Bear Ka (Ika)

bear ka

Osa Ka, is Odu #161 of the literary body of Ifa, he tells us about the inevitability of death, the complexity of human relationships, betrayal and the search for identity, among other topics.

General description of the Odu of Ifa Osa Ika

The Odu of Ifá Osa Ika immerses us in a journey through existence, marked by the acceptance of death, the drama of the circus of life, and family intrigues. It reveals hidden truths, from the inescapable nature of the end to deception within one's home, urging us to face reality with wisdom and courage.

What is born in the Odu of Ifá Osa Ka?

  • The naturalness of death.
  • The circus tent.
  • The clown.
  • Sexual confusion.
  • Here you cannot pity people who are in a state of death.
  • When the Awó dies, a silver coin is placed in his mouth.

What does the Ifá Osa Ka sign talk about?

  • This is Ikan Araye Saluga Kowa Ile. The enemy is inside the house as a friend.
  • The head is requested with Pargo (Ejá-Bo).
  • Talk about the tired horse.
  • The jicotea, with her art, tied the horse.
  • He talks about the secret of Shango's birth.
  • You have to give Oshun Ololodi a goat along with Orunmila.
  • Here he talks about betrayal of the godfather.

What does the Ifá Osa Ika sign mark?

  • They laugh at the person.
  • No torn clothing is worn.
  • The herbs are: white elderberry, coastal parsley, silver grass.
  • Money paves your desire.
  • Ogún looked at Oyá hollowly, and her breasts drove him crazy.

Analysis and Interpretation of Odu Osa Ka (Ika)

Osa Ka presents life to us as a circus, in which each being plays a specific role, often without fully understanding the script until the act unfolds.. In this scenario, the figure of the clown emerges as a powerful symbol of the duality of human existence: joy and pain coexisting in a delicate balance.

Economic Aspects

Economically, this Odu warns us about the volatility of our resources and the need for adaptability. The circus tent, which changes location and eventually deteriorates, serves as a reminder that our financial stability may be temporary and subject to unexpected changes, requiring continuous reevaluation and adjustment of our strategies.


In terms of health, the circus tent and the clown speak of emotional and psychological vulnerability. The clown's smile, despite personal adversity, reflects how we often ignore or hide our pain and stress, which can have detrimental effects on our mental and physical health. Osa Ka advises us to seek balance, allowing us to recognize and express our true emotions to find healing.

Religious Aspects

Religiously, Osa Ika teaches us about the importance of faith and spirituality in our search for meaning and purpose. The need to perform sacrifices and rituals, such as the head prayer with Pargo, underscores the connection between our earthly actions and the spiritual world, reminding us that divine protection and guidance are fundamental to our harmony and balance.

Personal relationships

In the realm of love and personal relationships, sexual confusion and betrayal of the best man reveal the complexities and challenges in human interactions. Osa Ika warns us about the dangers of betrayal and the importance of honesty and integrity in our relationships, while urging us to face and accept our own identity and that of others with compassion and understanding.

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Sayings of the Sign of Ifa Osa Ka: 

  • The one who searches, finds.
  • His evil is sitting in the house.
  • The plate you broke, someone else will pay for it.
  • Commenting on another's secret is a shameful act.
  • As I laugh, my heart cries.
  • From so much change, my tent rotted.
  • Everyone who is born, comes the moment that he has to die.

«While I make you laugh, my heart cries» reveals to us the duality of the human experience, where external appearances can hide deep internal truths. This saying teaches us that the happiness shown to the world often hides a reality of pain and struggle, reminding us of the importance of compassion and understanding towards others, as every smile can hide an untold story of adversity.

Odu Osa Ika Ifa Code of Ethics:

  • The most natural thing in life is death.

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Meaning of the Odu of Ifa Osa Ka:

Osa Ka has the ability to make others take their blame. In this Odu, the jicotea, through her cunning and skill, manages to tie the horse, symbolizing the dominance of man over woman.

This sign reveals the secret of the birth of Shangó, given by Obatalá to his eldest daughter, Dada-Bañañi, for her upbringing. Indicates that the person ruled by this Odu could be involved in significant family secrets.

Whoever is guided by this Odu on the path of Oshun Ololodi must offer a goat to Oshun along with his Ifá.

Osa Ika advises placing white curtains in the home, thanking Azojuano (Saint Lazarus) by lighting two candles, pointing out that the discomfort lies within the home itself. She highlights the search for female companionship for marriage and emphasizes the importance of wearing white, avoiding torn clothing.

This Odu characterizes the person as someone who does not value friendship or show due respect to his godfather, being capable of betraying him.

It talks about the arrival of a new child and the need to protect someone's secrets. A comment about a subordinate or former employee could cause problems for the consultant.

It highlights the naturalness of death, warning against feeling sorry for those in a terminal state, as it could affect the consultant or someone close to them.

When an Awó of the Osa Ka sign dies, a silver coin is placed in his mouth to ensure his trip to Ará-Onú. He reveals that the enemy is hiding inside the home like a friend.

The birth of the circus tent, which deteriorates and changes location, symbolizes instability. The disease arises when changing partners and the use of torn clothing is prohibited. The clown, who makes one laugh while his heart cries, reflects the dissonance between external appearances and internal emotions.

Head prayer with Pargo (Eja-Bo) and baths with five Ifá herbs are recommended, followed by baths with flowers of specific colors for each bath.

Desire is softened with money, presenting Osa Ka as the Ifá of the tired horse, symbolizing the person exhausted by work without receiving affection or consideration in return.

Ifa says in the Oddun Osa Ka:

You are at a time in your life marked by uncertainty and challenges. He has experienced numerous losses this year, especially in his businesses, affected by the envy and ambition of others. It is essential that you do an ebó before embarking on any trip or seeking financial assistance, as there are pitfalls in your path. His instability and restlessness are palpable; You are looking for a change, possibly a new beginning in love or a desire to get married, but you are hindered by debt and conflict. The imminent confrontation with the owner of his house places him in a difficult situation, increasing his unease.

It is crucial to thank Azojuano (Saint Lazarus), lighting two candles in his honor, and avoid wearing torn clothing, opting instead for white, which symbolizes purity and new beginnings. Despite appearances, his heart carries a burden of sadness, aggravated by the distance from his father. His life has been erratic, marked by constant change and a deep sense of spiritual emptiness. She must remain alert to pitfalls and act with integrity in her work and personal relationships. The enemy may be closer than he imagines, within his own home. However, the path to satisfying his desires can be paved by money, as long as she acts wisely and does not ignore the advice of his true friends and her godfather.

Prayer of the Osa Ka Ifa sign:


Suyere Osa Ika:


Ebbo (Work) by Odu Osa Ika:

Osa Ka Baths:

It is necessary to bathe with three types of flowers: first, use yellow flowers; for the second bath, use red flowers; and for the last one, use white flowers.

For Oshun Ololodi:

A goat must be offered to Oshun along with his Ifá.

Work by Osa Ika with Azojuano (San Lázaro):

It is recommended to take good care of Azojuano by offering him aladimú, lighting two candles in his honor and requesting his help for peace of mind and to keep the actions carried out secret.

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Osa Ka in Traditional Nigerian Ifa.


Ó sat kádi
Órìn kádi
ó fo fèrè fèrè
Ó modi Ìká gùn
A day fún Onílé Orókè
Èyí tíí we are Abèwolégi
Wón ní kó saca káalè ebo ní ó se
Ó yes gbébo nbè
Ó rubo
E wá n gbágogo
A bé or gbágogo?
Àwá mòmò n gbagogo
Nílé onílé Orókè
Ibè la gbé n gbagogo
Ifá wá n gbó tiwa
Àbí ò gbó tiwa?
Onile Oroke
Ifa n gbo tiwa.

Ifá wants this person to be well. Ifá says that the Irúnmolè will listen to his lament, but whatever Ifá demands of him, it must be given the same day. Ifá will hear the lament of this person and the voice of the Babaláwo who made the divination. This Babaláwo must be sincere and always praise Ifá.

He runs to hide
He walks to hide
He jumps high
And scale the limits of Ìká
He made divination for Onílé Orókè
The son of Abèwolégi
They advised him to take care of the land and make the sacrifice
He heard about the sacrifice
And he did it
'Can you hear the resounding gong?'
'Or can't you hear it?'
We are really hearing the resounding gong
In the house of Onílé Orókè
There, we heard the sound of the gong
Ifá now listen to our plea
Doesn't it?
Onile Oroke
Ifá listens to our supplication.

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Pataki of the sign of Ifa Osa Ka:

Shango's secret

Obatalá kept a secret: the birth of Shangó, which he entrusted to his daughter Dada Bañani to raise him. Obatalá visited Dada Bañani daily to see his son Shangó, who grew up very pampered, spoiled and proud.

Obatalá, for unknown reasons, treated Ogún poorly, which caused the latter, annoyed, to try to discover why Shangó received preferential treatment. After much insistence, Yemayá revealed the long-kept secret.

One day, Ogún confronted Shangó, telling him that he knew a secret about his life that, if revealed, would cause a great scandal. Shangó, believing he had no secrets, challenged Ogún to reveal it. When Ogún shared the secret, Shangó, embarrassed, went to confront Yemayá. Initially, she denied everything, but at Shangó's insistence, she ended up revealing the truth to him.

As a result, Shangó, feeling betrayed, retaliated against his father Obatalá and decided to abandon him.

Explanation: This story teaches us about complex family dynamics and the impact of secrets on relationships. It reveals that hiding important truths can lead to feelings of betrayal and abandonment. It reminds us of the importance of honesty and transparency in family relationships, as well as the consequences that can arise from keeping fundamental secrets. Revealing hidden truths can be painful, but it is necessary for personal growth and integrity.

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1 comment on “Osa Ka”

  1. When you receive a knife when the Ifa sign in my case osa ika changes part of the mind or something to the sign of the knife the one that came out on your knife when

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