Prayers to Obatalá for Health, Prosperity, Love and More

Prayers to Obatala

The prayers offered to the Orishas are fundamental in the practice of the rule of Osha and Ifá. Through these prayers, the presence of the Deities is requested, ensuring that the sacrifices are received and the requests are heard. Obatalá, as the Orisha representative of fatherhood, peace and serenity, usually responds promptly to the call of his followers, so the use of his prayers is of great help to invoke him and receive the guidance and protection of he.

«I greet the King, owner of the brilliant white cloth, the one whose days become a party.

My father Obatalá, you are the only owner of the chain in the courts.

You always support and stand behind people who tell the truth.

Come to my aid, just as you protect the handicapped.

Obatalá, blessed warrior of Oshagriyan, bearer of resplendent white hair and elegant beard, accompany me in all my struggles and save me from betrayals.

Just as you woke up to create two hundred customs that served to civilize, in the same way, organize the steps of my path to achieve the correct habits that will lead me to fulfill my destiny.

Praised King of Ifon, may your mercy forgive all my mistakes and allow me to reconsider based on the progress of my life and my soul.

Cover me with your white mantle, Oshanlá, grant me a white cloth of my property.

Spirit that only does white things, illuminate my mind, my thoughts, my heart and my spirituality, so that I can achieve the success of my purposes, high as a barn, high as a hill, where you rest immaculate and peaceful.

King who leans on the white metal staff, may your blessing always reach me wherever I am, today and always. Ashe."

Why pray to Obatalá?

Obatalá is an Orisha known for his benevolence, wisdom and humility. These virtues make him one of the most accessible deities willing to provide guidance and protection on the earthly path. By invoking him, we seek his help to face life's challenges with serenity and clarity, trusting in his ability to illuminate our path and protect us.

What is asked of Obatalá through the prayers?

Prayers are a powerful means to communicate with the Orishas and attract their energy. Through them, we can request help in difficult circumstances, praise their virtues or thank them for the blessings received through their intervention. The prayers also serve as a guide to formulate our requests appropriately, aligning them with the attributions and powers of each Orisha. Obatalá can be asked for support in the following aspects:

  • Justice: Obatalá, considered the judge of causes in the Yoruba pantheon, is invoked in cases of injustice, seeking his help to resolve situations equitably.
  • Health: Obatalá intervenes effectively in health problems, offering its healing energy to restore physical well-being.
  • Peace of mind: As a deity with power over thoughts and dreams, he is asked to grant us calm, peace, patience, tranquility and mental health.
  • Fertility and Pregnancy: Women with difficulties conceiving or with problems during pregnancy pray to Obatalá, asking him to participate positively in the gestation and formation of the embryo.
  • Wisdom and Relationships: It is invoked so that its energy emanates in our lives, providing wisdom, stability, good interpersonal relationships, true love and success in negotiations.
  • Protection against Enemies: You are also asked for protection against enemies, especially when you are a victim of witchcraft and sorcery, especially from paleros or mayomberos.

How to pray to Obatala?

Obatalá is one of the "major" deities of the Yoruba pantheon, symbolizing paternity and authority, which gives him a special hierarchy and deep respect. When praying to him, it is crucial to do so with great reverence, love and faith. No matter what prayer is used or what language it is performed in, Obatalá will always understand what is in our hearts and the need that drives our requests. As long as our request is sincere and kind, Obatalá will be willing to listen to us and give us his support.

You can read: Roads of Obatala

Short prayer to Obatala

Short prayer to Obatala

«With the blessing of Olofin, Olorun and Olodumare, and with the blessing of my father Obatalá, whom I invoke today for my help. You, Obatalá, powerful King of Ejigbo, silent in judgment, calm judge, I ask that today you free me from all the osogbos and bring into my life all the irir, so that health, happiness and prosperity may abound in me. "Asé to iba eshu."

Short prayer in Yoruba to Obatala

«Jekua Obatala, Obatala biriniwa, aliwalan Yakuto kabo, kabo oke,
dederé laború, dederé laboshishe, to balorí, meridilogún, jekua Baba ».

Long prayer in Yoruba language to Obatala (Oríkì Obàtálá)

This prayer, known as Oríkì, is a traditional praise that honors Obatalá, highlighting his purity, wisdom and spiritual power. Through these words, devotees express their reverence and deep connection with this Orisha, asking for his guidance and protection in all aspects of life.

«Iba Obatala, Iba Oba Igbo, Iba Oba, N'le ifon, O fi koko ala rumo.

Òrìsà ni ma sin. Òrìsà ni ma sin. Òrìsà ni ma sin.

Obatala or his n'un àlà. Obatala or ji n'un àlà. Obatala or tinu ala dide.

A-di-ni boitti, Mo juba.

Iba Orisala osere igbo, iku ike gold.

Ababa je'gbin, a s'omo nike agbara, a wuwo bi erin, Oba pata - pata ti nba won gb 'ode iranje. Roast ».


I praise Obatalá, I praise the King of the sacred grove, I praise the King of heaven, I salute the owner of the white cloth.

It is the owner of the white light that I serve. It is Orisha that I serve. It is the owner of the white light that I serve.

Obatala sleeps in white. Obatalá wakes up blank. Obatalá is on target.

He is the one who creates according to his will, I give him my respect.

Respect for the Spirit of white light, the messenger who brings goodness to the forest, and his power surpasses death.

Immortal father who eats snails, the son of the oldest, the one who brought the mystery of the mystical vision, chief of all things that exist in the world. Ashe.

You can read: Everything you need to know about the Orisha Obatala

Prayer to Obatala for Love

Prayer to Obatala for love

Obatalá, as a representative of brotherly, family and paternal love, deeply understands the importance and value of love in our lives. If we need help from him in matters related to love, we can use the following prayer to invoke his guidance and blessing.

«Oh, my father Obatalá, King without any stain, with your spotless white fabric.

Father among fathers, guide in the darkness, today I call on you on earth, even knowing that your home is heaven and your glory is hope.

I put my heart, my love and my faith first in you, asking for your charity in what ails and worries me today. I am not afraid, because I know that by leaving my needs in your hands, my concerns will be satisfied and my hopes compensated.

I need peace in my life, beloved father, that which flows from your being and in which I trust, because I must receive your blessing in my life, in my home and in my sentimental world.

You know well what true, pure and sincere love is, and that, my father, is what I ask of you today. At your feet I entrust my prayer, hoping that the infinite patience that characterizes you will cover me, so that I can hope that you bring into my life a love that strengthens me, the appropriate company for a good life and the wisdom necessary to maintain a relationship full of happiness. (make your request).

For those who already have a partner, you can add:

And if the person who accompanies me is the correct one for my evolution, stability and firmness, bless that union, holy father. Take care of me and (name of loved one) night and day. Enlighten us with your white light to enjoy a harmonious relationship, full of communication, understanding and love. May only you be able to act and intervene between us for the good of both. Ashe."

Prayer to Obatalá for Health

Prayer to Obatala for health

Obatalá, the Orisha of purity and mercy, is invoked by his followers when health is in danger. His healing energy is known to bring calm and healing to those who suffer, and this prayer is directed to him to ask for his intervention in the recovery of the sick and the protection of our loved ones.

«Father of mercy, blessed Obatalá, today I implore you. Only you, leader of all goodness, of purity, the one who brings infinite tranquility with the snail. I implore, surrendered at your feet, the healing and health of this being who suffers (name of the sick person). May his illness find a cure, regardless of its nature, whether natural or caused by other means. Bring here the spirituality of healing, and bring to your mind the strength to face the recovery process, which from today on will be much more bearable because it will go through it hand in hand, and you will always be a pious and merciful father.

Father Obatalá, I also ask you for me, for my family, my friends and benefactors, for all those who struggle to get out of bed, for those who suffer from an illness and do not lose hope of healing. Protect us and do not abandon us, I trust in you today and always. Ashe."

Obatalá Prayer for Prosperity

Obatalá, the Orisha of purity and wisdom, is also a guide in the search for prosperity. By invoking him, we ask for his intervention so that our minds remain clear, our decisions are correct, and our efforts are rewarded. This prayer seeks his blessing to achieve success and abundance, both for ourselves and for those who need it most.

«Powerful, well-dressed King, Baba Obatalá, today I greet you and place my prayers at your feet. I am absolutely certain that I came into this world to succeed; Therefore, it is necessary that my mind stay fresh to be able to make the right decisions that will lead me to achieve prosperity.

It is for this reason, eternal father, that today I ask you that, just as you dwell in the brilliance of all the stars that you have created, you dwell in my thoughts, in my actions and in my existence, so that my paths are illuminated, my businesses are accepted, my goods purchased, my investments multiplied, and my work and effort well remunerated (make your request).

May your intervention never fail me, just as bread never fails on my table. I also ask you for those who suffer and lack, that they find your hand in their path through the miracles that you work, that they satisfy their hunger and prosper in their lives.

I remain in peace and rest because I am sure that my prayer has been heard and will soon materialize. May your blessing always keep me. "Asé to iba eshu."

You can read: Prayers to Oshun for love, money, prosperity and more

Prayer to Obatalá to Open the Paths

Obatalá, knows all the passages of existence and deeply understands both the earthly and spiritual planes. When the paths of life become dark and closed, it is to him that we turn to ask for his intervention, so that with his white light he may illuminate our path and dispel the obstacles that prevent us from moving forward.

«Old father, old king Obatala, you who know all the history of the world. You were a witness and a participant in his creation. You know all the passages, all the virtues and all the defects that are found in the beings that inhabit this earthly plane and those that inhabit the spiritual plane.

You, King of the white mantle, whose purity is such that no Deity can influence your great wisdom at the command of God, know even our deepest thoughts, and embrace us all with patience and love.

Today I pray for your company along the paths of life that, for the moment, have darkened and are closed. These roads do not belong to me today. That is why I implore your intervention so that, with your white ray, you illuminate my steps and destroy every setback, natural or sent disorder, and everything that I cannot free myself from. Save me from the despair caused by uncertainty. Take me along paths where I can find my evolution and prosperity (make your request). I ask for your blessing and honor you, Orisha of the white beard, I trust in you today and always. Ashe."

Prayer to Ask for Health and Protection

Obatalá, the king who shines above all that exists, is invoked by his followers to ask for health and protection. His white cloak is a symbol of purity and peace, and with this prayer, we seek his shelter to keep us in good physical and spiritual condition, guiding us through the trials of life with serenity and strength.

«Father Obatalá, king who shines above all that exists, I come before you to implore your help, your guidance and protection. Just as your mantle has covered you for incalculable times, it covers my body so that health reaches me and, when it arrives, is maintained, renewing my strength to continue until I reach my goals. Cover my existence with tranquility, even in moments of difficulty, may your calm always keep me safe so I can understand the reason for so many things, accept, let go and overcome. You are my light, you are my peace, your blessing always accompanies me. Ashe."

Prayer of the sons of Obatala

Prayer of the Children of Obatalá

Obatalá is revered by his children as a father figure of purity, guidance and protection. This prayer is a recognition and gratitude to the constant presence of Obatalá in the lives of his devotees, who trust in his light and blessing to fulfill his purpose on earth.

«The Great Orisha is my father,
The king is great, that is Obatalá.
I am the son of the King of purity, his blessing is with me,
I am the son of the lord of the white garments, his light never forsakes me,
I am the son of the lord of visions, he always keeps my mind fresh.

To you, great Orisha, today and every day I pay homage, I thank you for your guidance and I accept your company.
I have come to the world to fulfill what was agreed upon in heaven,
and you will be my companion until the end of my days.
Give me your blessing, I will venerate you forever. Ashe."

Learn more about Obatala

More Prayers:

4 comments on “Prayers to Obatala for health, prosperity, love and more”

  1. I came through this article while searching through the Internet to know about obatala and how to stay in worship. This has helped me and my kids in a great way. We do not know how to pray before but now with the steps taking from here, we are able to understand who is orisa nla and how we can seek for help and learn to worship. Thank you so much.

  2. I am the son of Obatala the father, I give thanks for knowing you and obtaining knowledge from my father, be my guide and strength, my life is placed in you to be your faithful and discreet son.

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