Blog About Yoruba Religion (Santeria) Find all the necessary information about the Santeria or Yoruba Religion. Paths of Oggun 10 things you should know about the children of Orisha oko Yemaya's children Yemaya Roads Virgin of Charity of Copper St. Francis of Assisi Jose Gregorio Hernandez Letter of the Year Venezuela 2023 (CONIFAO) year letter 2023 Odu Bawá or letter of the year for Venezuela 2023 (ANSI) Elegua is bad? eshu is not satan Saint Rita of Cassia Shell: What is it? Uses, benefits and Works Works (Ebbo) with Eggun Works (Ebbo) with Oya to beat enemies, money and love Ebbo with Inle for Health, money, bathroom, adimu and more < 1 2 3 4 5 >