Lucifer: The Archangel who leads the fallen angels

Archangel lucifer

In the beginning, the Archangel Lucifer was full of beauty and the grace of God, but he allowed himself to be corrupted by feelings of envy and pride, which led him to reveal himself to the laws of the Creator. His intentions were frustrated and despite having a number of follower angels, he was thrown from heaven with them, into the abyss of hell.

Who is the archangel lucifer?

The name Lucifer is usually translated as "bringer of light." This name is related to various beliefs throughout the history of mankind.

In the texts of Christianity, the Bible uses this name in various ways. In the book of Isaiah, Lucifer is spoken of making a reference to the Babylonian dynasty. This is because according to the scriptures, these people were very proud, and they thought they were superior to the stars and the Israelite kings. That attitude was what caused the fall of his empire. Then, Isaiah makes a mockery in the writings in which he calls them "the Lucifer or shining ones" in reference to the star of Venus or fallen star.

In other passages of the same book of Isaiah (Is 14.12-14) the term "Lucifer" is used in reference to the rebellious angel expelled from heaven known as the fallen angel.

Within Roman mythology, the name Lucifer is used to refer to the Greek God "Phosphorus", translated as: morning star. This Deity kept a burning torch in his hand at all times. His mother was Aurora and his father Cefalus. The stories related to him were always presented as harbingers of the dawn.

Also, within Roman mythology the fourth star of Venus was called Lucifer. Others related it to Juno or Hesperus. Finally, it was always concluded that the most beautiful star in the sky was identified as Lucifer.

In Babylonian mythology there is a story related to a star whose brilliant brilliance is observed in the morning but not at night. This star is related to the legend of Ethana and Zu whose pride inspired him to defy the Babylonian God of Eden by being thrown from heaven.

In Canaanite mythology, there is also a story with a family parity that refers to the morning star identified as the Deity Attar. In the same way, he tried to dethrone the God of Baal without achieving success, which led him to descend to the underworld.

It is clear then that the name Lucifer originally relates to the light or the beauty of illumination. Indeed, the interpreters of the Christian religion consider that Lucifer is the name by which he was known when he was an archangel of heaven, before being banished from the kingdom of God, to be called from that moment as Satan.

You can read: All about Archangel Michael

Other names for Lucifer

Other names for Lucifer


Derived from the Hebrew word "satan" whose translation is: the adversary. This term was granted to him from the moment he became an opponent of God, his norms and his purposes.

The Devil

He is called "The Devil" in the New Testament. It is a reference that was made using the Greek word "diabolos" whose translation is: slanderer. An appropriate adjective due to the deceitful nature of that entity.

The snake

This term originates from his well-known participation in tricking Eve into eating the fruit of the forbidden tree, recounted through the book of Genesis in the Bible.


Also used for the first time in the New Testament to refer to Satan, it is clear from the Hebrew term "Baal-zebub" who was a Philistine idol whose name meant "lord of the flies." That relationship originates from the symbolism that equates evil with filth.

Prince of this world

This reference is due to the book of the Gospel of John, as an expression that implies that the world is seriously corrupted and influenced by the evil Satan.

The Prince of the power of the air

This is born from the belief that said that in the time of the Ephesians the air was inhabited by a large number of demons and that is why the world behaved in a very sinful way.

The evil

This adjective is very logical as a reference to Satan, and was used by the apostles Matthew and John in their writings.


It is an adjective used in the book of Nahum and Deuteronomy, coming from the Hebrew vocabulary. Its translation is: useless, unworthy or impious. It is a way of describing the basic characteristics attributed to the devil.

Why did lucifer become satan?

Why did lucifer become satan?

One of the most outstanding traits of Lucifer are pride, envy, and rebellion. The lack of understanding led him to think that he could be equal to God, and therefore he threw himself into the search for that power, trying to dethrone the Creator.

However, achieving that was totally illogical, although God had created him like the rest of the archangels with outstanding characteristics, full of virtues and celestial powers, he was still a creature of God, in such a way, that for more If he formed an army of angels against him, his power could never match that of God and his loyal armies.

That action led him to completely upset his Divine attributions, becoming the expression of all evil. This is reflected through various writings. In the Bible for example, the book of Revelation tells that after being expelled from the kingdom of heaven, he still retains the ability to access it, but that this ability will be withdrawn at some point, because that is how he has been sentenced. Oh my God.

In another story in the book of Revelation, personality traits of Lucifer already turned into Satan are described. He states that he loves to do evil things, that from the beginning of the world he has been a murderer and that he hates the truth "because there is no truth in it." All these characteristics are part of his nature, even so, during the final judgment he will be definitively defeated, and from there he will live the punishment that corresponds to him in the company of the demons that accompany him.

What are the fallen angels?

fallen angels

According to the Christian religion, this term has been used to refer to angels who have been expelled from heaven for acting with disobedience or rebellion before the laws of God. In some cultures it is believed that when they are thrown from the sky they are also stripped of their wings.

Among the best known fallen angels are: Lucifer and Semyazza, there are even some stories that claim that Remiel or Azazel is also a fallen angel. The common point is that they all fell for breaking God's commands, or committing sins.

One of the most common sins of the fallen angels as recounted by the book of Enoch was lust. In those writings of the canon of the Orthodox Church specifically in the Book of the Watchers, whose antiquity is estimated to be around the year 300 a. C., it is related how many of the angels were seduced by the desire procreating descendants that caused a lot of damage to the inhabitants of the earth. In another sense, it is also believed that other angels fell for showing men the art of war and teaching them how to make weapons.

The revelation of these secrets and the unconscious reproduction, brought as a consequence an imbalance in the earth that caused many phenomena of violence. These faults undoubtedly were the reason for the expulsion of many angels by corrupting their original mission that was about the care of human beings, for which they were endowed with understanding and freedom.

Although Christianity only relates the faults of the archangel Lucifer that are clearly established in the book of Genesis where he tempts Eve disguised as a serpent, the New Testament in the book of Peter states that: "God did not forgive the angels when they sinned" and that they were thrown or reserved in terrible and dark places awaiting the final judgment.

Then, Christianity also agrees that it is about several angels who broke the norms established by the creator. However, the theory remains to be interpreted that although these wayward angels will be punished when the time comes, they still roam the earth doing their own thing and imposing their nature given to evil.

Image of the archangel Lucifer


The representative image of the Archangel Lucifer has varied throughout the history of mankind. If we go to the logical sense of the characteristics of an archangel, his image was originally that of a beautiful being with his wings granted by God in the kingdom of heaven, it has even been said that, in effect, he possessed extreme beauty that stood out above the rest.

Later, by becoming Satan and being confined to hell or the underworld, and also by being related to various religious cultures or ancient mythologies, an image similar to that of a goat, with huge horns and hooves, surrounded by intense flames of the fire from the center of the earth where hell is believed to be, as opposed to heaven.

Now, it is clear that this impression is not conveyed by the biblical records. At other times in history, the imagination of the human being to depict the evil in Lucifer's physiognomy makes him look like a monster with bat wings, as represented by the art of the Middle Ages.

The writers have also done their part in creating the Lucifer iconography. As Dante does in his book "The Divine Comedy" where he describes Satan as a huge winged being that has three faces and is imprisoned in the ninth circle of hell.

Lucifer color

The color with which it is best related is black, since it represents darkness, the unknown and evil. It is in the places where this color predominates that evil spiritualities are housed. 


The seal of the archangel Lucifer became popular in Italy from the Middle Ages. It consists of a V located under an inverted triangle. He is also credited with wearing an inverted cross as a sign of disrespect for the iconic image of Christianity.


It is identified with the numbers: 666.

Why is lucifer the leader of the demons?

We have already talked about the fallen angels who later became known as demons. We have also talked in previous articles about who the archangels are. So, Lucifer was created by God as a good angel, and he was granted the hierarchy of Archangel. Upon being dethroned from the heavens, he maintained his status as "leader" but now of the fallen angels.

In reality, religious writings in general do not exactly reveal the exact moment and the precise reason for Lucifer's uprising and his transformation to Satan, but what there is no doubt is that his fall opened a gap between good and evil. , marking a paradigm and a division between the incarnate and disembodied spirits created by God.

A writing by the prophet Isaiah describes it masterfully, although some affirm that it refers to the fall of the king of Babylon, there are plenty of people who infer that it is a description of what happened with Lucifer and says thus:

«How you fell from heaven, oh Lucifer, son of the morning! You were cut down to the ground, you who made the nations weak. You who said in your heart: I will ascend to heaven; on high, next to the stars of God, I will raise my throne, and on the mount of testimony I will sit, on the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, and I will be like the most high. But you are thrown down to the Sun, on the sides of the abyss ».

Learn more about the Archangels:

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