characterized by nonconformity, it signals disobedience towards the Saints, skin rashes and family separation. There is a woman with long hair who is considered Okana Ofun's enemy. It has been observed that some people speak badly of Yemayá and Shangó.
In the case of a woman with problems due to her negative attitude, if she separates from an Omologú husband and he later finds out that she is well and has prospered, she may act with envy and resort to witchcraft. To avoid this, it is necessary to make Ebó with a ram and three doves. The ram will be offered to Shangó or Yemayá in the courtyard to ensure victory in this spiritual war. It can also be offered to Ogún.
When this Odu appears, it is crucial to perform an Ebó immediately to avoid the day of tragedy and keep the couple together. If they were to separate, neither would be willing to give in, leaving them in permanent conflict due to their pride and arrogance.
If Okana Ofun appears in an ordinary record for a man, it indicates that he will meet a woman who will be an omen of fortune. He is advised to marry her, as he represents her key to the treasures of her prosperity.
If the Odu appears for a woman, she will be informed that she will travel to a place where she will find the man who will make her happy and whom she will marry.
This Odu also warns about the protection of an Indian Egun in the spiritual chart of the consultant. The woman of this sign, although she is a good head and mother of Saint, tends to be pretentious and conceited. If the marriage separates, there will be no reconciliation due to the pride of both. Therefore, it is essential to perform Ebó to avoid separation.
Okana Ofun highlights health problems related to vision, such as acute infections, glaucoma, myopia and night blindness, as well as the need to take care of bumps or trauma that can affect vision. Blood pressure and diabetes, which can also affect vision and cause impotence problems, require special attention.
The importance of head praying with Guabina (EJA-ORO) for vision problems and the need to receive INLE and ABATA are emphasized. Carelessness can lead to loss, and the consumption of rabbit is prohibited.
This Ifá warns about constant persecution by the spouse, enemies or justice, and the need to perform Paraldo. The situation of inverted people is mentioned, highlighting the importance of guidance and spiritual balance.
Prayer of the Odu Baba Okana Ofun:
Suyere of the Okana Fun sign:
Ebbo of the Oddun Okana Ofun: Head Prayer with Golden Axis.
You take a deep plate, pour a little water and say:
"Eja-Oro tuto amu filari leri omo Olodun mabe ala Olordumare mofi erimileko orimi komapara omi tuto kodere owo kose omo diku fishe sewa."
When offering the live guabina, it is placed on the plate on which prayer has previously been said. Then, the officiant moistens the tip of his middle finger and draws a line from the forehead to the nape of the person's neck while he says:
"Eri-o Eri-a Eri ame Eri daye Eri aketelele Eri kadeka."
Next, moisten the back of your neck, chest, temples, knees, feet, big toes, and finally your hands. Then, she repeats the procedure with orí (cocoa butter) and efún (husk), reciting the same prayer.
Subsequently, the plate is placed on the head (lerí) with the Eja-Oro and the water, and all the saints are invoked, praying them in their order from Elegua to Orunmila (divine advisor and communicator of Olodumare's designs), followed by the Meyis.
The process is similar to koborí with eja tuto. After praying, the remaining water in the dish is spread throughout the house.
Then, you must take a little of the water where the guabina was, mixed with some ekó dissolved in it, to the river and pour it into the river saying: "Ode emi eride awo eride omo erami odo era mi lokan aye nakoto ararishe fumi. »
Note: The prayer is taken to the river the next day.
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Patakies (stories) of the Ifa sign Okana Ofun:
Okana Fun made fortune telling
Okana Fun performed divinations seeking fortune for both himself and Onigede, who longed for wealth. Both were recommended to make sacrifices, which they carried out with white doves, ground yams and white cloth.
While the divinity of fortune left Heaven in search of a place on Earth to settle, Onigede, the Oba of Igede, was warned to collect the feathers of the doves used in his sacrifice, mix them with ground yam and scatter it around his palace, since that was fortune's favorite food. When the representative daughter of AJE found herself on the border between Heaven and Earth, deciding her next destination, Elegua guided her to Onigede's residence, where she found everything necessary for her stay.
Consequently, she decided to move to Onigede's house, taking with her all the fortune of Heaven. In this way, Onigede achieved great fortune. At the peak of her prosperity, she organized a party for her subordinates, where she sang and danced in honor of Orunmila.
Explanation: The story of Okana Fun and Onigede teaches the importance of following the indications given by divinations and making the recommended sacrifices. Fortune, represented by the divinity that descends from Heaven, seeks a place where it can be appreciated and respected, and settles where it finds the appropriate conditions according to the traditions and sacrifices made.
The underlying moral of this narrative is that prosperity and fortune do not come by chance or luck, but as a result of deliberate actions, faith and respect for spiritual and cultural practices. The act of scattering ground yam and pigeon feathers around the palace symbolizes preparation and welcoming blessings. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of spiritual guidance, in this case, provided by Elegua, deity of chance and opportunity, who directs fortune towards those who have met the necessary requirements.
The tiger and the Mother
In a peaceful town where disputes never arose between its inhabitants, the tranquility was abruptly interrupted by the appearance of a tiger. The beast began to terrorize the town, attacking and devouring everything in its path. Among the alarmed neighbors, a woman especially attentive to the well-being of her three children, took immediate measures to protect them. Following her maternal instinct, she gathered them together and decided to leave the place in search of safety.
Far from danger, the family built a new home. However, aware of the persistent threat, her mother devised a trap on the road near her house: a deep hole camouflaged with leaves and branches. She constantly warned her children not to stray too far, aware of the danger the tiger could still represent.
One day, the children, forgetting the warnings, ventured beyond what was safe and were spotted by the tiger, who, from a hill, became aware of their existence. Believing he had eliminated all the inhabitants of the original town, the tiger decided that they would be his next victims. As she crept closer, the children, realizing the danger, ran towards their mother for shelter.
In an act of bravery and cunning, the mother, anticipating the encounter, called her children and led them directly into the trap she had prepared. The tiger, blinded by his predatory impulse, fell into the gap, thus freeing the family and the town from the threat it represented.
Explanation: Okana Fun highlights the importance of prudence, foresight and the unconditional love of a mother towards her children. The mother, through her ingenuity and constant care, manages to protect her family from imminent danger, teaching her children the value of obedience and caution.
The moral emphasizes that, in the face of adversity, family unity and intelligence are essential to overcome obstacles. Furthermore, it highlights the crucial role of parents in guiding and protecting their children, not only through warnings, but also through preparation and establishing safety measures against possible dangers.
The story also invites us to reflect on how, sometimes, danger can follow us even when we think we have escaped it, emphasizing the need to always be alert and prepared to face any adversity. Cunning and foresight can be our greatest allies in times of crisis.
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Okana Fun Ifa Traditional
Ìyèròsùn abenu siìnrìsín
A day fún Títílolá
Aremo Agbeni
Òun ò layé òun tea?
Títíítí òun or fi lo ayé òun gbó
Wón ní ò níí tea
Wón nírú ó níí tea
Iyò ò níí tea
Tètè è é sìí láwùjo èfó tea
Wón ní ò níí laíláí tea
Títílolá Àrèmo Agbení bá rbo
Láyé bá ye Títílolá
Ní wá n jó n ní n yò
Ní n yin àwon Babaláwo
Àwon Babaláwo náà n yin Ifá
Ó ní béè làwon Babaláwo tòún wí
Ìyèròsùn abenu siìnrìsín
A day fún Títílolá
Hey, I'll be Agbeni
Wón ní ó saca káalè ebo ní ó se
Ebo kó mó baà té nle ayé ni ón ni ó se
Títílolá gbébo nbè ó rbo
Irú è é tea or
Iyò è é tea o
Tètè è é láwùjo èfó tea
Ifá dákun más sì jé n laíláí tea.
This person will not be ridiculed. He will have a long life; He must offer sacrifice for affluence (abundance, wealth). Ifá tells him to sacrifice vegetable Tètè. He must gather the people and must feed him vegetable soup Tètè. He must add salt, Irú beans and oil. He would be influential in life.
Ìyèròsùn abenu siìnrìnsín
He made divination for Títílolá
Agbeni's eldest son
Will I not be ridiculed?
Will the rest of my life be okay?
They assured him that he must offer Irú so that he is never ridiculed.
Salt is never ridiculed
The vegetable Tètè is never ridiculed in the middle of other vegetables
They assured him that he will never be ridiculed
Títílolá performed the sacrifice
Life pleased Títílolá
He began to dance and rejoice
He was praising his Babaláwo
His Babaláwo was praising Ifá
He said it was as his Babaláwo had said
Ìyèròsùn abenu siìnrìnsín
He made divination for Títílolá
Agbeni's eldest son
They advised him to take care of the land and make sacrifice
So that he would not be ridiculed
Títílolá heard about the sacrifice and performed it
Irú's butter will never be humiliated
Salt will never be ridiculed
The vegetable Tètè will never be ridiculed in the midst of the other vegetables
Ifá, please, never allow me to be the mockery of anyone.