Ebbo with Inle for Health, money, bathroom, adimu and more
The Works (Ebbo) with the Orisha Inle or Erinle, who is known as the deity of medicine in the Yoruba pantheon, are usually very efficient in solving health problems and attracting prosperity, in fact, requesting the intervention of this saint is very beneficial due to the kindness that characterizes it, indeed, he is known as "the spirit of good, who never did harm to anyone."
Why do works or rituals with Inle?
Inle is identified as an older Orisha, he is considered an expert fisherman, in fact, originally that is his profession, he is also a skilled hunter, and an outstanding doctor or healer, which makes his help highly requested by the health-related matters. Also, he is credited with being a protector and comforter of families and homes. All these virtues are the reasons why invoking Erinle's influence to solve various conflicts is quite favorable for his devotees.
What is asked of Inle through his works or rituals?

Usually, through the works carried out at the foot of the Orisha Inle, his help is asked in situations such as:
- Improve health and heal diseases.
- Relieve the sufferings and afflictions of homes.
- Because he represents fishing and pre-horticultural harvesting, in addition to caring for fishermen, his works attract prosperity and economic evolution that represents livelihood for individuals.
- Protect doctors and all personnel working in the health sector.
- His fortune-telling qualities help develop mediumistic and spiritual abilities in his devotees.
- Guide the walkers.
- Win and protect yourself against spiritual wars.
Work with Inle for the money
As mentioned above, Erinle is the deity of the extractive economy, that is, of fishing and pre-horticultural harvesting, which makes him an excellent provider of human sustenance. The following work stimulates these virtues, to propitiate his blessing in economic affairs and the attraction of money, using for this the offering of an adimu that constitutes a dish of great pleasure for the Orisha.
Necessary elements:
- A large pink snapper.
- Juice of lemon 1.
- crushed garlic
- 1 pinch of salt.
- 2 cups of orange juice.
- 1 grated onion.
- 1 cup of milk.
- 1 tablespoon of cornstarch.
- Cory oil.
- Oranges
- 7 coins.
Execution of the ritual:
To prepare this dish, you must mix lemon juice, garlic and a pinch of salt. With the resulting liquid the fish is marinated. Prepare a tray by greasing it with corojo oil, covering it with the grated onion. The fish is placed on top and completely covered with the orange juice. It is placed in the oven, bathing it regularly with its own juices, for approximately 15 minutes or until it is completely cooked. The juice resulting from cooking is removed while hot, mixed with the milk and a tablespoon of cornstarch and the fish is covered with it again. It is left to rest and is presented in front of Inle in a food, adorning the snapper with orange slices and the 7 coins on top, informing him that the attention that is being paid to him is to ask for his blessing and intervention to get the money that is needs.
Works with Inle for luck
When we feel that luck has turned its back on us, or that our paths are closed, this work is a good alternative to invoke the energy of the Orisha Erinle and attract the ire (blessings) to our lives.
Necessary elements:
- Guinea fowl (white).
- Blue and green thread.
- Schnapps.
- Fish and smoked jutia.
- Ginger.
- 7 coins.
Execution of the ritual:
The guinea is immolated to Inle by means of the customary ceremonial, informing him that the present work is carried out to attract back the luck lost by the interested party. Then, the tongue is removed and the cross of the guinea pig breast is seasoned with the fish and the powdered smoked jutia. Both parts together with a piece of ginger are chalked with the green and blue thread. The Orisha is given an account again and is taken where the river water joins with the sea water, paying tribute to Inle with the 7 coins.
Lamp with Inle for love
This work with Inle for love consists of the preparation of a lamp to sweeten the relationship of the interested party or attract the loved one, awakening intense and passionate feelings.
Necessary elements:
- A clay pot.
- a wick
- Almonds oil.
- Calm balm.
- Handsome amansa leaves.
- Honey from bees.
- Brown sugar
- 7 species nails.
- Ebo paper or kraft paper.
- Graphite pencil.
Execution of the ritual:
In the clay pot, the amansa handsome leaves are macerated until the juice is extracted, together with the sugar, the spice cloves and the honey. After obtaining a paste, a piece of paper with the name of the loved one written on it is inserted into it. The calm balm is added and completely filled with the almond oil. Finally, the wick is placed and lit, informing Inle that it is desired to sweeten the thoughts, words and actions of the person for whom the work is performed.
You can read: Ebbo with Elegua for Prosperity
Ritual with Inle to defeat enemies
Inle is an excellent hunter, and as such, he is capable of hunting his enemies with great skill. This work can be used when we are being stalked by enemies, and it is this Orisha who defends us in that situation.
Necessary elements:
- Winning stick.
- Kraft paper or ebo paper.
- Graphite pencil.
- Cory oil.
Execution of the ritual:
The winning stick is prepared in front of Inle by sharpening one of its ends until a well-defined point is obtained and it is smeared with corojo oil. The name of the enemy is written on ebo paper, the paper is nailed to the stake and it is placed horizontally in front of Inle, realizing that it is necessary to fight at his feet to get rid of the opponents.
Ebbo (work) with Inle for health
As we have mentioned before, Inle is considered "the doctor" of the Yoruba pantheon, so invoking his help to improve physical and spiritual conditions and illnesses through his healing works considerably helps the recovery of his devotees.
Necessary elements:
- A coconut.
- Honey from bees.
- 4 guinea peppers.
- A candle (candle) blue.
- orange essence
- A white plate.
- Corojo butter.
Execution of the ritual:
In front of the Orisha, the entire body of the interested person is cleaned with the candle and placed in the center of the white plate, spreading orange essence on it. Four pieces of coconut are prepared white side up and placed on the plate as well. Each piece is spread with a little honey, corojo butter and a guinea pepper is placed in the center. The candle is lit and Inle is informed of the prayer that is made for the improvement of the interested party's health. When the candle is consumed, she takes the plate and takes it to the mountain.
Domain work and mooring with Inle
This work with Inle is recommended when you want to tame, tie up, or sweeten the feelings of the loved one, thus resolving the conflicts that the relationship may go through.
Necessary elements:
- 2 white doves.
- blue thread
- 1 banana leaf.
- Honey from bees.
- Ebo paper or kraft paper.
- Graphite pencil.
- 2 candles (candles) white.
Execution of the ritual:
The two pigeons are immolated to Inle with the usual songs and prayers, telling him the reason why that sacrifice is being made to him. The hearts of the pigeons are taken out and put to dry (it can be done in the oven). Once dry, they are filled with honey, wrapped with two strips of ebo paper where the names of the interested party and the loved one are written down. They are completely covered with a piece of banana leaf and chalked with blue thread. The result is presented to Inle, the two candles are lit and left in front of the Orisha until they are consumed in their entirety. Finally, the mooring is burned to dust and blown on the loved one or their clothing.
Inle bath for the money
This bath at the foot of Inle to attract the energy of money can be used whenever it is considered necessary, repeating its use as many times as you want, always counting on great effectiveness.
Necessary elements:
- Fresh water.
- Herbs: red mangrove, buttercup and sacu sacu.
- Oranges
- White and brown sugar.
- Honey from bees.
- Gold dust.
- 2 candles (candles) white.
Execution of the ritual:
In a large container, the herbs are mashed with fresh water until all the juice is obtained. Then, the oranges chopped into pieces, sugar, honey and gold dust are added. In front of Inle, the two candles are lit on the sides of the prepared water, giving her an account of what she wishes to obtain thanks to her influence. Once the candles are consumed, she proceeds to take a shower with the bath prepared, praying to the Orisha so that the desired luck comes into her life.
Work with Inle to solve a problem
This offering is one of Inle's favorites, therefore, we can use it to request his help in situations of difficult solution.
Necessary elements:
- Sweet potato.
- Charcoal.
- Honey from bees.
- 2 candles (candles) white.
Execution of the ritual:
The charcoal is lit and seven sweet potato wheels are placed on the grill or grill until they are completely roasted. After resting a bit, they are presented in a food sprinkled with honey from bees on top and Inle is informed of the reason why the work is being carried out. She is left there for 3 days and then she is given a path where the river water meets the sea water.
Adimu to Inle
The following adimu to Inle is made with a series of ingredients that are considered the Orisha's favorites. This attention can be used to entertain, thank, or ask for your help, in any way, it is always welcomed.
Necessary elements:
- A glass.
- Sweet wine.
- Sweet potato.
- Pumpkin.
- Yam.
- Almond syrup.
- a snapper
- Watercress.
- Lettuce.
- 2 candles (candles) white.
Execution of the ritual:
Sweet wine is placed in a glass. The sweet potato, yam and pumpkin are boiled until soft. Then a dough is prepared with which 7 balls of each element will be made. The snapper is cooked in the oven. Once all the ingredients have been prepared, a bed of abundant lettuce and watercress is placed on a plate. The roasted snapper is placed on top and the prepared balls around it. The whole dish is spread with abundant almond syrup. The food and the drink are presented in front of Inle and the candles are lit. He is given an account of the reason why this entertainment is being given to him.
Work with Inle to clean the house
Erinle is a deity who has power over the care of homes, therefore, invoking her help by carrying out works for the protection and cleaning of the house, such as the one we present below, is quite beneficial since the Orisha is always attentive to protect our dwellings.
Necessary elements:
- dry coconut
- Husk
- Indigo or blue.
- Schnapps.
Execution of the ritual:
Take the coconut and paint half with husk and half with indigo (the paints are previously prepared by mixing them with the brandy). The coconut is presented in front of Inle telling him that it will be used to strip the house of any osogbo and attract all the ire. From the back of the house to the front door, the coconut will be dragged across the floor using the left foot to move it around all corners. At the end, he is taken out of the house and given the way to the mountain or to a remote corner of his home.