Prayer to the Holy Death
The prayers to Santa Muerte to obtain her help and protection are widely used by her devotees, who pray to her full of faith, managing to counteract the energies that cause disturbances, delays, bad vibes, conflicts and all kinds of setbacks, thanks to the timely intervention of that spirituality.
Who is Santa Muerte?
The spirituality of Santa Muerte, the Holy Death or simply Death, is a very popular deity in Mexico that, as its name indicates, personifies death and is venerated within its own cult. For her followers, she does not represent a negative spirit, her work is simply part of the balance of existence, just as life itself does.
His cult explains that death is something necessary for the constant transformation of energy and therefore it is necessary that it be accepted naturally. One of its best-known ritual celebrations is the celebration held on the day of the dead, where it is believed that it is possible to entertain the souls of loved ones who have departed from the physical plane and can return to approach the incarnated ones that day. they still remember them and keep alive the feeling that once united them in life.
Santa Muerte is interpreted as an entity that suffers from being entrusted with a painful job, which despite possessing great power also carries a very great burden. His authority was granted directly by God, whom he obeys. This interpretation causes it to be considered a type of angel, even compared to Azrael, the archangel of death within the Jewish or Muslim culture.
How to make a request to Santa Muerte?
It is estimated that when a request is made to the Santísima Muerte, an offering can be offered in return, however, this resource is not mandatory.
There are various offerings that can be offered in the name of Santa Muerte, some of them are: candles (candles), the preparation of an altar in her honor, songs of praise, alcoholic beverages, walks or processions with clothes prepared especially for the celebrations; or some other gesture in her honor such as making peace with a family member, abandoning a habit, or any other offer made from the heart and with deep faith.
The most important thing when making a request or promise to Santa Muerte is to comply with the agreement, therefore, it is recommended that if you do not intend to fully comply with spirituality, it is better not to make any type of pact, so as not to be indebted to it.
Prayer to the Holy Death
«May the intervention of Almighty God give me the opportunity to invoke the Holy Death, so that my prayers are heard and promptly attended.
It is you Santa Muerte whom I call to implore your help and protection. When I go through adverse situations I cling to your energy because I know that you do not abandon your faithful devotees.
You who know both light and darkness, happiness and anguish, recognize in me the pain and worry that I am suffering. Until you I raise my deep prayer that is born from my heart (make request). At your feet I entrust myself counting on the mercy of your help.
Listen to me Blessed Death, in this moment of deep tribulation in which I need you to turn your eyes towards me with a willingness to help, your support would be the solution to the worries that overwhelm me, that's why I ask you not to abandon me when I need you most.
My revered white girl, allow your energy to guide my path. May your steps go before me and behind me, may your figure protect my sides from right to left, sealing my north, my south, my east and my west, without evil in any of its manifestations being able to lodge again. in my being, disturbing my existence.
Revoke then Santísima Santa Muerte, everything that harms me or wants to harm me. Cleanse me of all kinds of spells, witchcraft, evil eye, confrontation, quarrel, delay, setback, natural or imposed disease, dark, malevolent or demonic spirit, gossip, defamation, entanglement, loss, misery, poverty, accident or destruction.
In your company I decree that from this moment on all doors must open in my favor, my energies have been channeled, cleaned and stripped of all negativity, because your hands are powerful, and without hesitation you can transform the energies that before you show up.
Thanks to you, Santa Muerte, my problems will disappear right now, because you do not want your devotees to grieve, you suffer with our suffering despite the fact that your work is often not well understood.
I entrust myself to the love that I have for you, because I am sure that you will help me get out of this bad hour and confidently I give you my setbacks, patiently awaiting your prompt solution.
Santa Muerte, by your side I find comfort, because before all you are calm, help me find the tranquility that my mind, my soul and my heart yearn for so much, since, what I have been suffering has been enough.
Glorious Santa Muerte, in you I am filled with strength and will to continue because my faith in you renews my hopes, and it is in this way that I recover to continue until I succeed.
Blessed Holy Death, with my heart in my hand I ask for your blessing and that of the Creator, waiting for my prayer to be answered promptly to enjoy the happiness that I long for so much, thank you for attending to my call today and always. Amen".
Short prayer to Santa Muerte
«Venerated Santa Muerte, immortal spirit, you who wander through the world of the living and the dead thanks to the power that God granted you. I invoke your most holy protection, as well as your blessing so that everything I do has good results. May health, life and all the material goods that I have on this Earth multiply without ceasing. May your intervention help me to dispel all my problems and setbacks. Holy Death, do not forget this humble devotee who worships you always counting on your help and that of God the Father and creator, give me today and always the salvation I need for me and mine. So be amen".
Creed to the Holy Death
«I believe in you Most Holy Holy Death, righteous, glorious and powerful lady. Faithful servant of God the Father, it is in your hands that one day we will travel to meet our Creator God.
I believe in you Blessed Holy Death, that with your scythe you remove all obstacles from my path and cut all evil that settles in me; that with your divine scale you balance justice in my favor and with your powerful gaze you protect me from all danger.
I believe in you Holy Death, faithful servant of God the Father, and I will always believe, because here I sign with my hand in my palm that I will never stop doing so. Pact with you Santa Muerte, so that in exchange for my faith and my infinite love you protect me forever.
I believe in you Blessed Holy Death by the divine grace of God and I reject all evil power that can take over my will, because everything that you have to grant me today and always must be exclusively with the permission of God the Father.
I believe in you Blessed Holy Death, with love I affirm it, because in you I have deposited my sorrows and sorrows and every time I exclaim your help and your name, you help me promptly and effectively.
I believe in you Blessed Holy Death, because that way I am protected against wind and tide, I am blessed and there is no one who can trample on me. I venerate you and adore you my faithful guardian. So, Santísima Muerte, citing my creed, I give you the promise that I will never decline in my faith. That I have to be a good child of God until the time He calls me. So be it and so it shall be. Amen".
Prayer to the Holy Black Death
It is recommended to perform this prayer accompanied by a candle (candle), three incense, a cigarette, a dark-colored flower, a glass of fresh water, a piece of bread and a s of tequila in honor of Santa Muerte, with the intention of entertaining her and thanking her for the help received.
“Adored Holy Death, you are my Black Girl, that is why I implore you not to admit that nothing or no one can harm me. Reveal before my eyes anyone who tries to harm me in any way, do not let me suffer betrayal or deception so that my affairs cannot be disturbed at all.
You, Holy Black Death, do not allow evil to triumph over your children, because you are a good protector.
I implore you, my Boney Girl, so that my opponents desist from intentions that could hurt me, and if they insist on harming me, then that they suffer in their own flesh all the evil they wish to impose against me in the fair proportion of their actions.
I make this request to you because I know with all my heart that you do not accept injustice, and for this reason I offer you my complete devotion. I am grateful for all the favors you have granted me, I recognize now and forever that you remain firm in my protection. Be my light on the path to success by moving away from all evils, illnesses, accidents and disorders that could prevent me from meeting the goals set in my destiny, getting closer to happiness. Amen and so be it."
Prayer to the Holy Red Death
The Santa Muerte with clothing made of red fabrics is very popular for being related to sentimental situations and love affairs. It is well known that the red color represents love, passion, human blood and the intensity of emotions.
Devotees of Santa Muerte Roja state that this spirituality has brought love into their lives, stabilizes relationships and even increases the level of passion. The prayers offered to her are normally used to provoke moorings, attract conflicting or impossible loves, become irresistible in the eyes of the loved one, influencing in some way the feelings of the person of her interest. In addition, it helps to solve problems with relatives and loved ones in general, reducing the energies of conflicts, all this in order to provide us with the emotional stability that we sometimes need.
"Holy Death, lover of darkness. You are the most revered red lady. In this hour and in this moment I prostrate myself at your feet to implore your help, your goodness and your charity.
I take refuge in your protection, I cling to your compassion so that there is no energy of disturbance or shadow that strips me of the joy of enjoying true love. Do not allow conflicts, envy and curses from unscrupulous people to steal my sentimental stability.
My red lady, work on (say the name of the person you want to conquer) so that there is no obstacle that prevents our approach, that your intentions towards me are softened, that your feelings are full of sweetness, that love lives and reigns in our relationship and that if we have to solve something that is as a couple and full of understanding, good communication, peace, tranquility and above all a lot of love.
My queen, my mother, Santa Muerte Roja, may the flame of passion never go out between (say the name of the person you want to conquer) and me, to always enjoy a pleasant life together.
In your hands I place the care of my home, my family, (say the name of the person you want to conquer) and the love that will grow between us second by second, minute by minute, day after day, until death. eternity.
Listen to my pleas so that my requests may materialize thanks to your powerful and efficient intercession before Almighty God and the Holy Trinity. Amen".
Prayer to the Holy Death for money

«To your glory I cry Holy Death, my white girl. The most powerful, faithful friend who never forsakes me.
You well know everything that is in creation, you know my shortcomings, my weaknesses and my strengths, it is you who I ask for help to prosper in this life in which I go through moments of tribulation.
Help me Santa Muerte so that the spirituality of good fortune walks by my side, just as you do. Let me enjoy the honeys of abundance and prosperity. May everything I undertake yield positive results, may my harvest be good, may good businesses knock on my door, so that abundance reigns in my home and in my life and austerity and misery are removed from my path (do petition).
Your blessed help I will know how to thank filling you with offerings and with my eternal devotion and fidelity. Thank you today and always. Amen and so be it."
You can also read: Prayer for business and sales
Prayer to Santa Muerte for love
This prayer can be accompanied with a red candle, a glass of fresh water and sweet dishes.
«Holy Death, dear and respected patron saint, in your hands I leave my cause of love. I am sure that you do not fail your most faithful devotees, for this reason I have no doubt that my request is to be heard.
To you, Santa Muerte, I entrust the living spirit of (name of the loved one), so that by your powerful influence he/she is stripped of all negative feelings towards me, that feelings of love, desire, passion flow in him/her. and devotion to me and me alone.
That just as I am faithful to you, that (name of the loved one) be faithful to me. Seek me as soon as possible to solve all our situations, and in this way strengthen our love relationship enjoying a deep love full of joy, peace, and tranquility. Santa Niña Blanca is agreed with you, just as my devotion to you is agreed for the favors granted. Amen".
Prayer to Santa Muerte for work
«I invoke the great power of Santa Muerte, to you my bony girl I offer my prayer because problems overwhelm me and I can't find a way out.
Put your vigorous hands in my work, so that I can achieve the stability that I long for. You well know that I am a victim of adverse situations and my opponents long to see me defeated. Don't let me lose my job and consequently see myself in ruin. Soften and sweeten my work relationships, the thoughts of my superiors towards me and the entire environment in which I operate, in order to obtain the position that I so desire (make a request).
It helps my knowledge and skills to be recognized so that I can grow quickly on a personal and professional level. Do not abandon my Blessed Death plea, because your intervention is urgent. In exchange for your indispensable help, I promise (to make an offer) since I will always be grateful to you. Amen".
Prayer to ask Santa Muerte for a favor
«With the sacred blessing of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I request permission to invoke the Most Holy Death so that my prayers may be answered at this holy hour and this holy moment.
I cling to my dear white girl to reach the solution of my problems because I am sure that in your hands rests the power to get rid of any spell, witchcraft, curse or enchantment that does not allow me to evolve, prosper and succeed during the path that I have had to travel in this incarnation.
Blessed Death, be the one to strip me of all the evils that disrupt my development, remove any energy of envy, misery, lack of love, unemployment, sadness and confusion, especially (make your request).
Thank you forever I give you Santa Muerte, because you protect me and attract to me all the blessings that I ask you for, that is why health, good luck, spiritual, sentimental and material success must be housed in my life. Amen".
Prayer opens paths of Santa Muerte
«Glorious Santa Muerte, you know all the paths of the earthly and spiritual world, no one escapes you.
In the here and now, this faithful devotee of yours needs your invaluable help and protection. Your intervention is necessary for you to guide me along the paths of life, because there are many shadows that lie in wait for me and I do not find the correct path to reach the solution before my tribulation.
Obstacles prevent me from evolving, just as the immense rock crosses the walker's path, that's why I cry out for your energy to be able to overcome and destroy everything that does not allow me to walk well. Make your steps be mine to tread firmly towards success, that paths of happiness, health, love, prosperity, abundance, peace and tranquility open for me (make request).
With you there will be no setbacks or disturbance, the enemy will become a friend, the traitor will desist, the unjust will reconsider, the bad vibrations will go away, the dark spirits will not come near me, and everything bad will be transformed into good.
With your help my home, my work or my business will be filled with abundance, good fortune will smile on me, health in my body will settle, and love will not be lacking.
Dear Santa Muerte, I beg you that just as God granted you the virtue and power over the transformation of incarnated creatures that return to his lap, so you grant me the opportunity to transform my paths to travel only along the paths of happiness and the triumph.
Holy and powerful Death, I welcome your immense power, free me from all evil and help me so that the favors that I beg at your feet are granted by your intervention before God. Amen and so be it, so it is and so it will be.
RATION FOR ME TO CALL YOU IN 10 MINUTES. (WHITE MAGIC) Think about the person you want to be with, say their name to yourself 3 times. Think about what you want to happen with this person in the next week and repeat it to yourself 6 times. Now think about what you want with that person and say it once. And now say Ray of Light, I call on you to unearth (D) from where he is or who he is with and make him call me today in love and regret. Dig up everything that is preventing (D) from coming to me (D). separate all those who contribute to us moving away and only think of me (D). Let him call me. Thank you, for your mysterious power that always fulfills what is requested. I do this with great faith. Then you have to publish the prayer three times, in three different places. Luck.