Ofun Tempola (Ofun Otura)

Ofun Otura - Ofun Tempola

Ofun Tempola, also known as Ofun Otura, is odu number 254 in the Ifá divination system. This sign is associated with espionage and betrayal, and warns about the consequences of sending curses or witchcraft (Ogú) through witch's pots, since they can be reversed like a boomerang towards the person who sends them.

Analysis and Interpretation of the Odu Ofun Otura:

Ofun Otura (Ofun Tempola), is an Odu of the Ifá divination system that stands out for its depth and its association with important Yoruba deities such as Shango, Ochosi, and Oya. This sign brings with it a mix of warnings and blessings, being a call to caution and, at the same time, courage.

Health Aspects:

Ofun Otura points out significant concerns in the field of health. The emergence of diseases such as leprosy and other contagious disorders is prominent, requiring special attention towards hygiene and social interactions to avoid contagion. Affectations of the vocal cords and throat problems are also common under this sign, suggesting the need to take care of the voice and avoid environments that may cause irritation or respiratory infections.


In the economic field, Ofun Otura speaks of a dynamic of ups and downs, where the ability to maintain stability will be put to the test. This Odu recommends prudence in investments and resource management, highlighting the importance of avoiding impulsive expenses and maintaining a reserve for times of uncertainty. Despite potential challenges, there is also significant potential to recover and find new growth opportunities if available resources are wisely managed.

Religious and Spiritual Aspects:

Religiously, this Odu emphasizes the connection with the Orishas such as Shango, who is the protector and dispenser of justice. The need to maintain precise rituals and offerings is crucial to ensuring the protection and favor of these powerful deities. Additionally, Ofun Tempola warns against spiritual malpractices and betrayal, requiring a high level of integrity and honesty in all religious practices.

Personal relationships:

From the perspective of personal relationships, Ofun Otura warns about the conflicts that can arise from misunderstandings and envy, particularly within the family circle. This Odu suggests that it is a time to strengthen family ties through communication and mutual understanding, avoiding disputes that could lead to lasting separations or estrangements. Loyalty and fidelity are recurring themes, especially in romantic relationships, where honesty and commitment will be key to maintaining harmony.

Discover: Ochosi, The Yoruba Hunter God

General Description of the Odu Ofun Tempola

Names or Aliases:

  • Ofun Otura.
  • Ofun Temple.
  • Ofun Tur.

What is born in the Ofun Tempola odu?

  • The power of Shango, the intelligence of Oshosi and that of Oya.
  • The contagion of leprosy.
  • Azojuano and Elegba are doctors.
  • Speak the Eggun Casserole found.
  • You look for trouble for a brother.
  • Because of the bad smell, they killed the majá.
  • You always see something in dreams.
  • In Ofun Tempola it is born that when the Awó is going to kill Shango, he puts jobo in his mouth.

What does the Ofun Otura sign talk about?

  • Ofun Otura talks about the Little Devil of Egungun.
  • In this sign the problems in the throat and vocal cords speak.
  • Ofun Tempola talks about the evil gratitude and the debt with Shango.
  • The plow was locked with a garment pot.
  • The Eweses are: Zazafrán and Ponasí.
  • Babalu Aye and Nana Buruku founded their first town Arará.
  • Babalu Aye had to leave his homeland, Lucumí.
  • Orishaoko plowed the land.
  • The ashé is being lost for Ogú.

You can read: Odu of Ifa Ofun Meyi

Odu Ofun Otura Recommendations:

  1. Maintain high hygiene standards: It is crucial to prevent contagious diseases such as leprosy.
  2. Be careful with the health of your throat and vocal cords: Avoid environments that may cause respiratory irritations or infections.
  3. Economic prudence: Manage resources carefully and avoid impulsive expenses.
  4. Strengthen family ties: Encourage communication and mutual understanding to avoid conflicts.
  5. Perform precise rituals and offerings to the orishas: Especially to SHANGO, to ensure his protection and favor.
  6. Avoid betrayal and maintain integrity in religious practices.
  7. Pay debts to SHANGO: To avoid illnesses and misfortunes.
  8. Listen and follow advice: To avoid difficulties and misunderstandings.
  9. Avoid promising cures without being sure: To avoid embarrassment.
  10. Play the lotery: If you're feeling lucky, it could be beneficial.

Prohibitions of Odu Ofun Otura:

  1. Do not talk about good or bad to anyone: To maintain privacy and avoid envy or bad intentions.
  2. Do not receive anyone at the country house or travel for 7 days: If the Odu is revealed in Osobo, it indicates that bad things have been done.
  3. Avoid close contact with sick people: To prevent the spread of diseases.
  4. Do not curse others: To avoid infections and other negative repercussions.
  5. Don't get involved in other people's problems: Especially if it involves close family members and their illnesses.
  6. Do not deny or complain excessively: Maintain emotional and spiritual balance.

Sayings of Ofun Tempola:

  • Hollow head, dry head.
  • What is not good at the beginning is not good at the end.
  • When there is a head, the hat is not carried in the hand.
  • The tongue speaks faster than the head thinks.
  • God is the one who guards the paths of judgment and preserves the path of his Saints.

«What is not good at the beginning, is not good at the end» It reminds us of the importance of first impressions and conditions in any endeavor. This proverb suggests that flawed foundations inevitably lead to unsatisfactory outcomes, emphasizing the need for early correction to avoid lasting negative consequences.

Ifa Ethical Code of Odu Ofun Otura

  • The Awó will prevent your tongue from speaking before your mind thinks.

Meaning of the Sign Ofun Otura

  • It is also notable for the manufacture of a staff that represents the Little Devil of Egungun, symbolizing protection and spiritual connection.
  • Ofun Tempola is known for its association with artistic vocations and the problems that arise from non-compliance, often leading to embarrassing situations.
  • Dynamics within this sign tend to deteriorate due to prevailing evil, lack of respect in daily interactions, and widespread corruption.
  • Shango is the only one who can remedy evils, although people are frequently valued unduly, ignoring the truly deserving.
  • Oluopopo is the exclusive possessor of the secret to healing people, using herbs such as Ewe Ponasi and Ewe Zazafrán, and is associated with contagious epidemics that can affect both childhood and old age.
  • This Odu also implies that consensual relationships with close family members can transmit sexual diseases.
  • In Ofun Otura, it is suggested to leave the land of origin and always perform a Paraldo to free oneself from an obsessive Eggun.
  • This Odu requires prompt attention; should not be consulted without offering remuneration.
  • It is essential to have an agutan in the house to prevent adverse changes and protect yourself from negative influences.
  • When revealing this sign, epó must be spread in the mouth with the Irofá before speaking, to prevent any curse.
  • During Shango rituals, jobo is placed in the mouth to avoid physical weaknesses.
  • It is noted that people influenced by this sign can provoke group attacks due to misunderstanding or envy, which can lead to destructive actions towards others, including the use of sorcery and manipulation.

Ifa odu Ofun Tempola (Otura) says:

  • Prudence in communication: Don't share details, good or bad, about your personal life with others.
  • Spiritual debts: Pay off any debt with Shango to prevent illness.
  • Pay attention to the advice: Listen and follow the advice received to avoid future difficulties.
  • Caution with promises of healing: Avoid promising cures to others, as you could face embarrassing situations.
  • Temporary restrictions: Do not receive visitors at your country house or take trips for the next 7 days due to possible negative energies.
  • Discretion: Keep secret about your achievements; Talking too much can make you lose your charm.
  • Be careful with family relationships: Use caution in your interactions with your brother to avoid conflicts.
  • home surveillance: Be alert for betrayal within your own home, especially from people you trust.
  • Artistic talent: Handle your artistic commitments carefully so you don't get caught up in unfulfilled commitments.
  • Physical Health: Be careful with your diet and avoid contagious diseases, such as leprosy or sexually transmitted infections.
  • Protection against negativity: Avoid cursing or belittling others; You could attract diseases due to your carelessness.
  • New loving beginning: You could find a new partner and start a family in a different place after a marital separation.
  • Spiritual phenomena: If you experience unusual symptoms or fainting attacks, perform a Paraldo to remove negative influences from obsessing spirits.

Prayer of the Odu Ofun Tempola:

Ofun tempola boyu obe pony oku kiro nibide adifafun alapini, akuko, igui langui, hey ebbo.

Ebo of Ofun Tempola:

To perform the proper ebo on the Odu Ofun Tempola, the following specific elements and procedures are required:

  1. Three Chickens for Paraldo: This sacrifice is essential to cleanse and protect against negative energies and spiritual obstacles. Chickens are essential for effective paraldo.
  2. Dilogue for Oshosi with Arrows: A dilogue must be prepared especially for Oshosi, accompanied by arrows, which symbolize precision and hunting, crucial aspects of this orisha. The languages ​​of the chickens used in the ebo are included in this offering, symbolizing the communication and pacts established with the orisha.
  3. Offerings to Shango: The stones and two ayakuá meyi (snails) are placed directly on the ground dedicated to Shango, marking respect and devotion towards the orisha of thunder and justice. In addition, flour and ila with fish are offered, elements that nourish and satisfy Shango, ensuring his favor and protection.
  4. Ebo Ingredients: The ebo must contain flour, okra and fish. These ingredients not only serve as a substantial offering to the orishas, ​​but also represent prosperity, union, and spiritual nourishment.
  5. Three Eyelé to Oshosi from his Eledá: Finally, three doves are offered to Oshosi departing from his Eledá (spiritual head of the devotee), which reinforces the personal connection with Oshosi and strengthens spiritual protection and clarity in the hunt and the search for justice.

This ebo is integral to aligning energies, protecting against negative influences, and ensuring the support of the orishas in navigating the challenges presented by the Odu Ofun Tempola.

You can read: Sign of Ifa Otura Adakoy

Patakies (stories) of the sign Ofun Otura (Tempola):

Dry head, empty head

There was an individual with artistic talent who dedicated himself to singing. One day, while performing in a theater, he was so successful that he continued working there. However, he eventually went off-key during a performance and was booed, which led to him losing his job. While sadly wandering through the streets, he met Shango, who, upon learning of his situation, decided to help him by granting him a special grace.

Thanks to this divine help, the man returned to the theater and his performance was so spectacular that he earned a lucrative contract. When people asked him about his ability, he arrogantly stated that it was exclusively his merit and that he had nothing to thank anyone for. Elegua heard this and told it to Shango, who was disappointed and decided not to intervene when the singer was booed again, losing his job again.

Desperate, the man looked for Shango again, who, compassionate, gave him a new opportunity: he had to raise a ram and, when it was grown, offer it to him. The singer accepted and, thanks to Shango's blessing, he triumphed again. However, once again, he forgot his promise and failed to fulfill his debt to Shango, which eventually led to him falling into misery.

Explanation: This Pataki teaches the importance of gratitude and recognition. No matter how much success is achieved, those who helped us along the way should never be forgotten. Ignoring our debts and commitments can lead to losing everything, proving that arrogance and ingratitude only lead to ruin.

The plowman and the deceitful casserole

In this pataki, a farmer was working the land when, upon falling, he stood up marked by a peculiar phenomenon. The next day, while he was plowing, his plow tripped over something. Irritated, he exclaimed: "It should have been a money jar and not this trash!" At that moment, the found object spoke to him, asking him: "Take me with you!"

Upon arriving home with the discovery, he began to ask for things and the farmer, pleasing him, received in return a special grace that made his words and actions exceptional. His ability spread so much that the entire town flocked to him. However, this popularity attracted enemies who, envious, acquired a similar casserole and began to imitate its rituals, hoping to replicate its results. Finally, the authentic casserole was stolen.

Over time, the farmer noticed that his practices no longer produced the same effects. Upon inspecting the pot, he discovered a small crack that confirmed it was not his. Alert, he managed to catch the thief. Despite recovering the pot from him, he had lost part of his ashé and was forced to perform rituals and consume corojo butter to restore his luck.

Explanation: The story of the plowman and the deceitful pot teaches that authenticity and gratitude are essential to maintaining our prosperity. Furthermore, it highlights how envy and dishonesty can corrupt not only those who practice them, but also those who are their victims. Recognizing and valuing what is genuine helps us preserve our essence and effectiveness in all our actions.

Verse of Ofun Otura Traditional Ifa


Bójú ò bá ròhún bí okùn bí okùn
Kó leè róhun biide biide
A day fún Ontòólá
Omo atagùtàn sola
Akúsèé patápátá ni Ontòólá
N yes n da oko
Ó ní Àgùtàn kan
Ti bá n looko laàárò
Yóó mùú Àgùtàn è lówó
yóó mu lo inú oko
Bí bá sì n bò lósàán
Tòun tàgùtan è ní or móo bò
Lójó kan tí Ontòólá wà lóko
Ontòólá n roko pèlú Àgùtàn léyìin rè
Àgùtàn bá fòhún èèyàn
'Ontòólá, ìyá yìí mò pò o'!
Ontòólá ni bóo ló ti jé
Àgùtàn òun ló sòrò yìí
Obá or sì gbó
Ó bá forí le Ilé oba
Káábíèsí oba
Òún rí nnkankan túun ò rí rí o
Won ni kin ni?
Ó lágùtàn òún n be nbi túun so ó mó lóko
Ó yes sòrò lónìí
Ha !?
Agùtààn ré sòrò?
Iró leléyìí n pa yìí o
Ó níró ko
Òun ò stopped
Àgùtàn òún sòrò lóòótó ni
Wón bá ní won ó lòó mú Àgùtàn òhún wá
Pé ó wá tún òrò òhún so faàfin lójúu gbogbo èèyàn
Wón mú Àgùtàn de ibè
Njé ìwo Àgùtàn
O ò wa sòrò kóo wíhuntoo wí fóba
Ló bá di wò me n wò ó
Àgùtàn ò sòrò mó
Bóo laa he?
Ó gbo Àgùtàn jìgìjìgì
Àgùtàn or dún
Obá ní kí wón or mú u
Kí won or dè é
Ìwo waá puró fóun
Òun odidi oba aládé
Wón ní kí won ó lòó pe àwon béríbérí wá
"Wón mò féé pa òun ìwo Àgùtàn yìí"!
"O ò wa sòrò dákun"
Àgùtàn duó ntiè
N wo olówóo rè gbùun
Àwon béríbérí bá dé
Wón fa idà yò nnú àkò
Njé kí wón or gbé idà sókè
Kí wón or bé oríi Ontòólá
Àgùtàn bá lanu è
Ó ní 'E mó pa á o'
Owó ení or féé bé Orí Ontòólá gan
Kò le gbé idà wálè mó
Àgùtàn tún wí léèkejì
'E mó pa á o'
Ó ní ìwo Ontòólá
'O ò mò pé bójú ò bá róhun bí okùn bí okùn'
'Kò leè róhun bíide bíide'
'E mó pa á o'
Wón bá tú Ontòólá Sílè
Wón bá fi òpòlopò orò jìn ín
Ijo ní n jó
Ayò ni n yo
Ní n yin àwon Babaláwo
Àwon Babaláwo n yin Ifá
Ó ní béè làwon Babaláwo tòún wí
Bójú ò bá róhun bí okùn bí okùn
Kò leè róhun biide biide
A day fún Ontòólá or atàgùtàn solà
Wón ni or káàkí mole or jàre
Ebo did not know
Ó yes gbébo nbè
Ó rubo
Njé rírú ebo
Èèrù àtùkèsù
Kèè pé or
Ònà è jìn
E wáá bá ni ní jèbútúu re
Jèbútú rere làá bá ni lésè oba Òrìsà

Ifá exhorts this person to be persistent, because patience will lead him to fortune. Ifá says that he will be the first to experience a difficult and hard time before the beginning of his wealth. He probably wants to regret the steps he has taken previously; he will say things that are true. He may be put to the test due to a certain problem, but it is in the same place where the test will be imposed that he will obtain good fortune.

If the eye does not see difficulties such as being gagged on a tightrope
This one will not be able to see things as bright as bronze
They were the ones who made divination for Ontòólá
The descendant of Atàgùtàn solà
Ontòólá was a very poor person
He was a farmer
And he had a sheep
Whenever he headed to the farm in the morning
He took the sheep to the farm
He tied her to a pole to graze
When night fell
He and the sheep were coming back together
This had been the usual practice for a long time.
Ontòólá was weeding one day with the sheep right behind him
The sheep then spoke with a human voice
The sheep said sympathetically 'Ontòólá, this poverty is becoming unbearable'
Incredulous to your ears
Ontòólá said with a trembling voice 'My sheep is talking'
'I must inform the king immediately'
He then departed for the king's palace
Ontòólá prostrate said: I salute him Káábíèsí to the King
'Today, I have witnessed an aberration that I had never seen in my life'
The king said: 'What is this?'
'I left my sheep tied to a post on my farm'
'I heard her speak'
And the king cynically exclaimed 'Ha!'
'Can your sheep speak?'
'Aren't you lying to me?'
'I can't lie to you Káábíèsí'
Ontòólá repeatedly said 'My sheep certainly spoke today'
They ordered him to take the sheep
To repeat the same feat in the presence of all
In the company of the Chiefs, the sheep was arriving at the palace
'Now you sheep'
'Say what you told me' Ontòólá ordered you
What the sheep did was see them
And refused to speak
Ontòólá asked the sheep 'Why are you doing this to me?'
He violently shook the sheep probably to wake it up from its sleep
And the sheep didn't say anything
The king ordered him to be arrested
And ordered to be tied up
The king said 'You come here to waste my time'
'The priceless time of a crowned king'
The king ordered the executioner to be called
Ontòólá begged him crying 'Sheep, be considerate of me, since they are about to kill me'
'Please, speak'
The sheep was indifferent
She was alone looking at her owner as if nothing was happening
The executioner arrived
Who unsheathed his sword
And raised her
To cut off the head of Ontòólá
The sheep opened its mouth
And she said 'don't kill him'
Exclamations raised in a chorus
The swordsman's hand was hanging in mid-air
He couldn't bring her down to cut off her head
The sheep repeated the second time
'Don't kill him'
'You Ontòólá, my teacher'
'If the eyes do not see difficulties such as being gagged on a tightrope'
'This one will not be able to see things as bright as bronze'
'Don't kill him'
This is how they unleashed Ontòólá
And they gave him a lot of fortunes
He was dancing
And i was happy
He was praising his Babaláwos
And their Babaláwos praised Ifá
He said it was exactly as his Babaláwos had predicted
If the eye does not see difficulties such as being gagged on a tightrope
This one will not be able to see things as bright as bronze
They were those who made divination for Ontòólá the descendant of Atàgùtàn solà
He was advised to offer sacrifice
And he heard about the sacrifice
And he did
Offering sacrifices
And giving his portion to Èsù
It's not too late
And in the near future
Come and find us with good news
One is found with good news at the feet of the King of Òrìsà.

3 comments on “Ofun Tempola”

  1. Today, this is so accurate… I came here to know more after a divination made for me today by Oluwo. He told me to buy an Agutan (Sheep) indeed.

  2. Abdel Jimenez Conde

    Thanks a lot. I had never read and learned so much about my sign. Which was very well done because everything has been accomplished. But today was when I learned and understood how to carry it. Thank you and blessings thousands. Asheeee.

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