Oggue: Orisha patron saint of farm animals


Oggue or Ogue, is the Orisha of horned animals and herds. All animals with horns belong to him, and his presence in nature is of great relevance, since, together with the Oshas: Oke and Orisha Oko, it greatly influences the multiplication of resources for the survival of human beings.

Who is Oggue?

Oggue is the Orisha of animals that live in herds. It is not known with certainty where his cult comes from, however, it is said that it may originate from the land of Ibadan, Nigeria.

His name "Ògué" is translated from the Yoruba language as: horn, and ostentation. It is not Orisha who sits on the head of the initiates, therefore, he does not ride any holy horse, although he does have his own dance, where moforibale (treat) is performed in which the participants place their index fingers on the head making a gesture that alludes to the horns of horned animals.

How is Ogue received?


The foundation of this Orisha is received with Shango. In fact, she lives in or on her tureen. In some customs he can also be found next to that Orisha on a red and white painted clay pot. That is to say, it does not have a tureen as such, and its energy is consecrated in two jars or ox (bull) horns, which at first only go through the basic initiation ceremony, but later, they can be loaded, sealed and lined with white and red beads. In the oldest practices of the Osha rule, the base of it was delivered with a single horn, some otas, snails and other attributes.

How is Oggue charged?


Ogue's cargo is prepared by the Babalawos with a series of elements from nature that are collected and turned into dust. Together, these elements are capable of enhancing the power and energy emanated from this saint. Among them, the powders made with: the dried heads of zamuro, turtle, guinea, rooster, and pigeon stand out; the central spine of a fish (guabina); plant roots: jobo, ceiba, cotton and poplar; scraping of the pieces of Ogun; the usual Ashes: obi, ero, kola, obi motiwao, obi odun, obi anfin; Santo table ingredients such as: ori, efun, awado, eku, eja. Among other secret ingredients provided by the Babalawos, who will officiate their consecration following the corresponding ceremony.


Oggue's colors are white and red, due to the close relationship he has with Shango, Orisha with whom he shares most of his customs.

What is asked of Ogue?

The Orisha Oggue is usually asked in situations related to:

  • To get out of traps, deceit and defamation.
  • For protection and help in health problems, both physical and spiritual.
  • For protection against enemies.
  • Faced with intense spiritual wars.

How is Ogue cared for?

To serve Ogue, they offer him: sweets, fruits, epo (corojo oil), oti or oti pupuá (aguardiente or sweet wine), oñi (honey), eku (smoked jutia), eya (smoked fish), awado (corn toast) and white candles.

The animals that are sacrificed to him are: rooster, chicken, pigeon, guinea. He usually eats with Shango, but he can also eat pigeons with Obatala.


Share the herbs used by the Shango: poplar, atiponlá, cedar, royal palm, paradise, sugar cane, bledo, bejuco tortoiseshell, jagüey macho, mahogany, rue, flamboyant, piñon, almacigo, palm, ceiba, hash, lose direction, peony, kolá leaves, ero leaves, salvadera, cordoban, breaks saraguey, mamey colorado, among others

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Benefits of receiving Oggue

This is an Orisha that is received to ward off illnesses, especially those of a spiritual nature. As an outstanding healer, Ogue is appropriate to accompany us in all health recovery processes, especially when it comes to leg or motor problems. He also helps with the balance of development, ensuring that productivity does not stop and that we do not lack food on the table. 

History of the Orisha Oggue

History of the Orisha Oggue

Ogue, was a man who was well known for being a very virtuous doctor, something like a healer. Therefore, in his tribe they called him as soon as someone got sick. There was a marriage in which the woman was very sick, so Obatala sent Ogue several times to treat that unfortunate woman.

Oggue went to the woman's house in order to cure her, but Shango observed when he entered the house, so he went to the place where the sick woman's husband worked and told him: "Go home right now, so that you can see that your wife is unfaithful to you with Ogue the healer, because he has entered your house several times».

The sick woman's husband believed what Shango had told him, and he got so angry that he left work, took a machete, and ran home. When he arrived, he saw that her wife was lying on the bed and Ogue was standing in front of her. He started insulting his wife and Ogue, pulling out the machete, trying to kill Ogue. But in that room there was a window through which the healer managed to jump, he immediately ran out, but the enraged husband went behind.

Ogue did not know the path where he was running and in his desperation to save himself he fell into a hole, and could not get out of there, coincidentally Obatala passed by the place and hearing his cries for help he came to his call asking how he had gotten to that situation? Then, the husband of the sick woman arrived at the place, and furiously told Obatala what Shango had told him, and as Baba knew very well what had happened, he told the husband that this was Shango's lie, because Ogue had gone to his house to cure his wife at his command.

Obatala sent for Shango and when he came to his presence he said: "You are responsible for all this, therefore, you are the one who has to get Oggue out of the hole in which he has fallen. Shango used his skill and was able to get Ogue out who was crippled due to his fall. Seeing that, Obatala sentenced: «Shango, for being a liar and for all the commotion you have caused, I order you that as long as the world is a world, you will have to carry Oggue on top of you, they were going Eshu». This is why the fundamentals of Oggue and Shango are always together.

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Prayer of Ogue

"I invoke the power of Ogue, the spirit of the horned animals.

Be you, who accompany me with your strength and dynamism.

Great Osha, connoisseur of the secrets of nature, always ready to save everyone who needs it, I ask you to take care of my health. Provide me with your magical medicine in time so that diseases cannot break my physical or spiritual body.

oh great Orisha of nature, propitiates that my sowing is always productive, that bread is never lacking on my table, that abundance and good fortune flow in such a way through my house, through my business and through my life that it can help others who need it.

Spirit of the animals that live in herds, be you the one who maintains the union of my home and my family, just as the herd never separates.

Great Orisha Ogue, always present in the sacred forests, give me your wisdom to fully develop my spiritual abilities.

Join us today and always great Orisha. Ashe».


"Kerikoto Ocha bayi dada".

Song of Ogue

Akuon: Olo yu lo yu re.

Chorus: olo yu lo i koko. Olo yu lo yu re.

Akuon: olo yu lo i koko bad bad of.

Chorus: Hey.

Akuon: Obiniyonfuo.

Chorus: Oggue Abosodio.

Akuon: Ogue abosodio Ogue Biniyonfuo.

Chorus: Oggue abosodio Ogue Mala mala de.

Work with Ogue to protect yourself from damage from the enemies

Coconut soap is grated, chopped leaves of: white pigweed, prodigious, bitter broom, rosemary, white elderberry are added, all well ground is mixed. A pinch of sulfur powder and almond oil are added. It is tamed so that it is well compacted. He stands in front of Ogue with two white candles, he is informed of the work that is being done and red wine is blown on him for three days. Later, that soap will be used to wash your face in the morning when you wake up with cold water, and the night before when you go to bed with hot water, asking that everything your enemies do against you cannot stain your face, your path, nor his reputation.

Work with Oggue to turn the witchcraft of the enemies

You are looking for a medium-sized jícara that will be smeared with epo (corojo oil). A paper with the name of the enemy will be placed there. Wanted: 1 orchestra winner doodle, 1 knife, and a candle. The gourd is placed in front of Oggue, it is turned upside down and the knife is placed in front of it. The saint is informed of what is going to be done and the doodle is taken, the jícara is hit consecutively and the enemy is called saying: «(name of the enemy) I call you with the power of Oggue that turns and breaks your work for me, so that it goes over you». The candle is lit on the paper that has the name and is placed on top of the jícara. He takes a bit of aguardiente, blows it up and says: "up from (name of the enemy) I do this work in the name of Ogue". After the candle goes out, the scribble is taken and says: "just as I break this jícara I break the work and the bad intentions of (name of the enemy)" gives a strong blow on the jícara to break it. The remaining pieces are wrapped in ebo paper (kraft paper) and placed in the opposite corner.

Phrases of the Orisha Ogue

Ogue says: "Many words do not fill a basket, what is not necessary to say, better shut it up."

Oggue says, "It is better to keep a good name than to value immense riches."

Pataki of Oggue

Pataki of Oggue

It turned out that Oya, the owner of the market, lived in love with Shangó and could not get his attention. Until one day she discovered her secret, Shango transformed into a beautiful black buffalo that reached the middle of the forest thanks to a magical skin. She managed to find her hiding place, stole her skin and to keep her secret she convinced Shango to marry her. Chango accepted, but on the condition of not revealing her secrets. They began to live together, and had the Ibeyis.

Ogun who was Shango's enemy, through Yemaya who was Oya's sister, managed to discover Chango's secret and began to water it everywhere. When Chango found out, he turned into a buffalo, and went out very upset to the forest in search of Oya, because she had to have been the one who revealed his secret.

As he ran furiously through the bush, he met Oggun and they entered into a great fight. Oggun knocked down a jar that he kept as a trophy, but the ashe of the costume made the jars grow, immediately he had the two jars again, so Shango could keep the two Ogue of him as usual. At the end of the fight, he continued in search of Oya, from whom he separated from that moment, forever. This is the reason why Oggun has only one Ogue.

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1 comment on “Oggue: Orisha patron of the animals of the field”

  1. Thank you for this information. It would be much appreciated that when telling Pataki, if you would use the Orisha's name because the “he” in the story gets too confusing. For instance, the Oggun and Shango story. Because of the “he” being used, I cannot tell when you are talking about Shango or when you are talking about Oggun. The same goes for the other pataki. Thank you so much. Ase'

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